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    i feel im in one of the lowest points of my life. i would stop taking the kudzu to feel the high /rush from alcohol, which the kudzu diminishes with me, and the other night my bf and i went out to dinner and i insisted we stay at the bar to drink more, and he gave me a stern dont u dare look, and said it to, but i did anyway, and walked away from him, talking to other people at the bar. he wanted to go home bc he had to get up early for work. supposedly he was late and his boss yelled at him. i dont know how, but we ended up staying out till two am, two hours after we were done eating. he called a cab and we left. point is, hes so furious . he hates me, he despises me,and is just a complete asshole now. bc ive broken his trust over and over. i tell him thats not the real me, im nothing like that. im this kind hearted person but when alcohol comes in me, i obviousally change. he mumbled in bed, " u have no heart"--totally NOT TRUE!
    im mentally depressed like crazy, why i dont take the kudzu consistently, so i can feel the "good" feeling from alcohol. on top of it, my parents knew i was drunk when i came home. im gonna be 27 this year, i still live with them(-ny is so expensive to find a place!) so my dad had another long stern talk with me about alcohol and how ive got to stop and etc. he says i remind him of his mom, someone who should not be drinking. i get belligerent, loud, rude, at times. not just about the alcohol, but other issues, living with them im deealing with feeling trapped and controlled and treated as if im 18 again.. its HORRIBLE. i want to try to rent a room somehwere in a house, that would be about 500 a month. my dad is nasty to me, not that hes not right about the alcohol problem, but he s just plain nasty and they treat me like im in highschool.
    i have zoloft leftover, i cannot afford a therpist, but am able to go back on the zoloft which i stopped bc i was drinking almost daily. but my plan is to go on zoloft, and be happy so i dont feel the need to self medicate with alcohol, and TAKE THE KUDZU. it has worked when i tve taken it ,perfectly .. im a binge drinker moreso than an everday one, and i think kudzu works the best for binge drinkers. im just scared ill stop it again, but im hoping zoloft will work so i im more there and less self destructive. but still, im just ranting on here bc i feel so low-suicidal low. i would have done it if i wasnt catholic. thats how low i feel. low because of the way my bf hates me, and the way my family thinks of me. it kills
    ive had so many low times since the alcoholism has gotten bad the past two years. real real low. ill let u guys know how i do with the zoloft and kudzu. hopefuly ill be writing a much happer post in a month.


    me145...didn't you try anatabuse also at one time? I remember your previous posts and how you and your bf have nothing but problems when alcohol is brought into the relationship. It might do you some good to go back and re-read how much you dislike yourself when you drink.

    I know you think others are being "mean" to you, it is just because they care what happens to you. But only YOU can help yourself. Drinking is a temporary fix at best. It only compounds any other issues that are going on in your life. Please take some time away from the drink and work on yourself. And keep up the Kudzu if that is working for you. Try to find some other ways to fill your time other than drinking. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you...make the best of it. Don't wait until you have been abusing your body and mind and spirit for 30+ years like I have. It goes by so quickly...truly enjoy your youth. Hugs to you, I hope you feel better soon. Let us know how your doing.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius



      Are you working at all? Do you have a doctor that you can go to?

      It sounds to me like your BF and your parents (father) are particularly concerned about you, and with good reason. You are so young and you life is spiraling out of control. Not only are you drinking, but it sounds like your BF's life is being affected by it more than in just dealing with his drinking girlfriend. He is now showing up to work late. I am sure he loves you, but there is a breaking point for everyone.

      I think you need to dig deep and figure out a plan to get out of the madness. Get some help other than relying on Kudzu, and start living your life in a healthier way.

      I am not being condescending here either. It takes work to change your life. Overcoming an addiction is hard. Especially when you have low self esteem. I think taking a step above relying on medication is something that can be very helpful to you. There are other programs out there other than a psychiatrist that can help.

      Good luck and keep us posted.



        I agree with accountable .... Overcoming addiction is hard.It will be easier if you use the help that is offered on this site.Antabuse would make you think before you drink.No meds will work unless you take them.If you really need help and can not afford it there is always the free services offered from United Way by calling 211 from any phone in the US.They also offer suicide help.....Evie
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



          thanks, yea ive been dying to get medicaid insurance, and i dont have a job that offers health benefits. guys, i am honestly dying for therapy, alcoholi counseling, basically a rehab outpatient program that i could get into. i was aawiting to see if my insurance would be approved, but it wasnt because i forgot to hand them in something necessary for the decision. i waited three months. so i have to apply again because they didnt have the necessary proof of address and they never contacted me. believe me, i want the outside help. ill let you guys know.. how are you guys doing? taking meds, af? what is your social life like with this problem?



            Hi me145,

            Back when I had insurance, and went to counseling, one of the key things he talked about were triggers.
            What was the trigger that started me drinking, well there are a few. So I am in the process of elimination :

            Aviod ex
            Quit lousy job
            Don't allow friends or family to push you beyond what you are capable

            The last one was what triggered my last bender.

            It takes effort. I'm eleven years older than you, and about six years ago I really was into binge drinking.
            This year I found myself in a hospital worried about my pancreas & my liver, without these I"M DEAD !! I have been on Zoloft and a bunch of other anti depressants, but I still drank.

            The most help I have had has been here where people know what I am trying to overcome !

            But the most important thing is your health !! Don't give up on yourself !

            On a side note I found something that seems to help me keep positive you can get it at the health food store it's called GABA, an amino acid, you can also get more info on the web.

            NOW Foods - the official site of NOW Foods
            Take care and rant regularly it's good for you

            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:



              Hey Kit, yeah i agree with triggers. im in a bad state of my life , just moved back with my parents ( had no choice) depressed, bf is an alcoholic who drinks everday, but never gets drunk like me, etc, so he triggers it, also our fighting relationship. so im just not good mentally, which is part of the reason ive been messing up more with the drinking. ive heard of gaba, what is it exactly good for thougH?



                GABA helps with brain chemistry. Something we mess up when we drink to much.
                My ex is still a drinker, he actually intraduced me to binge drinking. However it was the stuff he
                did behind my back that made me drink more.

                You know I think that doctors suggest rehab so people can get away from the things in their life that trigger the drinking.

                I live at home with my mom, she is pretty easy going but very worried when I drink. If my dad where alive he would be yelling at me about it. I know they care. But sometimes family are to close to the situation to really help. I'm not sure that makes since but, anyway I hope you can find a situation that is as close to trigger free as possible.

                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

