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I am back from Lenair!

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    I am back from Lenair!

    Lori, I have just read your post. Congratulations. You sound so wonderful......content.
    Really happy for you.

    Sober since 30/06/10


      I am back from Lenair!

      You sound great Lori! good for you!


        I am back from Lenair!

        You can't ignore all the success stories. So glad to read you were another one! I don't understand it completely but, I guess we don't need to...just have faith that it does work!
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          I am back from Lenair!

          Lori, can you tell us some more about your experience?? I would love to hear........and I might want to go!
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            I am back from Lenair!

            I'm so happy for you, Lori. I was skeptical about Lenair at first, but with all the success stories I've been hearing, it sounds like a great experience on so many levels. Here's to the beginning of your new life.

            Your heart will tell you what to do regarding dealing with hubby's drinking.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              I am back from Lenair!

              Wonderful Lori, ... what a fantastic experience. Soon there will be 2 more who can tell us about their visits with Lenair. Yes, we want to soak up everything and anything you can tell us. I've been reading eve their entire website. Could this be the "magic" cure?? Hey, Noelle, let's go!! xxxx g.


                I am back from Lenair!

                ah honey i was there with you every step of the way. i was just bursting to come on here tonight and see what you had to post. i know it will be that awe like experience this next month and then continuing. i am just so proud of you for taking your life back my lovely. so so so very proud of you. you get to have the you of you now.
                it is going on 6 months for me in the next few weeks and oddly i observed myself for the first time thinking about alcohol. i had a client ship me a case of it and here i was all week alone with a case of my favorite wine. surely that would do it right? well, i gave a few bottles away and as i made dinner for friends watched them drink it. and i didn't want it. it was like watching someone in a movie. and i had this little voice saying you know you could drink even though you don't want it and don't have a craving for it. but remember all those years you tuned out? and i thought oh yeah i don't tune out anymore. i kinda miss tuning out but i thought hummm tuning out brings with it great misery and i dont want great misery. so there sits the wine and me not thinking anything else about it. in fact, this last time of seeing rhonda and that nite of thinking seriously about drinking the next day i no longer craved sugar anymore. hummm odd odd. i've been craving sugar like crazy since i went to rhonda and the alcohol was gone. so there goes sugar cravings too. bye bye. something snapped in that. so, here i sit with no tune out available and so the next day i talked to a friend i hadn't talked to for sometime on the phone and he said hey you still drinking and i said no i'm afraid i'm too allergic to that stuff. he said yeah i miss those every 6 month drunk call in the middle of hte nite. talk about embarrassing. then i thought god, they really do know. i said yep i was drinking and i couldn't handle it so i stopped. he said yeah that's good. and then another friend was pressuring me to drink shortly after that and another friend stepped in and said you know she doesn't drink anymore and now, you know neither do i. that was funny because i didn't expect it and he really never drank anyway hardly ever. but now i'm the next cool thing in health because i don't drink. lol. and i said to someone in that conversation, listen i could have alcohol but you don't want to see it, it's not pretty. so we had better keep me on tea. and it was no big deal. everyone at the party went back to their drinks and my friends that think it's so cool now not to drink started creating these non al drinks the rest of the party. so my long winded point is.
                i'm so happy for you lori. so so happy. and i'm really happy i thought through this urge to get numb and then didn't use alcohol to do that. and i'm happy that i've told people i don't drink and they get it. i'm also happy that i get to see just how many people who never talked about it absolutely knew something was up. and i can see over the years how many relationships or whatever went by the wayside or worse because of my drinking. i'd be absolutely lieing to say that drinking only affects me and lieing even more to say that it didn't affect me, my family, my relationships and my work. because it affected how i saw things and how i behaved. and i behaved badly at times and it showed like it or not. i wonder just how many people out there still think i'm still practicing that. lol. because since i've been sober i rarely speak to people. enjoying my quiet time.
                and so for those that think this can't happen for you, it can and it will happen in the way that it is supposed to just for you. and i am so happy to be doing this next round of supplements and nutrition from rhonda that has taken away these sugar cravings. god oh god that and alcohol.phew... so my girlie lori... love you very much


                  I am back from Lenair!

