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    Today is the solstice!
    The longest day of the year!

    Here in the Northeast, it is beautiful and sunny! I am going to a solstice celebration tonight, does anyone else have plans?

    I always have rituals I do around a season change and for the summer, I like to put forth the things I want out of my life. We celebrate with a bonfire and I like to write my ideas on paper and burn them.

    Somethings I want shed from my life this year are:

    and AL's grip on me

    Curious what others would like to shed....
    I know we can't burn the list that we write here on the computer, but later you could make a fire in your backyard, fireplace, or even in a bowl in the kitchen and burn baby burn!!!!

    I hope all of you embrace this day and open your hearts to the sun and give thanks for it's amazing light!

    Happy solstice to all!!!

    (one of my other really quirky rituals is I always get a new toothbrush with a new season....this summer it is black! ....keeps life fun!)


    I love it!

    What a great idea!!!
    (as Angel goes to change her toothbrush)

    Oh...and your other idea is good too!
    I didn't even think about it being the Summer Solstice today... but maybe I knew without thinking, and had already reacted.
    This morning I put my new goals into action.... started my exercise program, after months of setbacks that prevented me from doing anything. It felt great!! And I feel rejuvenated in the fact that it felt like my body was welcoming the challenge!

    As I stated in our Journey thread a few days ago, this 3rd year of self-improvement is taking on a different angle....instead of concentrating on quitting addictions (like I have for the past 2 years), this upcoming year(s) will now become pro-active in building & improving my skills & talents.
    There's a long list of what I want to work on. A few of them include:

    Reading more ...ahhhh, books. Love to read...just need to give myself more time for it.
    Improving vocabulary ...will save time not having to look up all Doubter's big words! lol
    Spend more time writing ...a new discovery for me, that I truly love!
    Set aside time to do my artwork really is an important part of who I am.
    Exercise on a regular basis
    ...I am much happier emotionally, if I am strong physically.
    Take more time to plan, prepare & cook our meals
    ...want to regain the joy of cooking & experimenting with new healthy meals.
    Set goals on getting tasks & projects completed
    ....procrastinating tends to put me into a stressful state. So many times, talking about what we have to do, takes more time than actually DOING it.

    There's many more things on my list...but this is a good start, right??
    AF 6 years
    NF 7 years

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step



      Tonight at 7:59pm east usa and 23:49 in europe is the summer solstice.

      let's celebrate the day of light by looking at the sunset and maiking a wish for us and the world

      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



        Here in Scandinavia, the summer solstice is a big deal. Everybody celebrates it, mostly with big parties outside, with big bonfires.

        The sky is light all night at this time, so the parties have a tendency to never end. I always think of it as a positive time, a celebration of hope. I like flyinhigh's idea... maybe I'll introduce it here and see if it takes on.

        Thanx, FallenAngel, for making my list-- saved me a lot of time!

        Here's to new traditions!
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

          The summer solstice celebrations here in the UK will be held as normal at Stonehenge. There used to be a very large free festival that took place each year at the stones during this time. The stones became a huge iconic symbol for the New-Age Traveling movement and the hippies. There have been many battles along the way with English Heritage and the traveling community over the right to hold a free festival at the site. I think a lot of people though see it as an excuse to defy authority and get off their faces. The celebrations have usually gone off quite peacefully with English Heritage now allowing access onto the site early evening until mid-morning the following day. The sunrise coming through the stones is an awe inspiring sight and although I've never been at Solstice time I have been on a few occasions when less over crowded.

          Happy Solstice one and all!!

          Love and Happiness

          p.s. I had my bets on Evie starting this thread flyinpagan!!!!lol
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

            happy solstice.. sounds like a great idea and the idea of writing a list i have try and everytime i run out of paper so rather than making a list am just make my own flow of life and live it moment to moment just because nothing is ever writen on stone and there for you wont get disappointed when it doesnt go your way and so to that .. seize the moment and live it to how you feel that moment
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

              Wow, summer solstice at Stonehenge would be an amazing experience!!

              Beattle, Scandinavia would be excellent with me as well......sigh! I lived in a town build by Danes and it was always a big deal there as well.......I always enjoyed it!

              I am about to light my "Intentions Candle".....time to reflect and put new intentions into the Universe! Manifestation is shortly to occur!

              Carpe Diem, All!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

                I love summer solstice. Here, with quite a large Scandinavial population we used to dance around the May pole, wear wreath of daisies in our hair and stuff our faces with herring tidbits and wash it down with Aquavit. I still like the daisies and the herring but have said goodbye to the drink.

                For the rest of the year and beyond I would like to shed a few more pounds;
                Ignore the dust on the furniture;
                Make lots of time for my art;
                Spend more time with my friends;
                Become more laksadaisie and not feel guilty about it;
                Go skinny dipping every chance I get;
                Read a pile of books;
                but approach all that with ease, without pressure and just let it happen.
                NO M O R E P R E S S U R E.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

                  EEEE Gads!! Aquavit!!! 160 proof poison!! I remember drinking shots while eating Smorgasboard in Solvang!!

                  The rest sounds truly fabulous, Lori!!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

                    I have been making a list for the past few days.It is way tooo long to post but it sums up to PUTTING MY SOBERIETY FIRST.The fire risk is too high to have a bonfire but a candle with the right intent will work as well.I also have somethings that I am gonna bury in the back yard,next to AL....Wish I was in AVEBURY right now....Evie
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

                      My main goal for myself is to stop drinking for good! No more, gone forever, period, end of story. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

                        I just wanted to thank you all for this thread--very uplifting and inspiring. I have a friend in colorado that always celebrates this--but I guess she never explained it this way. (Or I probably just don't remember!)
                        I'm just coming across this thread at sunset--kinda cool!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!

                          Lovely ideas - I am going to to something too.....probably just a candle inside as, sadly as is so often the case now, the UK summer means sitting under thick cloud, (so no sunset but I'll be thinking of everyone around the world at that time for sure) and the forecast rain would quench any bonfire flames! (Plus the heating on in the evening coz it is sooooh cold and damp...?!?! So sad!)

                          BUT - that's the negatives of the great British weather! The positives are in my mind and heart - and they are huge! So, I'll go get logs anyway and plan happy things.....and will be wishing all my MWO friends the absolute best!

                          It's a special time - let's dance!

                          Love and blessings
                          FMS xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

