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    so the kids are off on their summer hols this friday , and not having to get up at the crack of dawn to get them ready for school are a HUGE drink trigger for me! I am a person with alot of energy I end up drinking alot more during the summer as with 4 kids I find it hard been stuck at home with little to do. Boredom is the main reason why I drink ,so anyone any suggestions about how I could spend my summer better?:thanks:


    I have the same problem. It gets as hot as the sun here in the summer. Going outside is not an option. Even driving someplace sucks as the walk across a parking lot is enough to singe your eyebrows. So I hole up in the house for the better part of 3 months. We should start a contest of sorts to keep distracted and busy. Something like, who can read the most books, knit the most pot holders, watch the most movies, clean out the most closets, etc. I could use the focus because without alcohol, I'm left to sit and slowly pull the singed eyebrows off of my face.



      so how are you getting on then? I take it your af now...good for you! I just read your wall mart Wallmart here . Yes ,I was in a book shop last night and saw alod of books I want to read . Dont have the same heat issue over here , more of a rain issue ,maybe you should try over here , at least it would put out your singeing eyebrows!



        Hey limers.

        I have to be careful during these long summer days and nights myself as I can get stuck reminiscing about the past or the good old days spent at free festivals and parties out in the country. I love this time of year and it was one hot summer day not long ago that I screwed up with my thinking and drank.

        I think our schools over here break up a week later than in Ireland but I'm having my daughter for the first and last week of the holidays. I've never had her stay with me for longer than a few days at a time since my 'divorce'!!. I'm just hoping the weather is going to be good as I hate being stuck indoors with her. If it is I've got lot's of beach trips planned amongst other trips and days out. It doesn't have to be expensive as well as here we have the best of the coast and woodland areas on my doorstep. We usually prefer just playing and fooling around outdoors anyway than going to fairgrounds and expensive indoor activity places.

        I know I've said this to you in the past but I don't envy you one bit limers!! I know I could never cope with that many kids, holiday or not!!!. Anyway I hope someone else here can offer some more constructive ideas and advice to get you through the summer. After all I am just a bloke!!!

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009



          Thanks Hippie, im gonna have to be a bit more creative this year and stop my usual laziness and heading for the offie!!

