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Newbies Unite, June 08'

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    Newbies Unite, June 08'

    Hi Guys,
    I am still here, reading all the time, but not doing too much writing. Concentrating on the job at hand. I am still AF and I finally got the courage to ask my local publican if I can take my non al wine down when I go and he said yes. Yahoo!!! I can now sit with hubby and enjoy a wine (just no alcohol). Everyone thinks I am drinking an alcoholic red too.
    Good luck to you all


      Newbies Unite, June 08'

      Good Morning all ---- and it is a good morning for me .... I was struggling last night, wanting to open a bottle of wine, but managed to resist, by coming to this community board and reading for support. So, now I'm on day 6 AF ... and had a wonderful sleep (still with Melatonin and Valerian to get me settled though) ... and feel great this morning. :thanks:
      My plan was to go AF all week, which I've done and then Mod for Friday and Saturday. I may just try more AF .... we'll see. If I don't and can't Mod, then I know what I have to do!


        Newbies Unite, June 08'

        Good Morning All
        Nice to see you Renewal!! Sounds like everyone is doing well and is feeling positive. I am also doing well. Day 21. I keep adding to my herbal tool box. I bought some L-Glutamin, Evening Primrose Oil, and Milk Thistle yesterday. I am taking no meds, just herbals. I have to work all weekend. That surely helps to keep me out of trouble, and although, I do not love my current job. Not drinking allows me to show up everyday and that is a Great feeling. I wish all a wonderful, successful day. It is good to see this thread coming back to life.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Newbies Unite, June 08'

          Good morning friends....great, positive posts! Welcome deebee, it is wonderful to have you can see, we have a wonderful group of people day, hey, it's your call....personally, I think going this weekend AF would be a good choice for you. Only being on day 6 (which is great!), why not try and go a little, being AF on a weekend proves a bit more to us I think. Again, your call, but I feel you'd feel better proving that to yourself this weekend. Speaking of weekend, hope you all have a wonderful one.


            Newbies Unite, June 08'


            Hey all - I've only been on this thread (and others) for a very short period of time and I have felt SO impressed with this thread and this website. So far it's been a Godsend for me - but I am really struggling - at first I was gung ho and determined but now I feel like stresses of daily life (and personal insults that I don't handle well) are taking a toll on me and I really don't feel any strength to deal with everything AND cutting out or back on AL. I was doing ok for a few weeks (cut back dramatically) but now am really having one of those - What is the point? days - nothing is stopping me from drinking - I had someone who I care about deeply and who I love deeply (not a family member) ask me how much I drank and that he was "concerned" for me - that just about did it - family is one thing, of course it's always humiliating and it takes us down to a "bottom" level where I"ve been at many times before but this time, it was awful - I truly felt like a loser and have been crying every since - at least my family knows me and shows unconditional love, but for some reason when it's someone close outside of the family, it's worse - not sure why yet....anyway, trying not to feel sorry for myself, yet feeling really shitty - listening to my "old" music that takes me to a place when I was a teenager and in love with live (GENESIS - "RIPPLES" and "FOLLOW YOU, FOLLOW ME" - just having a bad day I guess!

            Still love reading all the threads - this is a truly amazing place to be and that's why I'm here right now!!


              Newbies Unite, June 08'

              Ash, Sorry that you are hurting. What have you been doing to be AF aside from not drinking. Are you armed with supps/mwo book/cds. They are really powerful tools that I believe in and that I think a larger number of people here have used. Part or all. The difference for me this time in being AF is the mwo program. It is flexible but you really need to read the book to "get" how this can help you. I am glad that you are posting and reading as we all know it helps. I do think that al is the biggest negative for you right now, getting Af for 30 days will help get all the other stuff in perspective. Keep reading keep posting. And drink lots of water with lemon ( I am the water police )

              It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                oh! and there is a mwo disco party going on a thread... music is good for the soul

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  Newbies Unite, June 08'

                  Is there a way to change Newbies unite June to Newbies Unite July??

                  Hate to see this thread die out Renewal. You have been with me from the very beginning of my journey. You are like a "brother from another mother" lol. Come on back Newbies. We need you! Ok, will check in. Day 22 AF. A bit of trouble with cravings for the past couple of days, but I Will Not Cave! I Refuse!:stomper:
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Newbies Unite, June 08'

                    I am a new "newbie" --- couple of weeks now. At first I had a hard time stringing 2 AF days together, then this past week, I went 5 days. Last night I did drink --- and had planned to. I had planned on drinking again tonight, but our dinner plans were cancelled, so when hubby was having a gin & tonic (and he usually doesn't drink), I had a little splash in my tonic and lime .... so I moderated very well tonight. I plan on going back to AF days for the rest of the week. We have a long weekend coming up next weekend and I'll be at my brother's cottage, where there will be lots of AL ---- seems to be the thing to do at the cottage. So I want to get more AF days behind me before that.
                    This is the start of my plan ..... to get used to as many AF days as I can and hopefully get more and more of them as time goes on. I'm already surprised at how I've been able to break that routine of pouring a glass of wine when dinner prep time comes. That is key for me!
                    With being able to see how others have handled it, it's given me inspiration to do the same. This is a great place.


                      Newbies Unite, June 08'

                      ATTENTION ALL NEWBIES!!! I AM MOVING US TO A NEW THREAD CALLED 'NEWBIES NEST' .....I SINCERELY HOPE YOU WILL ALL JOIN ME OVER THERE. Seacailin requested I change the name to Newbies Unite, July 08'...I decided to change the name entirely so that people don't feel 'outed' if they didn't join in a particular month....this way, ALL newbies are welcome. Hope you understand and will join me in our new home.


                        Newbies Unite, June 08'

                        NEWBIES......SEE MY POST ABOVE!! HOPE TO SEE YOU IN OUR NEW NEST.................


                          Newbies Unite, June 08'

                          That's true, but how do you know how to start? mg??


                            Newbies Unite, June 08'

                   sounds as though you are doing well on a lower dosage then typical, that's great. Are you doing the supplements also?


                              Newbies Unite, June 08'

                              Hi Lookingforfreedom, I just posted this on another thread for you.... sorry but time is limited, I keep getting kicked out!!!

                              Have you read the book yet? At the back of the book is a schedule of how to up your dosage, if I remember correctly it went up in 25mg's. I never reached the max which is 300mg's, I was comfortable at 200mg and it worked well for me. I really to recommend reading the book first as there is a mine of info with regards to the suppliments that you take with the Topa.

                              BTW the tingling stopped at about 100mg's but I never tried Lushy's trick LOL!!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Newbies Unite, June 08'

                                Heh Whitemarshmom I totally relate to what you're saying. I mean to make tonight my first af day and it hasn't worked. I too drink on average a bottle of wine a night. I can go days with none without any ill-effect or craving but if I start again I can't just have one glass!! I've been doing it for about 18months now on and off and I want to go back to being a "normal" drinker if that's possible. I have put on weight too which upsets me and I just feel such a failure and ashamed of myself. Let's all support each other!! xxx

