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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    "Got a whole lotta successes goin on here on Walton's mountain"....seacailin, one call to the cops when he pays a visit, results in a DUI and a lesson learned....end of story. You've done too well to even have communication with this guy. Set a higher standard for yourself!!...we have! Mwo2....your welcome! Congrats to you for YOUR are an are you, keep up the great work as you have turned the corner. Thanks chief! Great to hear from you. Well, day 29 today....I'm in the home stretch.....wishing all of you the best today!


      Newbies Unite, June 08'

      mwo2 - awesome job! it's fun to have somebody else at the same stage! i've no thoughts of drinking after 30 days either.
      i will do my best... just aiming to avoid the first drink. that is the goal!
      renewal: i just hope i've really turned the corner. the big test will be when work starts again in the Fall. those witching hours from 4-7. If I look on the bright side, it is only 3hrs I have to tippy toe. Better than tippy toeing most of the day trying not to seem hung over and looking like I wanna die.
      Gee... there is a little perspective for ya! Thanks for bringing that up!


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        Hi All....8 days here, and this group is a Godsend for me. I check in whenever I can (sometimes whenever I shouldn't) but the support and understanding is second to none. Sounds like Seacailin is making some rational decisions about her life...Congrats for taking back control, only you know what's best, and you're doing the right things! Mwo2. I'm creeping up behind you...your an inspiration...keep it up!


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          Way to go nunewf....fantastic start! Hope you'll visit more often.....well, day 29 today....gonna go 31 days just to make it an 'official full month'........let me know how you all are doing.....


            Newbies Unite, June 08'

            What a nice guys are really here for each other with such inspiration and support. Sounds like you truly are your own little family and having someone to share the ups and downs of this demon is so important, especially early on...Keep up the good work and keep leaning on each other..
            Renewal, a milestone for you, Congratulations!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Newbies Unite, June 08'

              new again

              I'm here because I need support also. I went about 20 days AF a couple of months ago, yet can't seem to get control at this time. Have been really depressed of late and am considering a shrink. 48 yo mom of teens. Hubby thinks I self-medicate the depression, so he won't agree to rehab. I need a pen pal who is on Prozac and working this program. Thanks for listening.


                Newbies Unite, June 08'


                What are your plans for day 32?.....

                I want you to think hard about's a critical point in this process. You have 2 options. You decide to have a drink because you have proven you can go 30 days...and after all, you deserve it....(does that voice sound familiar?).....

                or, you can realize what a change in your life the past 30 days have made....and decide "if it works, don't fix it".....



                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  Hi Keke, I can't help with the prozac support but I sure can give you support in the mwo stuff. I think that your coming back and reading and posting again is a good sign that you want to get this AL stuff taken care of. GOOD FOR YOU !! Am not sure what you meant about your hubby not saying yes to rehab because he thinks you self medicate your depression. Does he think that you are doing o.k.?
                  If you are taking prozac is that from a general dr. and not a therapist?
                  Hope to see you checking in tomorrow. I hear my hypno cd calling me....I must go to it....ha!

                  It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    I have never been on Prozac, but was on Zoloft for years. Antidepressants will not work if you are drinking. Alcohol is a depressant. The only way that you will know if the prozac is working is if you stop drinking. Depending on how much you drink, you may not need rehab. I detoxed at home with the help of my doctor. Now I am using the MWO program and AA. I do wish u well. I hope to see you continue to post. There are alot of Great people here who will be able to advise and support you. I am a newbie. Day 12
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      Charlee and Keke, good to have you both...this is a wonderful place to be. Keke, feel free to PM me should you 'need to talk'.....Seacailin, you are amazing me....keep inspiring. Don, that's a fair question you ask. Truthfully, not sure what day 32 has in store. Here's where I'm at......I joined this forum to try and get control of my drinking. While I've never been an 'all day drinker', I've never been able to go 1 day without it......being here, I have shown myself that it is in fact possible for me to stop as I am on day 30 today....I honestly don't want to tell myself I'll NEVER have a drink again.....I'd rather 'leave the door open' for those occasions that would be appropriate to drink....Bottom line is, I DON"T KNOW if I am any better off than I was on day 1.......that's why I'm curious to have a drink is to see how I react. Not saying that will be on day 32......I simply don't know yet....but I do wish to 'see where I am at'.....hope this makes sense......and I respect your question.