                  Hello all,
                  Thank you all for your heartfelt welcome home posts. It is going great and I was able to pass a few unpleasant mile stones which "in the olden days" would surely have had me grab for a bottle.

                  Just minutes after my last post we were hit by a freak storm which utterly destroyed one of my beloved maple trees. In the process of laying down to die, my tree clung to a fat Bell cable which held, but my high speed cable was ripped right off the house. Hence my silence. They were so busy with all the repairs, I only just got back online.

                  Then we found out that we are going to loose an important tenant ($), not good, but I am taking it all in stride.

                  On a positive note: I have managed to make it through my first garden party, where liquor flowed freely. I was perfectly content with my lemonized Perrier and never even missed drinking for one second.

                  And let me all tell you about my new sleep pattern! After going about my business all day with this amazing level of energy, I hit the pillow at night and I am gone. I'm not just gone; no, I fall into this deep well and don't come up until it is morning. There is no more tossing and turning and no more gnashing my teeth because I am tossing and turning. By 6:30 I am ready to rip and tear and it is so natural.

                  Ahhhhhhhhh, "It's a great life" said the cat and rolled over..........LOL.

                  Last but not least I think I dropped about 3 pounds, (I know....I's just water).

                  Be well, Lori
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    I am back from Lenair!

                    Lori, thats soooo awesome, all of it! I'm so happy for you, and can't wait for my experience this Fall with Lenair...they are supposed to come to Houston, Texas, and I'm going! Freedom from the Beast is such an incredible thing! I'm starting on Anabuse tonight, just because, I've mod'ed really well lately, and gotten a taste of the sleeping, waking with energy, and getting tons done, and I've lost about 3lbs too, don't care what it is, its want to go AF, and this will take the battle out of my own hands...until I can go to Rhonda's anyway....I'm looking forward to doing at least 30 dys AF, haven't done that in years, so I've got my goal set, and I'm praying to stick to it! Love to all.....
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                      I am back from Lenair!

                      I did not know that you are going too. I am so rooting for you.
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        I am back from Lenair!

                        Good morning,
                        I just thought I share that it has been 20 incredibly carefree days of AF for me. I feel so light. My blood pressure is down, I have lost 5 lb (2.3 kg),
                        my blood sugar is almost normal. My days are twice as long now without the daily hangover. I get stuff done but I don't feel the pressing urge to be very ambitious. I am too busy living and enjoying my surroundings. Even though I still look at the liquor cabinet, it is now just a piece of furniture and the content is totally irrelevant, which is nothing short of a miracle. Everyday I am counting my blessings and other peoples "normal" state of being has become my overwhelming state of euphoria.

                        My husband still drinks but he respectfully does it out of my sight and he has cut waaaaaaaaaay down. Just yesterday he congratulated me on how
                        well I am doing. (Who would a thunk?)
                        Be well.
                        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                          I am back from Lenair!

                          Good morning Lori and all,

                          Great news about your health results!!! Just wondering... It will be interesting to see what your Dr. has to say about the difference in your numbers. Hard to ignore, right? Being the gracious lady, that you are, I'm sure you will not rub it in! LOL! The first question out of my Dr's mouth when I went to see him recently for poison ivy, was how my results have been since I saw the "Intuitive Healer". He was over the moon for me! I told him that if he has any other patients who are struggling and really want to quit, that I would be happy to share the information. His response was, "That's the problem, most of them really don't want to quit!" So, when his patients are ready, he is aware that there is a wonderful alternative!

                          Hugs, Best
                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                            I am back from Lenair!

                            I'm sooo gosh darn happy for you in your new found freedom !!! All the best and a big CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              I am back from Lenair!

                              Best, for personal reasons I was not able to share with my Dr. that I was going to Lenair. Knowing him he would not have approved. I don't care what he thinks about my results.
                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

