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NO failures here!

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    NO failures here!

    Just had to jump in here.....I hear what you all are saying.....just don't see the need for any more as your point has been made. JMT has been doing wonderful this past week and was a bit upset this morning. What she needs now is support, not criticism. Hope you will take a minute and understand that we can ALL have a bad day. That's all I have to add.


      NO failures here!

      Absolutely and I hope she continues to do great. A week is wonderful. Just remember some of these people reading are teetering on the same edge as JMT and probably don't need an extra guilt trip.


        NO failures here!

        Wow....Dolphin, I'm really suprised....not gonna get in the middle of all this, but I am suprised.


          NO failures here!

          I read it a couple of hours ago and didn't feel the need to reply. I thought it was very well written and basically said all that was needed to be said.

          I enjoyed it! Don't get discouraged for lack of response. Sometimes we have nothing to say, or cannot relate, or think the post was great, and there was no need to respond. ;-)


            NO failures here!

            I guess I don't see the need for it to have gotten this nasty. It was a positive post. Some of us read it and felt good about it. Didn't seem as though someone was going to go on a bender if we didn't post. It's unfair to everyone.


              NO failures here!

              I just want to make the comment that it is not uncommon to have more guests than members on the site at any given moment. These guests can read all they want and not post. If it makes you unhappy to have so many views and not a lot of actual responses, check to see how many guests are on the site, and there is probably a lot.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                NO failures here!

                My sincere apologies, yeseterday was a VERY VERY bad day. I'm sorry if I offeneded anyone.
                Renewal thank you SO much for being such a wonderful friend. To everyone again, I apologize I know that I'm probably the only person on here that has ever said or done anything in haste. I wish you all nothing but the best.
                Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                  NO failures here!

                  Aww hey JMT, what happened?? Look we've all said and done things at one time or another that we regret, EVERYONE on here as done it at one time or another and if they say they haven't well, they must be in denial or we wouldn't be on this site. You hang tough I know what went on yesterday was really difficult for you, I'm sorry and I'm here if you need anything.


                    NO failures here!

                    You certiantly are not the only one JMT. Don't apologize you havent offended anyone and you are certiantly not the first to say something in "haste" just keep posting !!!!! Hey every one on this site does nothing but support each other in "haste" lol. Love your post thanks.
                    love Cap


                      NO failures here!

                      Thank you all so much the last thing I would ever want to do is offend anyone here.
                      Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                        NO failures here!

                        Hey JMT--I read your posts yesterday. I did almost exactly the same thing when I first started. I posted something and then when I didn't get any response I started posting back to myself. I think it is the co-dependent in us--we can be a little sensitive!:H

                        I agree with what you said, I was a little apprehensive about replying, since maybe some here had been through an intervention or perhaps need one.....I watch that show once in awhile and think to myself wow--I'm really grateful to not have it THAT bad!

                        Hang in there! :h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          NO failures here!

                          (((LVT25))) Yes, I tend to be impatient, especially newbly sober! :0) Like I said, the last thing I EVER intended was to offend anyone.
                          Thank you so much!
                          Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!

