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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    I'm a newbie here too, from a long line of problem drinkers. Closet wino at night. Major sleeping problems. I'm in the medical field and researched everything upwards and downwards about the topa and decided to try it off the bat-partially for alcohol and partially for sleep deprivation. I'm 36 and have been struggling with with alcohol only (no drugs) nightly for 20+ yrs. So far, I'll be 2 wks in on Sat on 50 mg only. No side effects at all other than fatigue which for me is a bonus since I have big sleeping problems. So far, the topa is limiting consumption 50% of the time when I choose to drink (most of the time still unfortunately) and when I don't it puts me to bed completely. Most people don't seem to find it effective for drinking until 100 to 300 mg so I will wait and see as I go up in dosage. The AL days it has given me are just out there! Because I'm not used to even seven hours of sleep I don't know what to do! I woke up at 5 am and walked seven miles, stripped three dresser drawers and mowed the lawn as soon as I thought the neighbors wouldn't get mad!
    Just wanted to put my 2 c in.


      Newbies Unite, June 08'

      That is Awesome

      Good for u Lovesdogs. Sounds like u are off to a good start. My doc only knew about Topa being used for migraines, so wouldn't go with it. She is willing to prescribe me Campral, but I have no insurance, and she said that it is expensive. She put me on Celexa, just until I can get the Campral. Yeah, I don't get the connection either. I am in the medical field too. Today is day 6 Alcohol Free. I feel pretty good, but must go face the boss today. I can't be in too much trouble, they wanted me to work this weekend, but the doc said not until Mon. I need the time to get to AA meetings and make connections, plus B/P is still up a little and pancreas a bit swollen. I wish everyone a successful day
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        Good morning all ---- I just had my first (in a long time) AF night last night .... was fine because I was out playing bridge all evening .... came home and brushed my teeth right away (a strategy I picked up from reading this board) .... got into bed and read. Trouble trying to sleep though until I took a sleep aid. Tonight will be the real test .... home all day and night alone ... hubby is on a golf trip. I will probably spend most of the evening reading some of this board for encouragement. ..... there are some pretty amazing successes ..... and I'd like to one of them down the road. Be strong everyone!


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          I ordered the Topa and yes it does work as far as the cravings, but it was really scarey to me. I felt like my brain was swelling. I really thought I was not going to make it through the night with it. I prayed for God to let me get through the night and then I promised I would throw it away.

          I did not like the way I was functioning on Topa. I felt like an extreme idiot.

          I am trying to moderate without it and doing good so far. I do not drink during the week and only have a couple sometimes on the weekend. This weekend I may not even drink at all. I do not think about it constantly any more and am starting to relax again.

          Anyway I have lost 5 lbs and that is a good thing. I have not over indulged in quite a while but decided to not count days because that wasn't working for me.

          I am slowly losing my desire to drink. I observe others when they are intoxicated and I think oh my, did I look and act like that? Why did I do that?

          I didn't even drink at all 8 years ago. Wished I never would have started it.


            Newbies Unite, June 08'

            Day 10

            Hello fellow Newbies, I have completed day 10 alcohol and chemical (cigarettes) free and I am feeling so good. I do have intense craving but have found NA beer or wine hits the spot. Kinda fakes you out to think you might be having a drink. I am trying to put alot of emphasis on all the great things about not drinking like how much I can get done in the evenings...or how I can go to bed at a decent time and actually read a book! My sleeping is so good and deep now something that I found was profoundly disturbed by alcohol. I find I notice alot more regarding my surroundings perhaps I am not always consumed by the self-loathing I felt regarding my daily alcohol consumption. I am so happy not to drag myself into work sometimes with a wicked hangover or exhausted from a sleepless night. There are many amazing things about not drinking...considering my most intense damage was done from 6-9 I have found ways to distract myself. I really didn't think I could be able to do this. If I can anybody can as I have been trying to do this for about 20 years.


