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    I had what I would say was a very typical N.D.E...over 20 yrs. ago.It changed almost everything about me...Most importantly it lead directly to my first long term soberiety(that lasted 17 yrs.) I guess you could say that it shook me sober.My husband experience something very similiar,as a child,while drowning in a lake.Today as I sit here (sober) I am doing a sort of life review.Looking back at the most important events of my life.This has prompted me to look futurer into N.D.Es.We will be studying with Hamish Miller over the summer.He is a great Internationally known Lecturer,Rescreacher,Author from New Zealand and now living in the UK.Some of you have asked me about him so I am attaching a U tube about his N.D.E [ame= ]YouTube - Hamish Miller - Near Death Experience[/ame] I would love to hear from any of you that have experienced anything like this and how it impacted your life....Evie
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


    I am so fascinated by this. I don't think I have ever experienced it myself (and if I did, I probably wouldn't remember!). I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      A relative of mine died several times and was revived but said she never experienced anything...

      I still believe though ...
      ?We are one another's angels?
      Sober since 29/04/2007



        I studied with Dr.Raymond Moody several years ago(a very boring teacher,but good author).He wrote several books on N.D.E...Life after Life was the first one,released in 1975.One of his more recent books is called Reuions...In that, he teaches you how to self induce experiences similar to N.D.E with mirror gazing.I tried it and it worked...There is info on the web or you can Pm me if you are interested....Evie
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



          I had one about twenty years ago. I had minor surgery and all of a sudden my heart stopped. To me, one minute I was conscious and the next minute, everything went black. I only knew that my heart stopped because all in an instant, I was watching from above. I became aware that I was up in the corner of the Operating room watching it happen. I saw my legs cramp up like I was in a seizure and then go limp. The doctor had already left the room. The nurse turned around and looked at a monitor and then started screaming for the doctor to come back. She moved towards the door and gave this blood curdling scream. I was almost amused by her panic because I remember thinking, "hey, it's no big deal." Back then, I had never read about a near-death experience so I did not know that it is quite common that people experience themselves in a corner looking down and that they experience a "tunnel effect."

          Once I realized what was happening to me down there, I realized that I was in big trouble and I had a choice to make and I had better make it real fast. I could either go back down into my body or stay removed and see what happened next. I decided to return to my body. That decision triggered a wierd sensation, that of being sucked into a tunnel. Imagine that you are sucked into the hose of a vaccuum---that's what it felt liIke, although I felt as if I was particles of light, like a fourth of July sparkler. and the particles were coalesced together and drawn downwards like atoms drawn into a black hole. The next thing I knew, the doctor was standing over me and they were initiating a code blue.

          Here's the wierd part. The room was divided by one of those surgical curtains. After I was able to move, I asked to be taken to the other side of the curtain. I was in a wheel chair at this point because they didn't trust me to walk. On the other side of the curtain, there was a long counter top covered with towels and on those towels was an array of surgical instruments. This was exactly what I had seen while I was up in the corner of the room. In particular, there was a set of forceps that I had remember seeing from above. You might have guessed certain instruments to be in an operating room---scapels, surgical thread, scissors---but forceps are somewhat unusual. I'm a scientist by training. I had to see this tangible proof in order to believe that what I had just experienced was real and not some vivid dream or hallucination. The experience did change my outlook. I went from questionning whether there is an afterlife to being quite certain that one exists. Unfortunately, the transformation that occurred inside of me was not enough to put me on the path of sobriety although back then, my AL consumption wasn't the problem that it is today.




            No NDE here, but have read Moody and others work. One author, whose name excapes me, is a peidatrician who recorded the experiences of children (extremely young) who had NDE's. Very interesting in that they could not yet have been influenced by anything they had read or been told. The details were right-on. Some so young they conveyed their experience with pictures. I will try to find the name of the author or book. I lost over 1,100 books in the fire. Really miss being able to go right to what I am looking for.

            Enjoy your studies.

            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



              No NDE experiences for me but it is very intriguing to me...I will pick up some of the books by those mentioned.....has anyone heard of Suzane Northrop???? She is AMAZING in person at a seminar and extremely interesting to listen to on radio....



                NTC,,,thanks for responding.I to saw places in the hospital while out of body and heard a nurse talking about a new day care that her daughter was attending.I asked her about this and she said that every detail I heard was right.It takes away any fear of death that I may of had......BestFields...I read a book and saw a show about young peoples N.D.Es.....How can anyone doubt them???? Petpeeve...Have not Heard of Suzane Northrop but would love to know more....Hamish Miller is a key speaker at the Glastonbury Symposium in JULY...I cant wait...Visiting Crop Circles...N.D.Es...Stonehenge...Avebury...To great to Believe!!!!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                  This whole thing is pretty amazing and does give you a little comfort......Evie, check out Suzanne at comes to CT for seminars about 2x a year, i've only been once but plan on going the next time......I did have an amazing experience the time i did go though, she tries to relax everyone (prob over 200 people in the room) music, meditation, etc....i honestly couldn't get into it so i "cheated" and opened my eyes....i was in the last row......all around all the people in the room and particularly Suzane was this illuminating light, it was almost like she was the Virgin Mary emenating all this electricity over everyone, the room was so bright, but it was like it was coming from everyone's bodies and did not go too far away, i.e. light up the was quite an amazing feeling.


                    NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?? ANYONE ELSE???

                    No NDE here either, but I have felt near death before and even prayed for it I was so freaking sick.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?? ANYONE ELSE???

                      I completely understand Brittz,I wished for death many times because I could not stand the pain of being a drunk...Having seen how peaceful the other side is,it would have been so welcome relief. Petpeeve my dear,do you realize that you where seeing the Auraic feild when you opened your eyes??? Did you read Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield??? Its an oldie but a goody and gives good advise about Auraic vision
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?? ANYONE ELSE???

                        Evie, yes, i was trying to think of the right word......auraic. Yes, I have read the Celestine Prophecy and the other 2 books in the same line, that was years ago, i keep looking at them on my shelf and feel the need to read them again, perfect time to do that now with the nice weather, take a book and a chair and read at the dam.....good books by Suzane Nortrop - Everything Happens for a Reason and 2nd Chance - Healing Messages from the Afterlife.....


                          NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?? ANYONE ELSE???

                          Oh, one thing i forgot, Suzane was emitting the most energy but she also appeared to have a Halo above her head.


                            NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?? ANYONE ELSE???

                            Just like Saints and others of high mindedness....LOL..Evie
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?? ANYONE ELSE???

                              Thier have been quite a few reports about near death exp....I have been reading up on it way back in the 1970's. A Dr. Rawlings was a pioneer on the subject. He's a cardiaoligist ( MD ) and had written down a lot of what his N.D.E. patients had told him right after thier ordeal ! That was important, becuase we tend to forget things later ...IAD !
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

