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Pain Under Right Rib

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    Pain Under Right Rib

    I haven't drank now since Wed . I had a binge week before then (oops ) . Before than I was 41 days AF (probably a few more actually).

    Sine Thursday I have had a dull pain , (Sometimes a bit sharper) behind or slight under the right ribcage and round to the back.

    Has anyone else ever had this after a drinking session? I never had this pain ever before or while I was AF for those days.

    If it's not liver , what else might it be ( I going to the docs on Monday anyways).

    If you have how long did it take to subside ?

    I'm doing all the right things for 3 days , No- alcohol , milk thistle, green -tea, vitamins, protein, plenty or relaxation , water and sleep.

    Any Advice would be welcome..

    Trevor :goodjob: :thanks:

    Pain Under Right Rib

    Hi Trevor!
    I had the EXACT same pain. I'm on day 4 and it just started to subside yesterday. It was mainly under my right side and would go eithr across the to the front of my sternum or around to my back. I called my Dr they had just done a liver panel on me last week and she said all looked fine, it could just be that my liver or my pancreas is inflamed. She told me to come in if it worsened or if my bowel movements (soory TMI I know) changed or if something didn't seem right. She was thinking though it could be more of a pancreatic flare up for me. I hope you get to feeling better I know scary that pain is. Keep up with your good regimen!!
    Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


      Pain Under Right Rib

      Dearest Trevor,I had the same pain and the Doctor said my liver was hard,like leather.He did not know that I was Alcoholic until then.It said I was on the brink of liver failure.I have been AF 40days and I gently massage my liver every day.Also take liver aid and milkthistle.My liver is slowly starting to function somewhat normally again.No more pain and no more light color Pooh.The human body is amazingly self healing when we stop poisining it....Everything gets better with soberiety....Evie
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Pain Under Right Rib

        Your liver is probably working hard to detox. It could also be pancreas or gallbladder. Make sure you are honest with your DR on Mon. It won't help you in the long run to gloss over anything.


          Pain Under Right Rib

          Trevor, drink tons of water, take the Milk Thistle and avoid AL. It varies for everyone when the pain
          goes away but it does my was probably between day 6-7 less and now day 10 gone.
          Right sided rib pain can be gall-bladder, pacreatitis, or liver, so you should still see your Dr.
          in the meantime flush, flush, flush.



            Pain Under Right Rib

            Hi Trevor,
            I had pain very much like yours after a binge but because I drank lots of water and it taking hours to pass out in urine I assumed that it was my kidneys struggling to get rid of the al poison.
            Can anyone relate to that? It scared me.
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              Pain Under Right Rib

              Same here Trevor...I had pain and swelling there off and on for years (my poor body). Now I don't have pain but occasionally get mild swelling there. Also when I push in there with my fingers it makes a "squish" noise??? it still does that. My doctor is stumped. lets stay in touch on this until we get some answers...

              one thing is for sure...alcohol is POISON and this is direct observable proof of that.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Pain Under Right Rib

                I have'nt had a pain like that, but one thing my Dr. did tell me was to cut right back on protein for 2 months and eat more carbohydrates and vegetables, and then to introduce protein slowly again - apparently, an unhealthy liver can't deal with protein. Good luck with Dr.


                  Pain Under Right Rib

                  YEs yes yes, it is to do with alcohol. Scary stuff eh? Didn'tknow that about protein Red, I honestly learn something each time I log on here. Together we will find out the answers.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

