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Greenie's back from Lenair

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    Greenie's back from Lenair

    OK, more....

    My desire did not just simply disappear. Although it lessened dramatically. I am so much more aware of my triggers. I have ALWAYS upon return from a trip made a drink or three to shuffle through the mail and unpack, etc. I felt a little irritable that I could not engage in that. It may have been that I travelled all day on 3 hours sleep, hubby was and hour and a half late picking me up and the house was a mess (he had bragged about how clean it was - obviously we have different standards). He also failed to mention that the flatscreen TV fell and smashed on the floor. No wonder he vacuumed! :H Regardless, I felt the desire. Unfortunately, at the present time he is my trigger in many ways so I still have to be on guard. In my sessions it became apparent that I want peace and tranquility with a feeling of space. Hummmm..... Will be interesting to see how this unfolds. Rhonda asked about a situational trigger and before I could open my mouth, she said" oh it's your husband, I think you should come back for that".
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Greenie's back from Lenair

      Hey welcome back Greenie - can't post much as kids lurking.

      Keep with it with those big girl pants!!



        Greenie's back from Lenair

        Hi again Greenie, I am really following closely here, as so much of what you've said already fits me to a T! Hey, what's your shoe size? So many trips, after I got through the front door, I hit the bathroom and then the bottle. Just going down the driveway brought out the strongest cravings. It didn''t matter if I was happy or stressed, had a successful trip, tired or anything, just the thought of walking into that house with him there still sets me off. I have already thought that if I went to Lenair I would have to have 2 sessions, one for AL and the second for DH. Maybe I'm pushing everything onto him as an excuse
        Many of the foods you mentioned have sugar or are a heavy protein, but I am still curious about the whys and wherefors of your list. So as you can, please keep posting and I am very thankful for your insights :l:l and xx g.


          Greenie's back from Lenair

          Just talking to my sister and I see that I can have much more fish. Haddock and salmon are very good, but I can also have halibut, orange roughy, sardines, sea bass, & trout (too bd that brown I caught was too little :H). and I CAN have avacados and also artichokes. I'm going to get the book bootcampbarbie recommended. I don't like beets, trunips and parsnips, but since I can have 25 to 30% cooked, I will oast them. I love roasted veggies. I'm good with that and a salad and quinoia.

          To clarify.... This diet and the tinctures, etc. are what MY system wants/needs right now. Anyone else's system may want or need othe things.I hope that makes sense. And It will change as my nutritional needs are met. I skipped many a meal and ignored my supplements when drinking. I am quite depleted and it shows.

          BTW, we didn't discuss MWO.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Greenie's back from Lenair

            Welcome back greenie!
            Looks like you are off to a good start...hope you finally are caught up on the rest you needed!!!!
            Did you get that rice cooker to work yet? Sounds like you will need it, for rice and the quiona!!!

            Glad to see you in good spirits!!



              Greenie's back from Lenair

              Yes, I did make it in the rice cooker and it worked great! I'm going to make some now.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Greenie's back from Lenair

                Oh Greenie, so glad you are back and that you received releif from this dispicable thief called alcohol... To clairfy, as my understanding when with Rhonda, the suggestions that are made for diet pertain, not to controling our urge to drink, but to help rebuild our nutritional deficiencies that alcohol or other life style choices have caused. Since our session also include a health evaluation, head to to, these suggestions for diet are also to support a healthier and longer life going forward. Anyway, that's what I understood. Welcome home, sweetie!

                Hugs, Best
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Greenie's back from Lenair

                  Great! Thankls for sharing with us...those that have been already! When sober I eat MUCH HEALHTIER anyway, but dont think I could eat raw verggies only. I'd die! I need to lose weight as AL puts it on...I could drink a bottle of wine and bag of chips...NASTY! Sober, I eat lots of, chicken. I am glad you are home Greenie and feeling better.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    Greenie's back from Lenair

                    Hey welcome back, what an experience you have had! Can't wait for you to expand on some of
                    the questions that were asked.



                      Greenie's back from Lenair

                      Quiano, Greenie...where'd you find it at home? I looked at Bi-lo....I was thinking maybe Publix?????
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        Greenie's back from Lenair

                        Health food store near me. Maybe Publix. Or when you come home from work, go by Earth Fare On Devine St. or Rosewood Market on Rosewood St. Quinoa is pronounced "keen-wah" With accent on first syllable. I'm going to have it for breakfast with mixed berries.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          Greenie's back from Lenair

                          Biscuit - What did I miss? Specifically?
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Greenie's back from Lenair

                            ah the book i mentioned is not even though it says raw food detox diet. is not not not raw food only. lol don't be fooled by the name. it is really so so so good. it has everything in it. it just explains so much and has lots of grains and how to cook foods and prepare grains. but it just really talks about certain foods as well and how to substitute them. our systems call for different things because we have depleted them for so long. and at some point the system will call for something different. the food plan changes every few months. but it just helps to restore it to it s optimal self. it needs love from all the years of abuse. and i dont think with all the damage i did that i was caring too much what i was doing then but now i care very very much. greenie honey. remember to use the technique rhonda gave you should you feel a trigger coming on. luv you


                              Greenie's back from Lenair

                              Try a Whole Foods store.....
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10


                                Greenie's back from Lenair

                                welcome back

                                I am so happy you had a pleasant (well after the rough beginning) experience, and welcome back!!

                                Big hugs to you, :l:l:llove you Greeneyes!!!!:h:h

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

