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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    Good morning everybody. Last night was day 1 for me without drinking. This is going to be a very challenging endeavor for me, as it is for us all. I posted on somebody elses log the idea for all us newbies to band together and do this together. That is what I am hoping this thread will accomplish. With all of us starting from the same timeline, I hope we can help each other through the similar challenges we will face. We cannot do this alone...or we would have already. We need one another, so my hope is that this thread makes it easier for us to stay together. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    YES, we definately need eachother. The only people that understand are those of us that have gone or are going through this battle. I'm already feeling kind of shaky and a little naseous this is the worst part these first few days. Last time my DR gave me meds to help with this, but I won't go back to see her, she just didn't understand. Imagine, a Psychiatrist telling you, "If you get the urge to drink...don't" Wouldn't that be nice if it were that easy??? With the support here though, it helps to know I have somehwere to come if and WHEN the urge hits. Thank you for starting this thread! :0)
    Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


      Newbies Unite, June 08'

      I would like to join this thread

      I am a newbie too. We all need each other. I tried to make last night my 1st AF Night. But I wasnt successful. I had to make sure the box of wine was gone 1st, and there was actually a little more than I thought in there. So I am going to try again tonight. I get home between 530 and 6pm, that will be the true test of my resolve...We are in this together to become better people, wives and moms What are some of your stories? I drink on avg the equivalent of bottle of wine or more a night at least (I buy the Box kind) I have drank every day since my daughter was born. Sept 4th . I only gave up drinking while I was pregnant with her. Prior to that the only days I did not drink were while I was pregnant with my son. ( He is 3 and a half) I am tired of this vicious cycle and the person that I am. The more I swear not to feed the demon, the more it wants Can I expect wds?


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        Renewal and Cuddles

        I forgot to say Congratulations to you both for what you have already been able to do.! Lets stick together. I would like to hear about your situations if you care to share


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          cuddles;349138 wrote: Imagine, a Psychiatrist telling you, "If you get the urge to drink...don't" Wouldn't that be nice if it were that easy???
          Yes... I can imagine. The Psychiatrist had it right on the its simplest form: "DON'T DRINK". That's the only thing that is required to become sober. To become happily sober, is another thing....that requires a lot of emotional work.
          Nobody said it was going to be easy.... and why should it be? This is an addiction that we're talking about...kicking any addiction is tough.... but always worth the effort & the rewards are limitless.
          And yes... I do understand, and have not forgotten what the first days are like.... that's why I'm close to 11 months sober now...because I will never forget what it felt like, and will never go through that again.

          Good luck to everyone on their matter where you are on the path.
          AF 6 years
          NF 7 years

          A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


            Newbies Unite, June 08'

            Just what I need

            :hallo:: Hi all - yesterday was also day 1 for thanks Renewal for starting this thread so that we can help pull each other through this.

            This is the start of my worst time of day - just home from work and putting the dinner on. I would normally start with my 1st glass of wine now and collapse asleep on the sofa at least 2 bottles later. So wish me luck tonight - I can feel the pull already. Gonna keep busy and read the posts on here when ever it feels just too much. groupluv:

            The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Molier


              Newbies Unite, June 08'


              Welcome to you first few visitors. I really hope this thread can help us all get off to a great start in our recovery. The main thing is to realize we are not alone in our battle and to support one another every way we can.
              Whitemarshmom, you asked for a story....I'll make it a quickie if possible. I'm 48 years old and living in Arizona. Been a high functioning professional for many years. Was an athlete in College and a 'weekend athlete' since. Never even tried any illegal drug...ever.
              However, drinking has been a part of my life for about 25 years. I only drink at night after work, but cannot stop when I try. I've never been in treatment......but not because I don't need it. I know I need help. I've attempted to quit thousands of times. I can control most things in my life....but not this. Last night I didn't drink. Most times when I quit, I never make it through the first I'm happy with day 1........I'm single and live alone, which is at times an added challenge. Bottom line, I'm a good guy, and better than this drinking thing....but need help to get there....which is why I'm here. I wanted to start this thread so us newbies can band together from the same starting point. I hope it helps....and thank you for letting me share.


