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My Deepest Thanks to All

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    My Deepest Thanks to All

    Dear MWO family,

    Thank you all for your much needed love and support. I will continue to read your posts to see where you are in your journey. This site is so awesome because it addresses the need to share and connect with other people struggling with alcohol. That was why Bear was here. He needed you and he needed to be heard. You were both and for that I will be forever grateful. As far as I know, I don?t have a problem with alcohol, so I won?t post often. God loves you forever, eternally, and in whatever place and shape you are. Always, know you are loved. He has a wonderful plan for the best you there can be.

    Know you are loved,
    Bear's Lady
    Loving Bear Forever:wings:

    "I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." ~ Helen Keller

    My Deepest Thanks to All

    Dear Bearlady,

    I think of you and Bear often. Best wishes to you and your family as you continue to recover from your grief. So many people here I wish I could meet in person, and Bear was one of them.

    Take care. :h

    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      My Deepest Thanks to All

      Good Morning, Bearlady,
      I think of you and your lovely family often. I looked at the wedding pictures. What a beautiful wedding! I also went to the photos of you and your beloved Bear on your road trip......your beaming faces! I am sure you miss him terribly. But so often in life people never find the love of their life, their soul mate. You did! You have so many memories and your children as a part of all that you were and still are together. I hope that you are finding some comfort in this now and in the future.

      You and DX are our honoray non-problem drinker members! You just come and post anytime.....about anything. We are here for you. You can just be yourself here, I am sure that all agree. This is a healing place.

      Much love to you and family,
      XXX Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        My Deepest Thanks to All

        Dear Bearlady,

        I am so sorry for you loss! I am sure each day presents new challanges to you and pray that you continue to find the stregnth to deal with them.

        I am sure that you know how much your dear husband positively influenced the lives of the members here. Both through his amazing words and admirable example.

        I think daily of his avice (not exact quote) that we should not dwell on the past for it is over and cannot be changed. We should live today to it's fullest because tomorrow may never come. I am 55 years old and have just begun to try to practice this. It is sooooo true.

        I will continue to pray for comfort and blessings for you and your family. Take care!

        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          My Deepest Thanks to All

          Thinking of you and Bear and your family.


            My Deepest Thanks to All

            Thanks Bear lady i just lost my da you're words are wise and inspiring thank you


              My Deepest Thanks to All

              Dear Bearlady
              Thank your for your kind words. Thinking of you and your family take Good Care!
              I always look out for your post, like kateH1 said this is a healing place you are always welcome.

              God bless you and your family.x:l

              family is everything to me


                My Deepest Thanks to All

                Thank you so much for your kind words...Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  My Deepest Thanks to All

                  Dear Bearlady,
                  I think often of you and Bear.

                  On my way to Vermont through Upstate New York I saw a Harley-Davidson Factory or Dealership to the east of my Interstate and it brought a smile to my face and I said out loud: "Look Bear what I found for you!" Yes, I do think of him and his family a lot.
                  Big hugs,
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    My Deepest Thanks to All

                    Mama Bear, you know I love you all. You will find peace and happiness in life again...takes time. (I know u are probably sick of hearing that...I was too). The common misconception is that AFTER the first are over it. You will never be "over it". What you do is learn to deal with your grief. You will never forget him, nor do you want to......his death was very tramatic and it takes time to deal with that. Literally life change in one can understand that unless they experience it.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      My Deepest Thanks to All

                      Dear Bearlady, thank you so much and you are such a strong woman. Please keep in touch. Bear still weighs heavy on my mind.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        My Deepest Thanks to All

                        I just can't get past calling you Mama Bear, cuz that's how our Papa Bear referred to you, to me! I know Father's Day was really hard, my Dad died of a massive heart attack at 58, minutes after I'd spoken with him, he was mowing the lawn, getting ready to cook-out for the kids and I that evening...we were at a T-ball game, when he just dropped dead....the steaks were still marinating in a glass dish, in the sink when we got home from the ER, in total and absolute shock that he wasn't with really takes awhile until your heart catches up with what your brain knows is reality, when someone dies so unexpectadely, and so was years before I wouldn't think..."well, he'll be here for Christmas for sure"....crazy, but your heart thinks it, and your brain has to tell it, that can't happen..then, you feel sad again for awhile.... Just know that you are all in our prayers, and we too, are still coping with signing on here, and esp. in the 30 dys. thread, and not seeing his avatar, with a post, I still accidently forget and start looking to see if he's posted. I finally took his cell number out of my phone, I kept running across it looking for other numbers, and it made me too sad, so, I deleted it...but I'll never be able to delete all the things he told me, taught me, and all the times he supported me.... I too, try to remember all the fun things with my Dad, and I make up things like, he and Bear met on Texan Drive in Heaven, and have talked and laughed, and have come up with fun things to do together, and probably sit looking down at us, coming up with ways to keep us out of trouble, and try to watch over us, best they can, or they just go....."phew...lordy mercy, they just need to get a grip, they have no idea what they are in for once they get here with us!".... I just have to make up silly stories to keep myself from being too sad! Know that you are thought of daily, and know that we love each of you, and you feel free to come here anytime, this is a place of healing, and its for everyone!!!
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          My Deepest Thanks to All

                          Thank you all for the kind words and acceptance. I will continue to check in so you know we're doing ok. I believe the MWO works so well because people can come here and find understanding and acceptance where they are on their journey. I just don't have the insight of someone who has struggled with alcohol. I will leave the advice to those who have been there, done that. That is what is so wonderful here at MWO. There is always someone who understands from personal experience. You know you're not alone in this madness. There is help for you.

                          Know you are loved,
                          Bear's Lady
                          Loving Bear Forever:wings:

                          "I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." ~ Helen Keller


                            My Deepest Thanks to All

                            Thank you
                            Love cap

