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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    Thank you renewal for the warm welcome.

    I read a couple of posts after mine, that were like me...on the site for awhile but still struggling.

    I am so happy to be part of this thread! I am day 7 today, on antabuse...I have struggled for years....

    Anyway, thank you guys for allowing me to be here. This is where I belong.

    I may spend the rest of my life struggling, but I will never give up....

    You guys are awesome.

    With love,

    formerly known as bak310


      Newbies Unite, June 08' some newcomers to welcome tonight. Oneness, debruce, sosad, and Beth....sooooo happy to have all of you!! You've come to the right place as we have a terrific group of people here, all with the same goal........Your posts were similar in some regards....wondering why we do what we do....drink, as well as how other's stories closely reflect yours. I encourage you to keep posting and you will see how the support will flow in. FYI, I get home from work around midnight, when I get a chance to peek at the day's posts....I'll say more tomorrow, but for now, let's just focus on not drinking Sunday. We're in this together....don't ever feel alone....also, feel free to private message me if you would like. Goodnight,


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        Wow Sunday morning after AF Friday and Saturday. Been a long time. Must admit it does feel great. It is good to see some "old" newbies like me here. It is a journey, isn't it?
        Have a great day y'all.
        Love and Peace,
        Love and Peace,

        Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          Fantastic job Phil!! AF free Friday & Saturdays are an accomplishment for anybody as we can all attest. Whattya say we make it AF Fri-Sun......keep up the great work......well, day 13 for me on this sunny Arizona morning. The hell with superstition, 13's gonna be a lucky (and sober) number for me today. Have a wonderful day today friends......


            Newbies Unite, June 08'


            i completely understand how you feel. when you think you're missing out on something, and you're in a relationship with someone who can handle alcohol and you can't. feels so frustrating to have guilt hanging over you all the time and you feel guilty for things you don't remember doing. i too, am a jeckyll and hyde drinker. 2 drinks i'm fine, and then i wake up the next morning not even knowing what i did or said...scared i hurt someone's feelings or made a complete fool of myself, wondering what people think of me. when i know i can be so much better! and then the question is: how can you possibly want to go back for more?? what is so enticing about a substance that makes you feel so awful--emotionally and physically? but so many of us struggle with it. just imagine how strong we can feel when we conquer it!!! and start loving ourselves. i don't know about your romantic situation, but i know i need to find someone who encourages and supports my sobriety in a loving way. no more men who get mad at me for drinking but at the same time don't discourage me to drink. i wish society in general wasn't so accepting of alcohol.'re NOT ALONE.


              Newbies Unite, June 08'

              Well, it's the end of day 13, and 'luckily', no bad luck on this end.....I will say, the non alc beers I've tried have been a wonderful asset. Funny, how after playing sports all my life and going out for drinks afterwords, I NEVER would have considered a NA beer.....not a very macho drink for 'ballplayers'...always kind of laughed at anyone drinking such a thing. Now, in my life, they are a lifesaver these first couple weeks as they give me a little bit of a crutch as I free my stystem from alc these first couple weeks...and they taste pretty good to tell you the truth. I'll ween myself off them as well, but for this beginning period, they've really helped.
              Really would love to hear all your successes as well as your challenges. It's okay if you happen to slip, but hold yourself accountable here so we can help you move toward your goal. All the best for a wonderful Monday. I'm proud of all of you.


                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                Calling all ducklings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to hear how all of you are doing........


                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  Thank u

                  Thank u Renewal. You seem like such a nice person. I will hang around. I am tired of hating myself. I look forward to talking with u more
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    Day Two

                    Today is Day Two for me, and if you don't mind I would love to be a part of your thread. The only reason today is day two is I was too hung over yesterday to drink :upset:
                    I could use all the support I can get and I am a pretty good "listener" as well. :new::


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      Seacailin, I'm so glad you came over here....wonderful group of Newbies....I know you have a lot going on, but I hope you will decide to put yourself first right now. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but ya gotta get through this beginning period. Fell free to PM me if you'd like to, but just know that we care. Michele612, great to have you too. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be telling me about day 3 too CAN do this....and you came to a great place for support.


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'

                        Havn't been on since last Friday...drank for two days solid. I feel so dissapointed. I don't think I'm going to be able to do this. I cant seem to get through the weekend. Its like a vicious circle. I have no energy for days after a binge like this so I cant motivate myself to do anything like exercise, housework..anything. JMT, I got so mad when I heard what your MIL said to you. Your self esteem is very low at the moment, but how dare she. She sounds like she has another agenda... Everyones post was so positive when I came on here today that I was going to skulk off and not put a downer on things. Then I read your post and Tinas and could relate to what you were saying. Dont get me wrong...I am happy for everybody who has been able to get the AF days under their belts. I'm just feeling a bit low. Talk soon...


                          Newbies Unite, June 08'

                          Hey Guys,
                          Don't be too hard on yourself. It is a long journey. Just get back on the horse!!!!
                          I am learning this my self too. Day 4 AF for me. Hope I can get past this weekend.


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'

                            Hi all, I am back and today is going to be day 1 AF for me. Have psyched myself up ; come clean with my doc have a comprehensive plan in place; exercise, vitamins, suppliments, naltrexone, healthy diet; and the nicotine patch. Nothing like doing things in a large way. It is Canada Day here in my country; usually a day of barbeques and lots of alcohol. I picked this as my start day on purpose as i have decided to celebrate in a different way without alcohol. Thank you so much renewal for starting this site as I have read it religiously over the last month in preparation for my quit date and it has helped so much. I am really scared but after reading all posts it seems the first three days are really the roughest. Wish me luck...i will post tomorrow and let everyone know how I did. Cheers rachel


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              Good morning all and welcome to July. Hello again to living in hope, debruce and rachel....appreciate your posts and messages. This really is a process. So many people continuously come back, starting at day 1, and upset at having drank. Let me give you a little different perspective. You 'slip' one day in each of the next 2 weeks. For many, the thought process is one of failure and disgust.......on the other hand, that example means you were AF for 12 out of 14 days.........for somebody who is used to drinking every day, that's pretty damn good. Keep some perspective. Sure, let the goal be AF every day, but don't destroy all your efforts should you have a minor slip....especially us who are new atr this....have a wonderful day.....


                                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                                Hi Again-

                                Well, after a week AF on Antabuse, I let it all go to S**T. I woke up this morning and made a decision-simple as that. I love how I feel when I don't drink, and I hate how I feel when I do. I am going to do this...without Antabuse. I know I can, I have shown myself I can live happily without the alcohol, so today I am going to just...stop. That is it. No Antabuse, no kidding myself. I am just not going to drink today.

                                Ok, I have come clean, and I feel ready.

                                I will post again later

                                formerly known as bak310

