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sorry a different view with the lenair thing

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    sorry a different view with the lenair thing

    With all due respect to those that have done this i don't want to imply you are wrong but please respect my right to comment .Can i ask one question sorry I know I am going to rustle some feathers here "how much money" is Rhonda charging!!!!! why is she different from any other faith healers running around in the states!!!! I would love to believe that she has the cure for addiction.... SORRY i don't..... I have read the "corinthians" I have tried to keep an open mind about this!!! believe me i did..... but is she just another religious healer with a good diet programme????? please correct my ignorance if I am wrong. I probably should not comment!!!!. but i am happy if those that have the money and direct contact and have been made AL free best to you Love cap (change costs nothing)
    PS can she recommend any healers for us atheists( by the way I was bought up a baptized catholic and abused by so called men of god and im broke) i m not sorry for my attitude....... me 18 days sober thanks to RJ no money requested from her didn't cost a cent "free" PLEASE prove me wrong. Sorry i get angry at these very expensive cure all things and that this site is indirectly promoting a "very expensive faith thing " just want to let new guys know addiction free life does not cost a cent the cost is a inital painfull change in your attitude to life .
    Love cap

    sorry a different view with the lenair thing

    Capn. I know nothing of Lenair but I understand your feeling about religious based "treatment". That's one reason I would never go to AA, "higher power" thing REALLY turns me off. I'm a Unitarian and just dislike being told God wants this or God believes this type thing.

    Having said all that, if it helps anyone stop drinking: thank God for Lenair!

    Just wanted to say I hear you.


      sorry a different view with the lenair thing

      Thanks Hart ......Whats a "unitarian" i'm interested a little hobby so to speak
      Love cap


        sorry a different view with the lenair thing


        I hear you, loud and clear. I am also very sceptical of the whole Lenair and other similar associated "healing" type things. However, I don't think you can argue with the results so far fed back from Buckledown, Bootcampbarbie and Greeneyes, to name a few.

        I find Lenair very intruiging, but a bit unbelievable. That's not to say it's not true, or it doesn't work. Anything that mentions the bible when you are a non-believer is hard for us to invest in.

        Someone once said on this board a long while ago, it would be nice to hear from someone that has been to Lenair that has never drank since then.......a long term success story. what do we class as long term? that's relative. I say, each to their own. If it works for them, great. The fact we find it difficult to relate to shouldn't matter.

        Good discussion point though. As long as this doesn't turn into another argument and banned thread! lol. Can we have a grown up discussion without mud-slinging?????

        one, x


          sorry a different view with the lenair thing

          Hi Cap and everyone!

          No feathers ruffled here! And such a good question and point. It's hard to explain what actually happens, inside our bodies at the cellular level at the sessions as I do not totally understand. I don't understand cell phones or fax machines either, but I love em and use em! However, I will make a feeble attempt to explain as I understand...

          First let me say, the body is amazing!

          My understanding is that when our body is "unspoiled" so to speak, it is in perfect bio balance. Proper amounts of hormones and everything else are being produced to keep it that way. This is our formula or recipe for perfect "Bio-Balance". When in bio-balance, all systems operate properly, including the electro-magnetic's at the cellular level. (I do remember some of my biology and physiology - cells, vibration, protons, neutrons- etc.) Not my area of expertise, however!

          When we introduce substances into our body, like alcohol and other harmfuls, the body works to neutralize these substances by producing more of other things, like hormones, etc. This creates an imbalance in our original "formula or recipe" sort of like adding too much salt, when cooking. Our body continues to work to make these adjustment to offset the harmful substances so that it can do its' best to maintain health. After prolonged exposure to alcohol or other substances, the body automatically accepts these adjustments and this becomes our "new formula or recipe". The problem arises when the harmful substance is not present - like when we try to quite drinking. The body is still producing the "new recipe", so it reacts with shakes and other symptoms to let us know, the recipe is out of balance , part of the formula is missing (alcohol) = dependancy and addiction. This is happening at the cellular level and it is effecting the electromagnetics of the cells.

          My understanding is that Rhonda has the ability to re-calibrate our system at the cellular level electrmagnetically. Consequently, we are "Re-Set" or "Recalibrated" back to the point of "Bio-Balance". As though our body has never been exposed to alcohol.

