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my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

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    my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

    I know im weak and could not help myself on friday night. my supermarket ran out of AF wine. so i PANIC ! need to go to bed now. I will do this know mattter WHAT!

    p.s Thanks for all your support.x
    family is everything to me

    my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

    Teardrop, rest up, drink lots of water and seltzer, keep focused and find another substitute for AF wine in an emergency. You are doing well for the most part so build on that. We can do this!! Much love, Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

      Oh Teardrop hun.....! What you done? You're doing so well.....did you panic and buy wine or just want to? I am really thinking of up and come and tell us how you are doing when you can....?

      Hey.....remember those pigeon steps...? And you said even just ant steps is sometimes it...? And we laughed? Well, yes, sometimes it is...and that's ok..... This thing comes and bites our bum from time to time, but it gets less and less and WILL do this thing...I have every faith in you, so does everyone here.....and can you hang on to that in you for you? You own faith in yourself...? That is still there and you must never forget that....

      Enough for now...just sending hugs.
      FMS xx :l
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

        Teardrop, once you've had a nap, come talk to us. We're here for you. What was that Friday panic about - what did you ACTUALLY need? Could you have phoned someone, hugged you kids, gone for a walk, listened to a meditation CD? Lets brainstorm. You're doing really well. A panic is just a blip. Look out the window - the rays are breaking through the cloud cover - so are you, the blip is over. :rays:


          my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

            Hi Teardrop,
            Sorry you are feeling down.Some of the things I would put in a wine glass when I was AF for 14 months. 2yrs ago. (i drank red wine) Cranberry Juice, even when I went out to dinner I would ask for cranberry juice in a wine glass. I would make herbal tea that had a tart taste .I would make a half gallon so I would always have it. I hope your day gets better


              my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

              Teardrop, I am so sorry! The inner fight is so hard. Keep fighting on, never stop fighting.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

                Tears you are not weak!!! know exactly how you feel !!!!! " no matter what" hey thats the attitude what a strong person you are the time will pass and the day will get better you have been there before you are one of my many hero's here lots of love and birds eye fish fingers to you love cap


                  my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

                  Teardrop, you are doing amazing. What happened Friday? Dont beat yourself up no matter what, you have achieved so much and will again. Let us know how you are doing?



                    my body feels like it screaming for HELP!


                    I am most definately an "ant step" kinda gal. I have been at this thing for longer than I can believe. is a PROCESS not an event!! And slips are, for most of us, inevitable. They are not fun, but each one teaches us something...i.e., what can you do as a back up when there is no al free wine?

                    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on keeping on. Look at your whole picture and be proud of your success and keep on going forward. You CAN do ARE doing this!!!

                    Love Beth

                    (The little engine that could)
                    formerly known as bak310


                      my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

                      Still feeling Rough.....
                      Thanks everyone.xxxxxxx you all mean so much to me.
                      I've not mention about the bottle of wine that was on the floor that firday night someone drop, not sure if the smell made up my mind for me, OH and also that bottle of brandy in the cupboard at home open, that was half finish, Though i was missing out on something, but dont feel like that NOW.
                      Anyway pour the rest of that big bottle of wine that was left from last night, not much down the sink.

                      family is everything to me


                        my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

                        Hey Teardrop - sometimes it is a gift to discover that we aren't, after all, missing out on something and are better off without it....well done! Whatever, however much, it is behind you now and you can be even stronger now for the gift....

                        I am proud of you whatever!

                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          my body feels like it screaming for HELP!

                          Teardrop I am so so sorry that I have only just read this and that I was not there for you yesterday. You have been doing amazingly well and have had a slip BUT you know you can do it and with the support on this site YOU WILL DO IT. Pm any time you like

                          You have been such a support to everyone it is now your turn to feel that blanket of support and love coming your way from all your friends. Wrap that blanket round yourself and feel the strength returning - we are there for you so draw a line under Friday and start again ODAT

                          Much love Sweetpea :l:l:h:h xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                          :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h

