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What would you all do if you won the lottery?

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    What would you all do if you won the lottery?

    Someone in this area just won quite a heafty sum of money; over the $20m mark. We bought a lotto ticket but I think all we won was basically; another ticket. I've had money before, never in the millions. But I was comfortable. It got me thinking today "what would I do if I was handed a cheque for that large amount?"....

    1. I would buy a large lot of land on the ocean and build the house I have always wanted
    2. My daughter would never worry for money, her university would be paid, new car when she was old enough to drive, what ever she wanted to join growing up (soccer, horseback riding, swimming, ballet, gymnastics, ringette...whatever). She would be fine.
    3. My parents would have a zero mortgage; with an extra sum in the bank
    4. My brother would as well
    5. We would take trips every year
    6. We would have a summer house in Italy
    7. My partners children would never worry for money
    8. We would just enjoy life; never having to worry about the next bill payment. If we wanted to camp all week on the beach, we could. If he wanted a new boat for diving, we would get it...things you should be able to enjoy in this life.

    What would you all do if you never had to worry about money?

    What would you all do if you won the lottery?

    Go to Lenair.


      What would you all do if you won the lottery?

      quit my job this minute!!!!


        What would you all do if you won the lottery?

        Quit my current job. Let someone in need of a job have it because it is great!
        Buy a lot on the ocean and build the house of my dreams.
        Set the rest of my family up for life so I can live in peace and guilt free for being rich.
        Have my childrens future all set up financially.
        Start an organization for abused and abandoned animals. (always been a dream of mine)
        Go to school to become a substance abuse counselor; open up a facility so I can help those in need who can't afford treatment.
        Apply for a pardon for my DUI many years ago and travel to places I have always wanted to go. Esp. Australia and adopt a Koala Bear and a Kangaroo. Actually I would like to have a home there to.


          What would you all do if you won the lottery?

          It's funny you should bring this up Gia as I was only discussing this the other night with someone on the phone. Anyway I would immediately not look at it as winning ?20million I would look at it as winning ?10million as I would give the other half to charitable organisations. After that I would share it with my family and loved ones. But definitely I would take a trip around the world for a good few years before I would build my dream home. It would definitely be in woods somewhere though. Maybe even a big tree house!!. Not sure I would make things so easy for my daughter though. I'd hate to see her grow up thinking money grows on trees!!!lol

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            What would you all do if you won the lottery?

            Big-ass no-kill animal shelters!!! Mobile units to spay and neuter all strays and anybody who hurts animals in any way! Save the polar bears!! And the whales! (You'd never guess I'm mostly a Republican, huh??)

            Move me and my flock somewhere where nobody judges people by what side of the freeway they live on, what they wear, what they drive, or where their kids go to school. And where it's never cold.


              What would you all do if you won the lottery?

              You rock Larisa -- you know you really don't have to be rich to do what you are saying!


                What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                Oh, yeah. Hey!


                  What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                  yeah i want an animal sanctuary as well..all my mates and family sorted,thats all i want.oh yeah..a pizza oven in my amazing kitchen.


                    What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                    I would buy 2-300 acre farm and plant endangered species (heritage pool) of every variety as well as a senior citizens home for 4 legged critters. The farm would be off-grid and totally selve sufficient and not use more than it can produce.
                    Before all that I would buy a tent, take an ocean liner to Aussie and visit Tawnyfrog. I could camp in her back yard and I would even bring my own water........LOL.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                      buy buy buy buy and buy more. hey you only live once and enjoy it even more
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                        tlrgs;349754 wrote: buy buy buy buy and buy more. hey you only live once and enjoy it even more
                        Hahaha! Love yah


                          What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                          Gia, I think we all have this dream!!

                          I would retire and so would Dave!!!!!
                          Meet with a Financial Planner
                          Set us up for life
                          Set my kids up financially
                          College fund for grandchildren
                          Buy a Beach House on Martha's Vineyard
                          Buy an Flat in London
                          Spend a year doing whatever we want and going whevever we want
                          Spend all the time we want with my children and grand children
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                            Well, I'd have to ditto most answers here, by making sure that my family was financially secure and debt free.

                            But my dream of winning the lottery (and this is going back over 15 years) is to buy a huge home and adopt as many older children as I could afford. You know the ones that are too old and nobody else wants? Those would be the precious ones that I would take in. Just to be able to send them to any college they wanted or set them up with a fair shot at life instead of having them just booted out of the system once they turn 18 years old. So many are lost once this happens. That is still my dream or dreams.

                            Cool question, Gia!

                            Love, Me
                            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                              What would you all do if you won the lottery?

                              I just bought tickets for Sat. night, and was thinking the samething! First of all, I'd give a portion to Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen's church...when I was really low, and scared, and struggling before I found this site, I was in Houston, and went to hear him...went back every 2 wks afterwards, and still try to go at least once a month or so... his messages really reminded me that He loves us, no matter where we are in our lives or Faith, and no matter how many struggles we are facing/bringing on ourselves, etc., that He wants us to be ok, wants to help us, and is fighting our battles with us, and we just need to ask for His that affected me so positively, that it gave me hope to fight this Beast! I read all his books, that really hit home, for getting me going in the right direction, I'd bless the church back with some type of fund that would help out those in need, that didn't have the means to help themselves, like a fund for folks to have help to overcome their alcohol addictions, etc., or for an outreach program, or for housing, etc.... Paying it Forward....Next, after that, I'd buy a plane...LOL LOL LOL LOL..... that way, I could take myself and my family anywhere they wanted to go! I've always thought it'd be fun to just call up a private pilot, and say, we're having dinner in Napa Valley tonight....LOL...(then again, I better stay away from the wine country!)...ok, dinner in Denver, outside, when its 112 here in E. Texas! And, I could fly anywhere that any of my MWO friends might need me, or just to visit!!! Pick up my pals for a spa day in Sonoma, Arizona! Just think..."omg, More2 is going to drink a whole bottle of champagne if I don't hurry, she's up the jet, I gotta get to Seattle quick!" LOL Or, send the jet to her, or anyone else I know and love on here, to come pry a bottle of wine outta my paws in a weak moment! My kids are about finished with college, so thats taken care of, I'd let my hubby quit work, and we'd just travel around, and probably still do vet compounding cuz its so rewarding, and we'd want to keep making investments anyway...or have extra to give to folks to help them.... I'd probably buy some high dollar broodmare for a present to my world champion look forward to the foal.... I'd buy a ranch outside of E. Texas, probably Colorado, or Oregon, or someplace cooler, so we'd all be in a better mood, not in the hundred degree weather with tons of humidity! My needs are pretty simple, I'd do fun things, and help others, and just be glad to not have to worry about bills ever again! Ok, now I hope I'm going to win, and I'll come visit you all, and we'll take a MWO trip!
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

