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A success story...

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    A success story...

    I am not sure how many will remeber this, but about a year ago I posted a thread in regards to my cousin. He is an alcoholic and really hit bottom. I was scared to death thinking he was going to kill himself. He was drinking sun up til sun down....hard liquor and would hide out in the barn at his Mom's place. He had no job, no car, no life! He literally stayed drunk for 8 months straight. He started having seizures. he weighed about 100 pounds....he never ate anything. He had been in and out of rehab several times....he always left or got kicked out. FINALLY, his counselor told my aunt if she did not stop enabling him, he would die. SO, she kicked him the street. He was literally homeless. He stayed in a couple of shelters. Got kicked out of them too for drinking. He finally woke-up. He checked himself in to rehab and stayed there. He is 8 months sober now. I am so proud of him. He had lost everything. His dignity, his children, his whole family. He stayed in rehab for 6 months. He has a good job again and moved out on his own again. He and I have been talking almost daily. We have cried together, laughed, told old "drunken war" stories. I am just so proud of him. A lot of damage has been done to his poor body due to alcohol. His short term memory is shot. He is starting to gain some weight finally. I just wanted to matter how bad off you can come back from it.
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

    A success story...

    thanks for sharing this,, it just shows it can be done
    there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


      A success story...

      What an inspiring story. It sounds like he has a 'fighting spirit' deep down within him. He sounds like he is truly on his way to a better life.


        A success story...

        That is very rewarding to hear; you must be so happy.. it's good you have eachother.


          A success story...

          brittzak that is a hard path he has been on - i hope he goes from strength to strength
          send him love from me and love to you


            A success story...

            Brit, this is truly good news. I hope that your cousin continues to progress, gain back his health and move on to a solid future.
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              A success story...

              Thanks all, he is slowly regaining his health. He says he eats like a pig.......he is eating like 6 FULL meals a day. He is just starving. I told him his poor little body is processing all the good he is now filling it with. I honestly cry thinking how much better he looked when I saw him last. the time before that I cried thinking his funeral was the next one I would attend. I called him in a panic this weekend about Lenair.....he reassured me all would be fine and said "lets tell each other old drunk stories", we got to telling each other our crazy crap...laughing, crying! I felt much better knowing this is all good!!!!!!
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                A success story...

                Thanks so much Brittz....I really needed to hear that today.I am dealing with having my baby brother(45 yrs. old,some baby)staying with me and he is so pityful that I am on the brink of giving up on him.If he drinks while he is here I hope that I am tuff enough to throw him out.Your story was perfect timing for me.Could be that our Mom put you up to this?Maybe it is not too late for him,maybe seeing me will spark something in him to want to get help.....MAYBE...JUST MAYBE...Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  A success story...

                  Had my aunt continued enabling him, he would be dead today. The amount of alcohol he was consuming was beyond any I have ever seen. I see and read a lot of stories....drank 1-2 bottles a night of wine, feel icky, that is serious too, but he was drinking whiskey and vodka....HUGE bottles everday. He was so ill he was seizing non-stop. He stoppped eating, etc... You arent gving up on your brother, you would be giving him life! It is his choice to take it.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    A success story...

                    Brit, congratulations are due to your cousin! Great Job - really trully happy for both of you. Sure is a huge achievement! Thanks for sharing.

