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    Greeneyes, so glad you are getting into Lenair and looking forward to chatting with your happy self.
    be good to yourself and good things will come. they really will.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      sad news

      Wishing you all the best. Please put all of this aside and focus on you and healing.


        sad news

        Greenie, I am so glad you are not changing your plans to go to Lenair. Your hubby should look at this as you trying to get well - and shouldn't that be what he wants? Remember that this is YOU time, and concentrate on your own healing. The rest will work itself out as it should. :l
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          sad news

          Hey Greenie,

          Read Lorisunshines post.... perhaps he senses you are about to "leave the table", and in true cowardly fashion, he would prefer to leave the table first?

          "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


            sad news

            Oh Green-

            don't even think about what is going on at home right now...focus on you and getting well...The rest will all come later, it will. I am sorry you are going with such s##t, but most importantly, you are going. Focus on that. I promise, if you get healthy the rest WILL work out. It will.

            Thinking of you. You have so many arms around you.

            With Love,

            formerly known as bak310


              sad news

              Lets all put on our big girl pants for Green! Oh my the biggest big girl pants I have are too tight. lol
              Take care of you first and the rest will follow.



                sad news

                Hey Greenie
                I think Beatle hit the nail on the head regarding your hubby!
                Take care of yourself that is first and foremost then you
                will have the strength to deal with the rest. Go well and
                look forward to the peace and healing.
                Hugs Pan


                  sad news


                  I'm very sorry to hear this was dumped on you right before leaving. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise...if he was destined to make this particular decision...maybe knowing it now will allow you to deal with it head on as you heal yourself in so many other ways??? I hope that's a possible bright side anyway.

                  Don't let him mentally bully you about financial matters. A judge will decide - it will not be his choice to decide what he wants to keep and what he wants you to have / not have. Work on healing yourself - and then you will be better able to deal with the other stuff.

                  I hope you had a good visit with your Dad. Safe travels Greenie!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    sad news

                    Greenie - I'm sorry you're going through this; him shouting is not helping matters. Leave and go somewhere where you can breathe, and without being shouted at. Seperations are hard, and with you going to Lenair you don't need that as well. Be strong honey.. we love you.


                      sad news

                      Greenie! You are doing the right thing! Darn it!!! Wish I could give you a big hug! Here's a cyber version. :l As Tim Russert would say, "Go get em, kid!" You will be sooooooo much better equipped to face your life in a calm and balanced way, when you return. Today truely is the first day of the rest of your life! :h
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        sad news

                        Oh, Greenie, I agree with everyone here. You must do this for yourself. You will see everything so much more clearly after seeing Rhonda. You will be healthy and able to handle everything else that comes your way.

                        Have a great trip, relax and enjoy the process!
                        XXX Kate
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          sad news

                          Greeneyes, all I can say is sh*t still gets dumped on you when you are trying to sort yourself out, but if you deal with it with integrity and dignity, you will come out of the other side feeling UNBELIEVABLY stronger.

                          Personally, last week I had something really horrible dumped on me, which has ruined a big part of my dreams for the future. BUT while I would've drank on that before, I have just said to myself, NO MATTER WHAT happens, or how I feel, I will do the right thing. Tomorrow morning, you can wake up guilt-free. It may still not feel good by then, but you can be the bigger, stronger person and be sober enough to make big and strong decisions.

                          And after that, although it will be painful, the pain will get less and less and you will become bigger and bigger in spirit. You will make yourself truly proud of how you have handled things. That is some sh*t hot feeling, especially if you've never done that before.

                          The only issue then is how to deal with the immediate pain. Everyone has different ways of doing that, and really it's just a case of passing the time until the worst of it goes. You are free to choose your own way of doing that, any way in the world you like except getting trashed.

                          Good luck, I do feel for you. Take this 'bad news' and turn it around, make it into an opportunity to prove your strength. Have courage.
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