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    GOD....MAKE IT STOP....

    sorry to anyone religious here....that was not any sort of religious outburst....just can't take it anymore....i wrote how wrong i felt last night and even now my husband who was there and sober has told me that it was good i left when i did because i was making no progress in the friend category with others there.... what the f is my problem....some people i just cant relax with if i have never gotten drunk with them....i hate it......

    GOD....MAKE IT STOP....

    try to look forward, don't look back....things will get better : )
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      GOD....MAKE IT STOP....

      Dove, go back and read some of your old posts and hear the hope in your own words. Read advice
      that you gave it was really good. My heart is right move forward and you even give that advice
      to someone. We are all pulling for you.



        GOD....MAKE IT STOP....

        Sounds like your going through the shit right will pass im sure.


          GOD....MAKE IT STOP....

          I used to think I was the most witty and intelligent guy when I was drinking, but most of the time I came across as being obnoxious and self-centered no doubt!!. I've since found that being sober and around the same people that, I actually have nothing really in common with apart from my past love of talking crap in the pub all day and putting the world to rights!!!. I don't actually go into pubs anymore anyway!!.

          Just being sober alone has it's major adjustments and it will take time to be comfortable in other peoples company who are drinking. It didn't just happen over-night for me but once I regained some self confidence back I realised that I actually WAS witty and intelligent (he says blowing own trumpet!!) without the need to hide behind the drink. I sometimes felt I had to be on the same wavelength as other people to 'get' the jokes or to be 'funny' myself. I'm happy with who I am at present and if people don't like that then FINE I don't need to be around those people.

          For me then it was all about gaining the self confidence back that alcohol had basically 'kicked the living crap' out of me for so many years. It will come in time believe me. (I am GOD!!!!)

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            GOD....MAKE IT STOP....

            I missed it all, but I'm sure you handled yourself as well as you could considering the situation.
            Be strong, we all all here for you.


              GOD....MAKE IT STOP....


              I spent many years as an army brat trying to fit in. (Constantly moving and constantly the new girl.)

              I learned happiness finally when I realized if I didn't "fit in" with some people, tough cr@p. I fit in with me just fine.

              It is really funny that when I finally got to that place, people liked me naturally.

              Just relax with who you are. You are a child of this universe, you know... (Desiderata)

              Work on it, I did and made it happen. I worked hard at not letting what others thought of me drive my actions. I learned to internalize my reward system, not externalize it.

              Life is much more fun that way and much more rewarding.

              AF April 9, 2016