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'

                        It makes perfect sense,'s what we all think at 30 days......what if I can moderate now?....

                        You do what you have to do....I just wanted to get you to take some time and think about it.

                        The facts are there are few who can successfully moderate. If you decide to test the waters and you are one of the lucky ones, that's great. And if you test the waters and find yourself right back to square one, then we'll be here for you to start over on Day 1......

                        Fair enough?

                        Congratulations on 30 days!'s been fun to watch're an asset here on MWO....



                          Newbies Unite, June 08'


                          Renewal - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been following your progress all along and am so impressed... I wish I had the same stick-to-it-ivness - I have moderated but am not the same place as you and some other very successful members are - I just don't feel proud and don't feel that I'm anywhere near where I hoped I would be - it took a mini intervention and some VERY concerned people (family members) to get me to this point (I was acting irrationally and irresponsibly while drinking and taking Effexor) - I'm in control now but feel that is ' Iffy" every day - I guess that's how everyone feels! I am flying home to see my family (parents and 4 siblings) Friday and this will be the first time home to NY since everything went down... I have THE MOST supportive and loving parents and sibs but my husband blew the whistle on me to everyone and needless to say I was completely humiliated (rightfully so) and I"m terrified to go home... my mom told me "You are coming home to a FAMILY - no one gives a shit about anything else but your hapiness" - that should be enough but I"m still terrifed!!! I will show my parents this website and some of the threads and tell them about you, Renewal - WAY TO GO!!!

                          All that was just getting it off of my chest... hahahahha


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'

                            :goodjob: Well done Renewal ! You did what you set out to do, and gave inspiration and insight to others in 'your family' all along the way.

                            I was very interested in Don's question to you - I think it probably applies to many of us, once we have achieved 30 AF days - 'What now' ? dare I stick my toe back in the water and see if I can moderate. What if I can't, and I end up back at square one - drinking 2 bottles of wine a night - my death warrant for sure.

                            I knew that I could not try it out at home (if I bought a bottle, I'm pretty sure I would have drunk the whole bottle - got no off-switch me !) Anyway, this past weekend, a very good friend came to stay, and we went out to a lovery restuarant for dinner - I had 2 small glasses of wine with the meal, and was happy with that. Have had none since, will not buy any either. Playing it by ear !


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              Thank you so much redwine, ASH and Don....REALLY appreciate your kind words!! Yes, tonight makes 30 days....gonna go 31 days anyway to make it a real full month....after that, like I mentioned, I'm not sure where things will take me. Proving to myself I can go a month was HUGE.....I NEVER expected to be able to do that. I thank all of you on this thread for helping me get there. I think I mentioned I bought a bottle of rum (my drink of choice) and brought it home a week ago as a way of 'testing myself'...sure enough, I haven't had any of it, nor have I been very close to opening it....that's a good sign for me. I do in fact want to see where I'm at with all this.....maybe I can in fact moderate. I know the odds are against me, but I won't know until I try....maybe I simply won't want anything on day 32....just gonna go with the flow.....I am a strong person and don't always believe I'm destined for a certain outcome soley on the results of others. We'll see though...I'll keep you informed. In the meantime, thank you again for your support and I'll talk to ya tomorrow.


                                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                                CONGRATULATIONS RENEWAL!!!You have been helping me since the beginning of my journey, and I soooo appreciate it. Day 13. Can you believe it?!!!! Had a very close call yesterday. I was cleaning out my car and it was very hot, and I got the most intense craving for a cold beer. I went and got something to eat, which helped reduce the craving, but it was still there. Next thing you know I get a call on my cell from a woman that I met in AA. She needed a ride to a meeting. What a Godsmack!! I picked her up, went to the meeting, and stayed AF. Congrats to all on your successes, and for those still struggling, stick with us. There is hope!!! Oh yeah, I am buying some L-Glut today so I can be ready for the Intense cravings. I am working all weekend, so that will help keep me out of trouble.
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

