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CaptnJack Needs Support

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    CaptnJack Needs Support

    hey capt - not had any direct contact with you but know the people i love and trust here on MWO love and trust you and think the world of sending you a HUGE big southern hemishere hug and heaps (x 10 000 000 ) of love. x x x x x x x x x x x x


      CaptnJack Needs Support

      So sorry, Capt.


        CaptnJack Needs Support

        CaptnJack, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.


          CaptnJack Needs Support

          I'm so sorry Captn..please know my heart goes out to you and your family.


            CaptnJack Needs Support

            Sweet capt,
            So sorry for your loss...I hope you are faring well and I will say a special prayer for you tom. as here in the states we will be celebrating Father's Day.


              CaptnJack Needs Support

              I am sorry.


                CaptnJack Needs Support

                C.Jack ~ I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. Very big hugs to you. Please know how much you are loved here.
                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                (from the Movie "Once")


                  CaptnJack Needs Support

                  Dear Capt,
                  Im so sorry to hear the loss of your father, My thoughs are with you at this sad time!

                  Take lots of Care.x:l
                  family is everything to me


                    CaptnJack Needs Support

                    CaptnJack I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. You will be in my thoughts.


                      CaptnJack Needs Support

                      Thank you for all your kind wishes you lot are truly the kindness that the world needs. Da was a fireman for 30 years and not a religious man. mum was the catholic. any way he has saved his fair share of lives and is my greatest hero. I reckon his got good karma to go with him and he is in a good place. he was responsible for my love of the sea. seems ill have to dust Auden off again. for me da

                      W. H. Auden

                      Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
                      Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
                      Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
                      Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

                      Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
                      Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
                      Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
                      Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

                      He was my North, my South, my East and West,
                      My working week and my Sunday rest,
                      My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
                      I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

                      The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
                      Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
                      Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
                      For nothing now can ever come to any good.


                        CaptnJack Needs Support

                        Sunday 15th June 2008

                        Captain Jack

                        I heard, sadly, that your Father had moved to another plane and space.

                        Sad, that it may be a while before you see him again. It must be nice for him to not be suffering anymore, although I know you are today.

                        You will miss him as I miss mine. Grieve, cry, and add to the tears already shed, because he was a wonderful Father & Grandfather.

                        One day you?ll meet again ? perhaps just around the next headland in a quiet sunlit cove.

                        Meanwhile, when you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....thrown away. ... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.



                        Hard but true. We?re 15 days into our voyage, so with your permission I?ll take the helm ?till your ready for the Jolly to bring you alongside. The swabs and I are rooting for you and yours through this unsettled weather you?re having.
                        Keep a sharp watch and your powder dry; in case that bastard tries to get the drop on you.
                        We?ll watch your back.


                          CaptnJack Needs Support

                          Bash thanks sitting around on my mums comp with phones ringing. Every one here i dont know dont feel anything anymore. hey take the helm for the June thing no better person to do it bring these souls back to the day when alcohol was a horrible tasting poision that makes you sick Im sure we all remember. thanks bash the ship is yours fair seas to ya
                          love Cap


                            CaptnJack Needs Support

                            Thinking of you.


                              CaptnJack Needs Support

                              Captnjack;347420 wrote: Bash thanks sitting around on my mums comp with phones ringing. Every one here i dont know dont feel anything anymore. hey take the helm for the June thing no better person to do it bring these souls back to the day when alcohol was a horrible tasting poision that makes you sick Im sure we all remember. thanks bash the ship is yours fair seas to ya
                              love Cap

                              Aye,Aye Cap.

                              If it makes you feel good to be here, we are here.
                              We all need a bolt hole at times like these. Take care of the little lassie - she'll be confused and hurting inside just like you. And of course your Mum & Grandma. Forgive me if I am unaware of either's Earthly presence.
                              Take your time my friend because that's what it takes.

                              Got the crew on the windlasses making ready to jibe to this waypoint. Shouldn't need to tack too much. Using the garterbelt that Luk left behind in the rush, as a temporary autopilot.
                              If Al shows up, as he invariably does on these occassions, just send up a red one and we'll be at your side in a flash to clap him in irons and throw him in the brig where he belongs. You've got your gun. Shoot him in the arse until we get there.

                              Fair thee well

                              Bash :armsaround:


                                CaptnJack Needs Support

                                Thanks mate you make me feel better keep that course due west i beleive only the rising souls rise up in the west thanks bash

