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    I normaly use colors to express my intent so this different in my way of expression.

    I am trying to fit in here.

    My art can sell and I can be in the world of painting and that is a comfort for a time.

    But it is fleeting.

    I want to tell you from my heart that I am coming from where I am and that is honest, but, I scramble to get to the right words.

    Please bare with me,

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


    Are you alright? Your posts are like paintings with words... Don't worry about fitting in. You already do.



      I, too, can see the colours in your beautiful words. They are not scrambled to me.

      This community is like a jigsaw puzzle, The Me, a single piece does not fit everywhere.

      But it fits here and there.

      I hope you are better this evening.

      m. xx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir



        Thank You, Sheepish and Magic.

        You made me "sense" that no matter how hard the puzzle, the pieces always fit.

        I want to distance myself from this sight because it seems like a click when I try to fit in and that is danger to me and my staying on this planet.

        I work Jigsaw puzzles and Magic , I can see that it all fits in in the end.

        Thank You so

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales



          Hallo Karen,

          I love a good jig! There are some good ones online, if you do a google search, that will keep both your mind and hands busy for a long while.

          I haven't gone back and read your previous posts so I don't know your history right now. Have you told us something about yourself other than you are an artist?
          Perhaps post some of your art in the Gallery for all to enjoy.

          Certainly there are relationships here, but it's such a huge site!

          I enjoy your posts when I find them, I think that you have a wonderful style of writing.
          Keep on posting! Don't go away, stay and make some new friends.

          You are as welcome here as anyone else.

          Nancy xxx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir




            One of the greatest things about this site are the differences of the members. Don't worry about fitting in. Post when you want/need to or just read. Everyone has something to offer and it is obvious that you do too. Take it at your pace. You will find many friends here. Gabby.
            Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.



              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss



                The me 2 be I find everything you post very special..... your expression is beautiful !!!!! I wish i could find the words you do
                Love cap



                  Please don't be discouraged. A lot of people struggle to make themselves heard round here for one reason or another. You are not alone. Feel free to PM me at anytime. I will always try to help.




                    Hi Theme me to be
                    I think that if you can just continue being brave enough hand keep 'putting it out there' you will realize that you ARE part of 'it'. I am the Queen of Isolation Island. I find that Isolating from others plays tricks with my head and can get me spinning down into a black pit of nothing - it's like the chicken and the egg. Which comes first- the isolating or the isolation? And it goes on for so long I can't remember how it got started all I know is that I am alone in the dark. So contrary action is one of the things that can help- like posting on the forum here. All of the comments on your posts are positive and encouraging. I know how hard it is to take it in- but keep being brave and keep posting how you truly feel. It will help you to find your way out of the dark.
                    Take care



                      Thank you so much.
                      I must say that after posting this I went on to post again. I now admit I am powerless over posting Truth being that I have not learned how to maneuver on this site completely.
                      I did not see all of your replies, and I am thankful for this reality that I have a place such as this to come to.

                      I an emotionally scared person. I usually drop out of groups and I am extremely hopeful as I unravel a bit, that this has begun an unraveling of what ails me.

                      I have come close to listening to "its" voice telling me I don't fit in so that I will succumb to "its" lies as I let my own fears consume.

                      Being freed from the bondage one letter at a time,


                      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

