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what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

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    what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

    This is a different place that I expose my very existence to.

    I have done the best to communicate to you as this is different as I express in a different manner.

    I dont get much response to what I speak and and for those that do, no matter what, you are a life saver.

    I dont understand the dynamics at times?

    I wish I could let you see me as I am. I mean well.
    I want to belong here.

    I have read many post and threads and I am not fancy with words.

    I am trying to stay alive and when I do , what matters will mean more.

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

    what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

    Hiya Theme, I sort of feel a bit like that too.

    I see there are lots of well established friendships that have been formed here and ultimately people dont know me (or you?) very well.

    I guess my only suggestion is keep posting and Im sure we will both find a little niche soon..failing that we can just chat to each other here if you like

    How long have you been AF? its my third morning HF and Im into my 4th day now. I dont really feel any different to how I did the first day, had a pretty bad night last night too but it was hot here. Onwards and upwards

    Best wishes.


      what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

      Hello Theme2be....Welcome! Just be yourself and you will fit...there are all sorts of people here struggling to fight the big fight with booze.....give it time and keep posting....all the very best to you and wishing you luck...X Bella


        what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

        Thank You so.

        I have entered here free of it and not free of it.

        I still feel marooned. I don't want to try to fit in for that is a disaster for me.

        I am a personalty that does not fit in rather I do. I isolate as I have expressed here many times.

        Then their were ones that were bringing me out from the shadows and then they disappeared when I surfaced because I believed I could now speak.

        I am baffled and I love them all so.

        I hope and then I hope that I make sense.

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


          what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

          Hi Theme2be and Nia 70!!

          I think it just takes time and effort here (to make friends) as it does anywhere. I have been on the site for over 2 years now and I think it's all about putting time in.....Join one or two threads that are long running and people will get to know you and vice versa. I have just relaxed on the site over time and don't take it to heart too much if a post I have posted doesn't get replies or whatever...I don't take offence or worry.....I just get on and post some more.

          There are over 6000 members now so we have a huge range of varied people that share the same problems and experiences. So I do think it just takes time to create a feeling of familiarity.
          I think this site is very much about reaching out (whether you feel in a good place...or not so good a place), there will always be someone here to listen or someone that needs listening to.

          Also Theme2be I think you express yourself really well too...perhaps you are being a bit hard on yourself?

          Looking forward to seeing both of you and your posts in the future.

          Sober since 30/06/10


            what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

            Nia, congrats on getting to your 4th day!! Yes the nights are hard at first...but they do get better!!


            Sober since 30/06/10


              what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

              Hi them
              I have read you posts and find them very poetic and interesting but unfortunately I dont have a poetic bone in my body and I am not a very deep and meaningful person (very shallow prefer to joke my way thru life) so I dont really know how to respond to so I leave it to others. I have seen others respond to your posts in a very welcoming way and positive way though. Dont get despondent and dont take it personally there are many people out there who view all of our posts but dont respond and they may identify more with some and not with others of us. You are here for you remember.
              Keep posting - you write beautifully.
              BH (no more)


                what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                It takes time, hang in there, I agree with what boozehag said--I'm not poetic either. I really love reading the posts from people that have such wonderful writing talent. I'm more of a smart ass myself.
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                  Is all that really important? My husband always (or when it suits him) blame me for my bad english.......
                  I am a translator..................I make a living in figuring out what "other people" want to express!!!!!
                  The essence is important.............
                  I feel the same way, I am not a Shakespeare, Goethe or Schiller..............but that does not mean that I cant say/wright what I feel


                    what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                    Ahh... theme! You belong here just as anyone else does!!! No fancy writing required! Respond to posts, start threads; do whatever you need to, in order to help you over come this affliction.


                      what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                      Why do you feel like you did something wrong? Hang in there and just be yourself.
                      Goal 1: Today
                      Goal 2: Tomorrow


                        what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                        All of your words were poetry to my heart, thank you so much.
                        I am learning amazing things here from others words as they express themselves.
                        I also don't post after reading someones words for I want to make an impact in a positive way when it involves another human beings life.
                        I am hard on myself because I have made major efforts as suggested by this program to be free of this stalker and I am still in the struggle. I was close to death a few days ago and If need be, I must scream and plead to survive.

                        I love being here and I am realzing that I have rejection issues and I am amazed at myself for exposing what I feel, instead of masking it.
                        I have so much admiration for people that are social and I weep from lonliness. I am a little embarassed at my words and feel foolish for seeming inmature.

                        Advice taken and appreciated. Hearing that it is about me is really the issue. My identity needs to heal and surface as I am . To be complete is not a result of how another makes me feel.

                        This was like a counseling session. So powerful.

                        Thanks for ever more.

                        Nia70, consider me your friend as well as the other 5999:h
                        And now, I am going to go be a friend to myself.

                        Love to you all, each and everyone, as you are perfectly are as individuals.


                        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                          what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                          I always love your posts. I can relate to much of what you say. This site has become so huge, so many people. One can feel lost. When I am struggling, which is most of the time, I often read posts and don't respond because I feel so unworthy. But we cherish you here.:l:l:h
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                            Each and everyone of us IS WORTHY!

                            We deserve to love and be loved.......don't ever let anyone take this away from you.

                            m. xxx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              what have I done wrong? I dont feel like I fit in with all of you.

                              I think we all have our insecurities and self doubt and experience them more or less depending at what point in our life we are.
                              Whenever you feel that you are not good enough, just stop to think, that there is only one of you. There never was and there never will be another you. You are here now and you are incredibly special to the universe in your singularity. Love yourself and treasure yourself every day. Granted, it takes a little practise, but you are so worth it.
                              Hugs Lori
                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