              Newbies Unite, June 08'

              Wow!! Fantastic posts! One thing that stands out to me is all the different ways we get through this. There's not one magical method that works for all....or it would have been used long before this. A strength of this thread is to see all the different ways (meds, spirituality, books, exercise. activities, NA beer, etc) people utilize these tools and to see which ones you can incorporate into your life. Do WHATEVER happens to work best for you. Lastly, Rachel mentioned focusing on the POSITIVE aspects of not drinking rather than the negatives of not!! I agree with her too, that after the first week or two, it does become a whole lot easier....I'm on day 24 now, and really don't give it too much thought to be honest....after 20 + years drinking every day....well, all the best my friends.


                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                remaining hopeful

                I agree with renewal the cravings have been much less intense with each passing day. I have a friend who is doing this and she is AF from Sunday to Friday drinking on the weekends and she is having a much harder time. Perhaps it is because every Sunday she has to start at square one again where her body is requiring alcohol. It gives me hope renewal when you say that after 20 t years you don't think about alcohol much. I was doing the 30 day challenge with the intention of moderation but if I am going to get cravy again perhaps I need to give it up permanenty.


                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  hi all haven't posted in a few days. day 11 and heading to bed soon. one thing that helped me tremendously the other night was the live chat. i was craving wine so bad and just sad because i wanted it so bad. i got on the live chat and stayed on there until the craving went away. today i did feel like the craving was a lot less, i hope it continues to diminish. i am going to a shrink on mon to get his opinion on meds, will let you know. i currently take zoloft for anxiety, anxiety is so much less af. major difference there. hang in there all!!! kendall


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    Who's with me?? I'm not gonna drink today....ya wanna join me. It's not gonna be a stress filled day of willpower and struggle against the 'mighty bottle'.....nope, it's gonna be you and me experiencing a day the way it was intended....time with friends, maybe a walk in the neighborhood, reading a little, listening to music, savoring a good meal, feeling greatful for the life I have, the job I work at....yep, tired of the daily struggle, the willpower,'s you and me together today...focus on me today.....not the bottle....the life you desire, not the past.....are ya with me????


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      I'm with ya.
                      Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'

                        closing time

                        Hey there - I was just getting ready to post and that song "Closing time" just came on and the line "finish your whiskey and beer..." just played and I burst out laughing!!! Why, I don't know?? My quirky mind thought it was FUNNY!! Renewal, you are so inspiring!! Just read your post and had to respond. I may not go AF today but I'm sure going to maintain what I've been doing the last few days and it's been good! It's time WE take control- I realized just how much control a stupid bottle had over me!!! A STUPID BOTTLE!!!! OK OK -Carry on! hee hee ASH


                          Newbies Unite, June 08'

                          Just for the record- I did not go the physician route for meds-Topa. I ordered them online without a script from No problems but takes a while to get them. I feel if you do your studies (as most of us do) and are careful and have a doctor who won't prescribe than it is less of a risk than the risk of prolonged drinking. Just my thoughts.


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'

                            Great thread. I;ve been reading them all since yesterday.I'm not a newbie, started this site last fall and had some ups and downs as everyone else. Took a few months off and now I'm back for support.
                            Still struggling with AL, even started trying some acupuncture treatments to help the cravings. Not sure if they are working against AL, but they do make me relaxed. I need to get back to using all the supps, which I haven't been doing on a regular basis.
                            Today is day one for me AF once again.
                            Everyone keep up the good work. We will get through this.

                            Hoping to be,


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              Winefree, welcome to our thread....hope you will continue to visit our happy little family....speaking of which, where is my 'happy little family??'....been a little too quiet here on Walton's Mountain. Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend, and I would love to hear updates on how everybody is, I'll 27 AF for the home stretch towards my 30 day are you all?.....well, goodnight Jimbob.................


                                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                                I'm on board too Renewal! It was one week ago today that I found this site and all of you through my hungover haze. By admitting the truth to myself and all of you about where I am really at with my drinking and just being sick and tired of it, I've managed to make it a whole week without any wine! This included a party on Friday night where I went AF for the 1st time in years. Logging in every day is helping me so much. Thanks for sharing this journey with me.
                                "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
                                Nelson Mandela

