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NO failures here!

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    NO failures here!

    You know, I've done ALOT of reading here and alot of thinking with a clear and sober mind in the past almost week. A repetative word or feeling that you get out of alot of posts from people that slip or relapse is they've failed. I so do not see it that way.
    I watched a few "Interventions" last night on the tele and you know, those are people that have "failed" maybe failed isn't the correct word, given up maybe. When it takes those around you that love and care about you to come to YOU and say...."You have a serious problem you need help, get it, or else we are done" they have given up. They can't see ANYTHING themselves it takes other people to see and do it for them.
    We realize with our own eyes that we have a problem we fight sometimes fall but get back up and keep fighting. We fail when we give up, let alcohol take everything away from us that we love and cherish. When we drink and don't feel guilt or shameful for how we have behaved or who we have hurt we are in trouble.
    I give SO much credit to everyone on here, we have all seen with our OWN eyes that we have a problem and we are working on fixing it. Yes it may take a long time to finally beat this thing, but you know what we try, we try again and we keep doing it until we get it right. As far as I'm concerned that takes a hell of ALOT of courage and strength to continue to fight and not just give in and drink our lives away.
    I've found so much help and strength here that for the first time in my life, I REALLY feel like I"m finding answers and solutions to my fight and for that I'm so grateful to each and everyone of you. :l
    Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!

    NO failures here!


    Amazing what a week can do.....really proud of and impressed by you JMT.


      NO failures here!

      One hell of a pep talk JMT. Thank you.


        NO failures here!

        Thanks guys, but apprently I shouldn't have wasted my breath, oh well!
        Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


          NO failures here!

          What do you mean by you wasted your breath?


            NO failures here!

            Well, I thought your post was excellent , and very well put together.
            I can't see that it could have offended anyone.

            Mary xxx


              NO failures here!

              thank you for sharing.. well put .. i totally agree takes so much strength , willpower to keep on the right path . to realize everyday you are getting better and better
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                NO failures here!

                78 views 6 responses, yea, back to drinking I go...........deluded I be by all the B.S.
                Good luck to you all. I'm done tyring.
                Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                  NO failures here!

                  well hate to see you go.. but hey good luck in what ever you find works for you.. it is all possible but you have to want to try and do your best . and you are not alone we are here for you just keep trying..
                  good luck ..peace , love and god bless
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    NO failures here!

                    JMT....look at your PM


                      NO failures here!

                      Well put, JMT. When I relate to my own path that I have been on, as many times as I tried
                      and failed this is the first time that I ever reached outside and admitted to strangers here
                      that I had a problem. I think Renewal said on one of his posts that he had no one at home
                      to be accountable to and that this place fulfils that role. I think that is true for me also, Hubby
                      would never hold me accountable for how much I drank as He felt sorry for me that I was
                      in the Medical/Work Comp predicament. So he gave me my
                      every wish Vodka, Vodka, Vodka even though it was to my detriment. If I said that was it
                      no drinking, Ok hubby supportive, if I said I need a drink, Ok hubby supportive.

                      I am very thankful for this site it is helping me change my life. Sorry for the ramble
                      today is day 1 NF. LOL

                      12 days AF
                      1 day NF
                      I hope


                        NO failures here!

                        I am guilty of sometimes reading things and not posting. I often read on breaks at work and just do not have time to respond. Then here at home I fight kids for computer time. But in all honesty if you are going to go back to drinking based on your views/response ratio it seems as though perhaps you were looking for a reason.

                        Your first post on this thread was very upbeat and hopeful maybe you should reread it. I think it was a great post.


                          NO failures here!


                            NO failures here!

                            ... and please don't forget - there are some of just getting out of bed.

                            I agree with Dolly - re-read your wonderfully positive post and allow some time for your thread to gather momentum before declaring everything B.S.


                              NO failures here!

                              The time difference is still difficult for me. I do think also we should remember that if someone sounds pretty good they may not get as many responses as someone in need of immediate help. That is how it should be. i am concerned at how rapidly the attitude deteriorated. I don't think it's fair at all to blame it on these forums.