          As for athiest/ christian/ et al. There was absolutely no mention of anything religious of any kind for my sessions. Everyones session is unique to them. One does get the feeling that Rhonda's work is done with some type of a spiritual connectedness, I would say. Great respect and focus to the body, mind, spirit as a whole.

          I was given suggestions as to diet changes (foods to avoid and foods to include), tinctures and oils to use, additional suppliments that the body is calling for...non of which I have done - as directed - sorry to say. I did buy some of the tinctures and oils just 2 days ago, and plan to start them soon. Have to get my $h!t together!

          My fee was $3,200.00 I understand that is the current fee, but you can check out her web-site at: The Lenair Healing Center. An alternative treatment for alcoholism developed by a specialist in treating alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse. For me, this is a bargain. Again, this is only my opinion.

          I want to mention that I did not feel anything when I had my sessions. I was actually a little concerned that nothing had happened. I told Barry, Rhonda's husband when leaving the first session. "I don't feel
          any different." He sort of smirked and said "But, you are
          different." And I am.

          I feel that my trip to Lenair was yet another tool in my journey to sobriety. It has worked for me, an idividual. However, we are all just that, individuals, all different in endless ways.

          Love and respect to all! Best
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            sorry a different view with the lenair thing

            I've often in the past considered myself to be borderline atheist believing more in the cosmic/evolutionary process than anything else. i have though always felt a certain sense of spirituality that there is something far greater than these processes alone. My problem is that I've never had faith. Not religious faith either just simply faith. Anyway I don't want to get into the semantics of it all here but I do feel like you at times. You are not alone my friend!!. I'm always reminded of a comment posted regarding Darwin being a racist in times when I question my own thoughts on this subject it kind of hits the nail on the head for me.

            Darwin is a bit of a racist (remember his comments about the Fuegans), and he is a bit of a creationist as well (He constantly hints at an overarching purposiveness when the science simply does not support it) ? his work is imperfect and colored by the flaws of the times and author?s own biases. I am not excusing the racism or the lack of pure science, but Darwin deserves credit for presenting to the masses the most accurate and important scientific ideas presented to date (at the time). His works changed scientific thought and ultimately paved the way for greater and a more accurate accumulation of scientific discoveries based on building empirical scientific evidence rather than biblical ideologies. Darwin is an imperfect hero, but a hero nonetheless. And better still because he never pretended to be prophetic or all knowing. His words were never intended to be used to pass judgment or condemnation, and ultimately have paved the way for scientists and sociologists to discover we truly are all equal - far more than any religiously based text or scientific text which had preceded his works ever could or did! So, if his book fuels racism, than the reader/interpreter is misusing an aged scientific book that should be read at this point only for historical, philosophical and literary purposes. New science has replaced the old, and even Darwin would likely look at the newest evidence (human genome project etc..) and conclude that his books most definitely require new and expanded additions. Darwin is (obviously) dead, and Mr. Ham is presenting facts in a twisted way to discount Darwin?s work so that he can internally discount the idea of evolution. One should not necessarily equate to the other as no one is ever all wrong or all right. However, discrediting someone entirely so you can stay in a perpetual state of ignorance to avoid cognitive dissonance is a very, very bad idea.

            Good reading if I do say so myself!!!

            Love and Happiness

            p.s. I know I didn't mention about Lenair but at the end of the day "whatever bites yer biscuit". My way out is just that.......... MINE!!
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              sorry a different view with the lenair thing

              I thought I should mention, that on the Lenair website there are testimonials. Some are recorded by the actual people, some offer phone numbers for validation. Also, if you call the center, you can request direct numbers of individuals who are experiencing long term sobriety, since their sessions with Rhonda. By long term, I mean many, many years.

              Please understand, I am not advertising for Lenair, simply answering several issues that have been presented here, as best I can. I ususally try to "Fly under the radar" here. I don't do drama! I love boring!
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                It wont ONE I'll shut the bugger down myself if it turns ugly just want some debate ( and over the top PLEASE) amongst " silly old people" as my daughter refers to her mum and dad. Bring the debate on guys!!!!!
                Love cap. Thanks best for your first hand account much appreciated and also for youre low flying opinion LOL you are lovely


                  sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                  I think if it works then great!

