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    Hi there....I just posted my first thread last night and I guess I'm in the 'newbie' do I get (or transfer) my posts from there to this discussion group? I need as much support as I can get these first few days (and am happy to offer as much help as I can to others). Thank you and I greatly look forward to meeting you all.


    hi Renewal! big welcome to you. Not sure how to transfer the other post...I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep us up to speed on how you are and if you have any questions.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)



      Glad you checked in renewal, we are a good bunch. You will finds lots of help here and all I can say is use it.

      Queen Sam I am,

      Also known as Sammys



        Hello Renewal!
        Are you the Gentleman who posted last night?? Are you home from work already? Welcome to MWO!!! I read your post this morning, but was at work, and am rather pressed for time while there, so just quickly take peeks and run back to my lab!!! It looks like you got a few response on the Just Starting Out thread you started too, so you see? Lots of support!! Did you download the book?? Do you have some tools to help yourself to reach your goals? Do you have some clear goals set for yourself?? I too was a "night time drinker". Usually start about 10:30-11:00pm. Always have been that way, as there is way too much to do in the evenings, and I wouldn't start drinking that wine until everything was done, and wouldn't stop until the litre (more or less) was done and I could pass out, every night - thus I have always been in a state of sleep deprivation, and since going Al Free, seem to be sooo sleepy, like I am trying to catch up on years of going without sleep! But really, I have been making promises to myself to get this under control for so long, and I swear, this site is the first time I've ever been able to actually do anything about it. Had about 20 days AF in May, and now I am doing an AF June and am happy to say I am on day 16 AF today!!! And feel pretty darn good too!!!! So you have definitely come to the right place. Keep on posting. Ask for help and advise and you will get it!!!
        Best to you!!!!
        xoxox Peanut



          Welcome. I wouldn't worry about moving the threads. Just starting is a good place to connect with others just starting as well as get support from others here longer. My advice for the best general support, is to join one of several support threads where you post daily. And read the tons of info here!



            Hi Renewal (waving) glad to see you are on again. You will get so much knowledge from reading the
            posts and great advice from people who have been exactly where you are now. Keep posting.




              welcome!!!!!! you found a good place to begin your af life......
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                :colorwelcome: Renewal! (I like that screen name) Just wanted to join in with the greeting committee. This is a GREAT place to get sober!!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