                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                Yes I know it is going to be hard. I am on my 3rd day. I can tell each day is helping. But I still feel really tired from my 3 day ago episode. I just have to keep reminding myself how long it takes to get over it.


                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  Very Nice Thread

                  Thanks Renewal for thinking of the new people starting on this journey. I have been smoke free for 15 months after 35 years, so I WILL make this work as well. You all seem so nice and helpful.


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    Tina Desparate;349171 wrote: Yes I know it is going to be hard. I am on my 3rd day. I can tell each day is helping. But I still feel really tired from my 3 day ago episode. I just have to keep reminding myself how long it takes to get over it.
                    We have to be thankful that our bodies can heal themselves in such a short time considering how long we abused them. When we start thinking in those terms, days...weeks...even months are nothing. It truly is amazing that we can heal so quickly. I'm grateful that my body didn't decide that its healing time was going to be a ratio of 1:1 :H

                    Have a great sober day everyone!
                    AF 6 years
                    NF 7 years

                    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      Foxy Poxy

                      How are you doing? Hang in there! stick to your resolve.. How about a cup of coffee? I can totally relate to what you are going thru.. Just a couple more hours for you and then it will be bed time. I am in the north east USA, I am not looking forward to my 1st night of AF, But i know if I can do it, you can do it too!


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'

                        Tks Renewal for starting this thread. This is my first AF night and I feel good. I dont have much time to fill you all in with details as my hubby will be back soon but will give you more background tomorrow so until then stay strong everyone and keep the faith that WE CAN DO IT!!! FOR OURSELVES x


                          Newbies Unite, June 08'

                          I am not looking forward to tonight either but I have to get my hair cut and that will take up some time. I just ate way too much lunch. Now I am miserable from the food, but that is okay. It is very hard for me to work, but I will make it.


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'

                            A couple quick thoughts.......tonight is night # 1 for some of's night #2 for me. Last night I was able to succeed for the first time in ages!! The same challenge lies ahead tonight. Here's what worked for me last night, that I will try again tonight.
                            -stay busy and occupy your mind....go for a walk, or a movie, or read from a book...perhaps log on and write on this forum for a long time. Bottom line, don't spend the entire night focusing purely on drinking...occupy your mind with other activities...before too long, it will be time for bed, and you will look back and wonder why you stressed so hard about it all day...I am NOT saying it will be easy...I'm just saying that for me, it was made easier last night by staying busy and not let my thoughts hold me hostage. I love to read, so that's a great escape and time consumer for me........
                            -please help bring newcomers you may have already met into our new thread.....they probably don't know it exists, so let's get the word out on our personal logs, etc......
                            Hope tonight is a successful one for all of us. Sometimes, being 'held accountable' , even by people I've never met helps me. If I can't do it for myself initially, maybe I can do it for you....and vise versa.
                            All the best tonight!


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              Wow Renewal this thread really took off! :0) I hate the first day of this, the shakes, just not feeling well, but knowing how good it feels when it's gone and over. Day 3 has ALWAYS been my D-Day so I dread day 3 but I just have to push through it.
                     story is pretty pathetic. I was a HEAVY drinker, usually half a pint of Vodka followed by a six pack of beer if not more. 3 bottles of wine were nothing for me I use to drink to the point of blackouts etc...Hubby deployed to Iraq and I didn't touch a drop for the 8 months he was gone. He came home we got pregnant and of course didn't touch it, breast fed for a year, still didn't touch it.
                              In the last year, it's snuck back up on me. Being home with my daughter is what I love but it SO difficult. I worked for a major insurance company as a claims manager and that was easier than this job, so I drown my sorrows usually at night right before hubby comes home from work. Now, I may drink a 6 pack of beer or half a pint of vodka but don't pass out, black out or anything like that, but it's still wrong and it's still every night so it HAS to STOP!! The ironic thing is, I HATE the taste of alcohol now, can't stand the way I feel the next day, so why do I do it???? Crazy I know.
                              Thank EVERYONE so much for such supportive kind words. I think we beat ourselves up enough over all of this to hear some compassion is really wonderful. :0)
                              Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!

