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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    Hello everyone ---- I've posted on the just starting out forum, but looks like I should check in here as well. I found this site 2 weeks ago and am just delighted. My drinking has escalated to the point where 1 bottle a night wasn't enough ... I was opening a 2nd. That's when it scared me... I was doing that on a regular basis... and of course hiding the fact from hubby. I'd top up my glass when he was out of the room. I'm in my 4th day of AF (in a row).... had trouble stringing 2 together previously. But since finding this site I've had 6 AF days total, & 2 mods, and 6 where I was in my old habit. I'm so happy I've found this site, as I can come here to gather strength as the bewitching hour approaches. I'm not sure how I want to handle this just yet ... AF for awhile or AF and try and Mod when social situations call for it. If I was to refuse a glass of wine in my social situations, questions would be asked, that I'd rather not deal with right now ..... so I'll just try and keep my drinks to a miniumum then. Not sure that's going to work, but I want to give it a try.


      Newbies Unite, June 08'

      New Day,


      Have you read RJ's book yet? It really is important to read it. It outlines a very good program with a multi-pronged approach at attacking this thing.

      I recommend it highly.

      Glad you are here!

      AF April 9, 2016


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        I ordered the book last week, but because it has to cross the border, ... customs, etc.... delivery won't be until about next week. Anxious to get it and get started reading.... in the meantime, I'm spending more time than I should on this board, reading past posts and getting inspiration here. The day I found this site, hubby was gone to meetings the entire day, and spent the whole day reading here!


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          Hello Cindi and New Day......and Seacailin, appreciate you as well. New day, good to see you've had some AF days behind'll have to do what works best for you. Ideally, a period of abstinence would be recommended. If you can't do that, but can moderate successfully, then that is fine. Bottom line is we're looking for regaining know better than anybody if you are able to achieve that. We are here to help you along that path. Personally, after my 31 days AF which concluded last Friday, I have moderated since. Doing better than before, that's for sure. Think I'll go a couple AF days now......hope to hear from my newbies......


            Newbies Unite, June 08'

            Hey Renewal how is moderation land??

            Hello all...Day 23 AF and going strong however I am going to Italy in two weeks and I don't think I will stay on program for that. I will try moderation. How is it going Renewal is it actually possible to have a glass of wine and not the whole bottle.?? I actually love many aspects of my new AF life. I love going to bed and reading a good book ...I love the deep restful sleep (never acheive that restorative sleep when I drink) I love not being hungover and feeling rested during my day at work. I love food (too much). I feel so much healthier it's hard to believe it has only been 23 days. I want to remember this as I am going to reach thirty days and try moderation but I am scared I will quickly go back to old habits. Its hard not to finish the bottle of wine once it's been uncorked. Tell me your approach renewal, do you have little tips to safeguard yourself from over drinking??


              Newbies Unite, June 08'

              So nice to have been AF tonight especially ---- I was out playing bridge tonight, and when I got home, hubby called to say his car had broken down and tow truck driver dropped him off at a coffee shop about 20 minutes drive from our house and could I come and pick him up? I was SO HAPPY I hadn't been drinking and could come to his rescue.


                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                New Day, That is such a good feeling isn't it. Good for you!

                Day 25 for me and doing well.

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  Wow, days 23 & 25 AF for Rachel and mwo2....fantastic job both of you. Rachel, I have been moderating and doing okay with it. I guess one small tip that works for me is to drink ice water BEFORE I have a drink...also, have a quick bite first. For me, once I eat something and quench my thirst with water, the craving is much smaller. Using ice water before, after and inbetween (if having 2 drinks), is helpful. Plus, for me, I feel like I have 'a badge of honor' by completing 30 days AF....I realize it's only 30 days, but I NEVER thought I could go a at least now I know for the 1st time that I am capable of not drinking for a while. At any rate, hope that was helpful....wishing you all a goodnight.


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    Renewal and all the other with weeks of AF ---- I'm amazed .... well done all! I don't think I could achieve that (at least not right away). I'm aiming for AF during the week, and moding on the weekend. So Renewal, I'll follow your plan and have a glass of ice water (although, I'm constantly drinking ice water all day) .... maybe once I have a glass of wine, I'll take sips of ice water inbetween the wine sips to slow me down. I'll also have you all in the back of my mind for inspiration. Starting day 5 AF today.:hallo:


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      Hi Newbies,
                      Sounds like you are all doing Great! I am on day 20. Amazing! I am using MWO and AA. Seems to be working. I have not even had a craving in over a week. We are having severe thunderstorms here; houses collapsed, trees down North of here; tornado warning too. Insane for NH. I am heading to Walmart with my daughter to buy some Evening primrose oil and Calm forte, if I can get it. I will also pick up some L-Glut. All herbal now. Taking no meds. Hope everyone has a sucessful, happy day.:lilheart:
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'


                        Hi Renewal,

                        I am glad you are able to moderate. I have been moderating too. I did pretty good up until I went to the beach and I over indulged somewhat on one night. But I still did better than before. I don't think about it all the time at least.



                          Newbies Unite, June 08'

                          I am such a newbie... but I did 3 days AF and today my hubby offered me a drink after a long day of driving, errands, etc. It was so nice to sit on our deck and just chat amiably. But, then I had a bottle of wine after... which I had not intended. I am soooo waiting for the CDs to arrive. I am preparing and feel a real mental shift happening AND have lost 5 lbs from AF and exercise... I am ready and seeing some progress but I do want the support of the supplements I have ordered and the hypnotherapy CDs... bring it on.. I am so ready...
                          Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -- Nelson Mandala 1994


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'


                            Hi and welcome aboard. Sounds like you are well prepared. I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know more about you. The support that you will get here is incredible!!
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              Hey there all....GREAT to see some of my ducklings come back home....Tina desperate, glad you returned and happy to hear your moderating is going well....Seacailin...runnung out of words for inspire me and everybody else here. From where you were to where you are is incredible. I'm 'a proud papa'.......Madge22, great to have you aboard and fantastic attitude you are showing! This is a great thread...I encourage you to read through some of the early pages to see how far we have come in 5 weeks time......well, almost 1 a.m., so gonna run, but keep up the great work folks...proud of you all....let's have more success today!


                                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                                Kinda a "newbie"

                                :hallo:I don't know how I missed your thread Renewal but I've been reading the posts and feel this is where I belong. I joined about 10 weeks ago so still consider myself a "newbie". I am on Topa but taking it real slow with the dosage and combining it with most of the supps. I am trying to mod but haven't done my 30 days AF yet.... seem to have missed that chapter in the book, (which is why I think I consider myself a newbie, and I just like the vibe here). So far modding has been working out well except for two occassions but I have been really happy with the program and overwhelmed with the support. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
                                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

