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A little click to help our pets...

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    A little click to help our pets...

    Hello everyone

    I know there are so many dog and cat lovers here, so I thought I'd ask a favour. There's a web site call "" that is campaigning to stop the killing of 60,000 dogs and cats in pounds (in New South Wales alone) . There was a segment on a TV show here on Sunday regarding this and the show's website has a vote asking if pet shops should be banned from selling cat and dogs (here's the link

    I would be really grateful if you could take a minute to vote Yes (of course!! ) on this. You can also watch the report on the same site (haven't seen it yet, so can't comment)

    Thank you very much everyone!!!

    A little click to help our pets...

    Blondie I voted. I love fur-babies..



      A little click to help our pets...

      I voted yes. The puppy mills supplying pet stores are the most horrifying breeding programs ever. At least that's true in the US - and I suspect other countries as well.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        A little click to help our pets...

        I'm there!!!

        I have 3 pound/other adopted kitties and a miniature Schnauzer (someone bought at a pet store and didn't want anymore who is clearly the result of inbreeding, being obscenely cute but having no brain), a Greyhound who is perfect in every way but who was raced and abused the first 4 years of her life, and a 100% wtf??? (see avatar) who is the smartest dog in the world who could have died in the pound, and it would have been a huge, world-class tragedy.


          A little click to help our pets...

          Dear Blonde,I was a groomer in my younger days and was applauled by puppy mill puppies that they sell in pet shops.There are great well bred puppies being killed everyday because of not enough homes.I will pass the site to friends and see if we can get many more replies on our side.Thanks for the info...Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            A little click to help our pets...

            Everyone I know who has bought a "pure bred" dog (and paid an exhorbitant amount) has gotten a dud-- either the dogs are, how shall we say this, numbskulls?, or have physical problems. All the dogs I have ever had, or my family has ever had, all mutts of unknown origin, came from the pound or even just from the street, and all have been intelligent, healthy, happy dogs. Go figure.

            p.s. Larisa, your super-mutt looks a lot like one of ours. You can just see the intelligence in those eyes.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              A little click to help our pets...

              beatle;348585 wrote: Everyone I know who has bought a "pure bred" dog (and paid an exhorbitant amount) has gotten a dud-- either the dogs are, how shall we say this, numbskulls?, or have physical problems. All the dogs I have ever had, or my family has ever had, all mutts of unknown origin, came from the pound or even just from the street, and all have been intelligent, healthy, happy dogs. Go figure.

              p.s. Larisa, your super-mutt looks a lot like one of ours. You can just see the intelligence in those eyes.
              There are a lot of very irresponsible breeders of "pure bred dogs" which is why especially some popularized breeds end up with genetic issues. However, it is important IMO to recognize that there are good, responsible breeders as well. I don't think it's fair to paint all breeders of pure bred dogs with the ugly brush.

              Another important characteristic of a responsible breeder, IMO, is how they approach screening prospective homes for their pups (regardless of what the price is for the pups), and what their policies and practices are for taking responsibility for that breeding through the puppies life. i.e., responsible breeders that I would buy from ALL have a policy (in writing) requiring that permission is required before that dog can be sold or given to someone else, or a shelter. Of course it's hard to monitor that 100%, but it is something that is reviewed VERY seriously with prospective buyers by the good breeders I know.

              Just a couple more cents..

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                A little click to help our pets...

                Don't think the bill will matter

                I agree that this bill sounds like it won't help the pet overpopulation problem. This will only push puppy mill breeders to the internet and newspapers - IT WILL NOT STOP THEM FROM BREEDING MORE PUPPIES!! Mandatory spaying and neutering before puppies and kittens are given to a new owner is the way to get this problem under control. Take the money spent paying for euthanasias and hire animal control officers to police areas checking that pets are fixed and that no unregulated backyard breeding is happening. If a pregnant animal or litter is found on 'civilian' (non licensed, heavily regulated in puppy per year numbers breeder) property, the people should be given a stiff fine and the litter and mother taken and de-sexed before returning them to the owner. You could go farther and say that this owner should then be responsible to show the courts legal contracts gauranteeing that the pups found good homes and the puppies should be microchipped as to who the first owner who allowed the puppy to be illegally born. If this puppy is ever found in a shelter the original owner should be fined again and made responsible for the now adult dog.

                If people were held to this type of responsibility and saw what could happen to them if they didn't we wouldn't see the out of control dog and cat population like we do now.

                Now I am sorry for this last comment.... this is going to make some of you mad many of you buy any sort of edible or wearable animal product in the store? Those animals are factory farmed too....why are cattle, pigs, sheep and goats not as special as the dogs and cats? We are all living beings on the same earth correct? It makes me so mad that because we bring a dog or cat into our house they are different than the 100's of 1000's of cattle crowded in the hot sun at the feedlot all day long, growing too fast for their body and given antibiotics in their feed everyday to do so. All so people can have a fatty steak for dinner.

                Thanks - off the soapbox for now.



                  A little click to help our pets...

                  I should say, before i get a lot of angry mail, that i am not against eating and using animals for products, if that is what you want to do, i just think there could be a better, more humane way to do it than the huge feedlots and factory farms. Yes, it would cost the consumer more but I think it would be worth it in terms of animal welfare.


                    A little click to help our pets...

                    Doggygirl;348599 wrote: However, it is important IMO to recognize that there are good, responsible breeders as well. I don't think it's fair to paint all breeders of pure bred dogs with the ugly brush.DG
                    Of course you are right DG! I'm sorry to have made the ultimate "racist" mistake-- to characterize all members of a group on the basis of observations on some members of the group. Big apologies (with tail between legs).
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      A little click to help our pets...

                      dove;348725 wrote: Now I am sorry for this last comment.... this is going to make some of you mad many of you buy any sort of edible or wearable animal product in the store? Those animals are factory farmed too....why are cattle, pigs, sheep and goats not as special as the dogs and cats? We are all living beings on the same earth correct? It makes me so mad that because we bring a dog or cat into our house they are different than the 100's of 1000's of cattle crowded in the hot sun at the feedlot all day long, growing too fast for their body and given antibiotics in their feed everyday to do so. All so people can have a fatty steak for dinner. Dove
                      So true. If I had allowed myself to get onto the same soap box, believe me, it would not be put so diplomatically as you managed, Dove.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        A little click to help our pets...

                        Blondie, I'm there ! IAD!
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          A little click to help our pets...

                          Beatle, you clearly have a VERY discerning eye!! Thanks for your nice comment.

                          I love them all - fancy, disreputable, you name it. They're all sweet babies to me.

                          And Beatle and Dove, I agree. That's the one subject that I am incapable of being diplomatic about. So I eat my veggies and don't talk about it.