                  After reading greeneyes' summary; I am pretty skeptical. After reading Luv's/Britt's, I thought of that Jim Baker guy.... I am not big on faith healers.

                  These are MY thoughts here. So no one take any offense.

                  I know as many do, that our diets are horrific when we drink. We deplete all of the essential vitamins and minerals for the most part. BUT after reading Greenies diet plan I was REALLY shocked. Like what in the heck is she suppose to eat??!!

                  Like I said, if it works then great.


                    sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                    i wonder if George Best the football player ever went there? interesting thread, I though it was like uk health farm, but on a bigger scale.

                    family is everything to me


                      sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                      CAP! You'll love this! I know the "silly old people" treatment. 5 kids! Varying degrees of way more educaion than their Dad and me. Oldest is daughter and DR. OMG! She's Athiest, which is OK! (Opinions are like fingerprints. Every one has them and they are all different.) But man alive, does she love to debate! Whew! I'll give her your number! And please assure me that when you are finished with her, you will have taught her a huge lesson in humility! I could use your help on that one. LOL!
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                        I can fully understand how you might feel about religion. I was raised by a strict zealot of a mother who pounded religion into me for the better part of my childhood. All it did is turn me off ANY type of organized gathering to worship anything at all, because the holierthanthou people whom I met in the process were really despicable people.

                        As for Rhonda Lenair:
                        She never ever brings up religion, a higher power or whatever you might call God, as we understand it. I have been drinking since I was about 40 and it absolutely escalated to a point where I was totally out of control. When I found MWO I thought I had found salvation and I managed to be 3 months AF. Then shit happened and again I grabbed for the bottle to drown what was ailing me at the time. Then I got back on the wagon and fell off again, on again, off again. Every failure gnawed away at what little pride and self-confidence I had left until I hit what I would call my rockbottom.

                        Had it not been for MWO and the brave souls whom I met that had been to Lenair, I would have never ever considered going to anything like that, because I generally don't believe in things that I cannot analyze, disect and proof in a double blind study.
                        Bestlife used a wonderful analogy; just because I don't understand how a cell phone works, doesn't mean that I cannot use it. I think that there are a lot of things yet to be discovered and we should keep an open mind.

                        Who would have thought 25 years ago that I can sit here and type a comment that can simultaneously be read all around the globe, even in the remotest areas. Complex messages are transmitted via satellite signal. Our brain is doing the same thing everytime I lift a finger and we are a lot more complex than all our gadgets put together. We all have energy fields and why is it not possible that certain predisposed individuals can actually enter that energy field and influence it in a positive way. Captn, I am floundering here as I cannot explain it anymore then the next person. All I can say is that I have not had the urge to drink alcohol since June the ninth. I am still euphoric and utterly grateful for this gift and I don't want to look a gifthorse in the mouth.

                        If you on the other hand can become AF all on your own I respect you and am happy for you but I could't do it.

                        If you really want to get in touch with long term abstainers, you can go on the Lenair website. There are some former patients who did post a contact number, because they want to share their sobriety.

                        That's just my couple of pennies worth.
                        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                          sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                          interesting thread!

                          I was wondering about Lenair, my counselor talked me out of it saying "there is no majic pill".............I am enjoying this read though, thanks for spurring some thoughts!:thanks:

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                            Lori thanks for your considered words" Captn, I am floundering here as I cannot explain it anymore then the next person. All I can say is that I have not had the urge to drink alcohol since June the ninth. I am still euphoric and utterly grateful for this gift and I don't want to look a gifthorse in the mouth." so wonderfully expressed. love you lori thanks


                              sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                              "CAP! You'll love this! I know the "silly old people" treatment. 5 kids! Varying degrees of way more educaion than their Dad and me. Oldest is daughter and DR. OMG! She's Athiest, which is OK! (Opinions are like fingerprints. Every one has them and they are all different.) But man alive, does she love to debate! Whew! I'll give her your number! And please assure me that when you are finished with her, you will have taught her a huge lesson in humility! I could use your help on that one. LOL!

                              No help best HAAAAAAA you got me laughing so much i think I will have to change my boxers LOL

