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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    Good for your you renewal! You are such a thinking and caring person, keep on threadin....

    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


      Newbies Unite, June 08'

      THANK YOU Seacailin and mwo2.....jeez, I feel like it's my birthday....really appreciate your well wishes...and seacailin, be proud....I know I am of you. And next time that beer craving hits, drink a tall glass of ice will help. Have a great day everybody.


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        Hurray for Renewal - He's the Best

        :goodjob Renewal!!You lead by example my man and have been a wonderful role model for all us newbs who started with or behind you!! I feel the same way...will probably try moderation to see if I can do it but huge learning just to know that I can be without alcohol and it isn't the end of the world. On day 17 infact! There have even been huge benefits to it the most of which after six years with serious bouts of insomnia I am sleeping like a baby. Who ever thinks alcohol doesn't mess with one's sleep cycle is kidding themselves. This has been a wonderful thread and I would encourage you in addition to your 31 day celebration to go over your posts this month--amazing how one can transform themselves in a month. Congrats. rachel:thanks:


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          Thanks's almost 1 a.m. & just got home from work a little bit ago, on this....DAY 31 AF....
          As I sit here sipping an O'Douls, I realize I have made my initial goal your request, I have looked back to the first 5 pages of this thread. I really encourage ALL of you to look at the first 5 will only take a minute, and will give you a better feel of where this all started. While it's only been 31 days, this thread seems to have been around for much you'll see, many names have changed already....hopefully they'll return. Regardless, it's people helping people, in it's purest form, without judgement and ridicule. Hey, I'm just a 48 year old guy living alone in AZ, and with the help of all of you have learned something about myself in one short well as made some new friends along the way. I'm proud and grateful to have you all in my life. Have a wonderful night.


            Newbies Unite, June 08'

            Good morning newbies

            Just checking in Day 14!!! I am finally going back to work today. Working the evening shift all weekend. We are entering a major heat wave here in New England and I went and got the AC in my car fixed yesterday. I was so happy until I took the car out to an AA meeting last night and the AC was not working. Grrr....I have to go back to the shop in a little while so they can fix it again before I go to work. That car will be unbearable without it. This woman who is depending on me for rides to meetings is really helping to keep me sober, as are all of u, and I thank you. I wish all a great day.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Newbies Unite, June 08'

              Where are all my newbies?? Come to little ducklings..................


                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                Quack Quack....

                Day 20 for me !! Just had to drive 30 min. to answer a 1 minute question and drive back home for another 30 min. For a side job I do which will pay enough to pay for the gas..aaarrgggghhh. Not going to reward with a drink, or let frustration have me drink, or fix my headache with a drink..nope nope nope....

                I am going to go RIP OUT the ugly bushes in my yard and plant all the new lovely plants that I bought with the bucks I would havespent on al. hahahaha. Nice cool and overcast just the way I like it.

                Thanks for the duck call Renewal.

                Hope everone had a Great Friday and Weekend, the way you want it to be.

                p.s. I am going to a BBQ and movie with a girlfriend and her husband tomorrow after I work. Made the plan because I knew that I would not be hungover. Before mwo I would have just tried to not drink as much tonight, yeah right.
                p.s.s Sunday I am going to another BBQ, where there will be a guy who is interested in "getting to know me". And I am actually going to go !!! That is something I have not considered in is all because of mwo...before it was always "well I need to be able to drink, or how would I be able to go out on a date when all I want to do is drink? But now it is like I can be me, without al and I can even consider maybe someday as mwo being part of a new relationship.
                NO Hiding !! What a concept.

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  Hello out there..............any newbies floating around?????????? Well, to update you, last night I had a couple of's was intentional as I had mentioned in posts earlier this week. Thursday was day 31 AF...a big goal attained....last night, I wanted to 'test the waters;, so I had a couple drinks after biggie really....had some ice water first....and afterwards.....felt okay this morning. Gonna try a little moderation this coming week and see how it goes. Hope all of you are doing well....please update me.


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    Where have all my newbies gone??? Hope you are all well and will come visit.


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      Hi all,

                      I'm glad to have found this thread. Today is my first AF day!!! I feel so proud of myself, and it wasn't too hard. I had a good case of anxiety in the morning, but alot of that was guilt for overdoing it last night.

                      I'm 51, married with 2 sons, 21yo and 10yo. My husband drinks very little, is the only one who knows what I'm going through and now what I'm working towards. I love wine, and gradually have gotten to a bottle a day habit. My goal is to be satisfied with the 1 glass, not dissatisfied with the 1 bottle. I know the key for me is to not have it in the house and the most difficult part is going grocery shopping and not buying a bottle. I've actually been at the checkout without a bottle, and kind of paniced and gone and picked one up. How pathetic. I've been doing the supps for about a week, and waiting for the cds. I think the supps do help, I feel a difference. Earlier in the year I went 8 days AF after a fight with my husband over my drinking, and started again because he never even acknowleged that I stopped. Now I'm doing this for me, because I WANT to do this.

                      I look forward to hearing others' stories, successes, and struggles. It helps so much to not be alone with this thing.

                      Things do not change, we change.
                      ~Henry David Thoreau


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'

                        Hi bjb...and welcome. You sound motivated AND are doing it for the right reason...yourself. This thread is a wonderful group of people just starting out like yourself. We're all in this together so just know you are not alone...we're here to help!! Read through some of the pages if you'd like to get a better feel for our wonderful family............All the best,


                          Newbies Unite, June 08'

                          Sorry I haven't checked in on the newbies thread for a few days. I am doing well-Day 17- I have just been working everyday 3-12, and have been so exhausted by the time I get home. Glad u were able to Mod renewal. Not sure that I could do that. I had the day off today, and had a million things to do. Guess what? No hangover, accomplished all that I had set out to do. What a great feeling!!
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'

                            Great job seacailin!!!!!! You are an incredible success story from 3 weeks ago. Really proud of how far you've, help me find the rest of our newbies.........


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              :wow: Will keep a look out.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                                New Newbies

                                I am seeing alot of new people posting, so I thought that I would bring the Newbies thread to the forefront in case they want to jump on. The thread seems to be dying out. OH, Renewal. Where are you, King of the Newbies?:disco:
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

