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sorry a different view with the lenair thing

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    sorry a different view with the lenair thing

    I wasn't going to come back here however........
    Beth, I fully understand how one endures "cognitive dissonace" as you so elaborately put it. I am happy beyond words that for once in my life I took the "proverbial leap of faith" and went for something that I could neither explain nor even remotely wrap my mind around.
    Columbus did not fall off the edge of the earth as predicted by his "learned" contemporaries and it took centuries to vindicate poor old Galileo. Is it not possible that we are at present still too ignorant to get the big picture? After all we are only using a fraction of our brain. There still is a lot of untapped potential, well maybe not for me (must have fried a miriad of neurons with AL) but I am thinking of future generations. Just more of my ramblings............
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


      sorry a different view with the lenair thing

      Welcome to Home Page for a real view of how we 'humans' react to something new/incomprehensible! (Forget the marketing side - he 'knows' stuff about life....) See if you can get to hear 'Overcoming survival and security addictions' It's all there.

      What a guy!
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        sorry a different view with the lenair thing

        Lori, my sweet.....I'll be the first to agree with you.......our little brains see oh so little of the "big" picture!

        So very little. There is so much we don't understand. I, myself, don't need it written down in order to believe. I just do.

        I am so fucking happy for you and everyone else who has taken this GIANT step!

        FMS......"commitment to grow." Absolutely. To arrive for appointments and not waste anyone's time.

        Perhaps we should ALL just believe
        in a few more things. The world might be a nicer place.

        m. xxx
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


          sorry a different view with the lenair thing

          Finding My Self;352884 wrote: Welcome to Home Page for a real view of how we 'humans' react to something new/incomprehensible! (Forget the marketing side - he 'knows' stuff about life....) See if you can get to hear 'Overcoming survival and security addictions' It's all there.

          What a guy!
          "You were designed to be in love, not just romanticly, but in love with life, in love with the creation, in love with this universe. Come from that place in you that is wanting so desperately to be with you on a daily basis. And, I assure you, that if you want more love in your life, the absolute magic, is to give more of it with no concern for where it comes back because it is the enealing cement of everything that works for your benefit and mine."

          Just read this Fondling and it struck a chord right away with me. Thanks for the link and will check out more over the next few days.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            sorry a different view with the lenair thing

            I, too, agree with you wholeheartedly Lori and am so happy for those of you who have gone to Rhonda and had such wonderful success. I don't think it is fair for any of us to judge what has worked for others.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              sorry a different view with the lenair thing

              I just read the 'Guarantee' part of the Lenair website and even with the conditions, I think it's reasonable. They obviously stand by their work.

              I am much like Beth with my ways of thinking in regards to the 'scientific' aspect of it.

              However, I also think a lot of problems with human beings is they fear having an 'open mind' to other options.

              One thing my shrink-a-link said to me yesterday is that I see things very much in either black or white; right or wrong. If I change this way of thinking my life will be a lot better, with less anxiety, anger, and will be more fulfilling.

              Some food for thought.

              I did not read the information on the website before responding previously. I was going on instinct and other's experiences. (Of course only looking for the negative; or what I think is a little incomprehensible.)

              So you just never know. I think if it does indeed work, as many here say it does, then $3,200 dollars is a small price to pay for ridding this horror show.

              You can't put a dollar value on getting your sanity, health and life back. JMHO.


                sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                Aye mate, I've been waiting for this thread! I agree with just about everything, everyone has posted here. I am a firm believer in "bio magnetics" having learned a lot about it this past year.... only with "machines" and computers doing the diagnostics and the corrections. They are gifted people out there*, whether they they make you believe and "heal" yourself or by their own gifted talents.
                I have my own experience with a chi gong master who healed what many doctors said was unfixable!

                Having a firm belief in the possibilities of "magic", a stronger belief than in the words of any holy scripture, is keeping me intrigued by Lenair, I'd just like to add that $3,200 is a hell of a fee, but, if a large percentage of it goes to charity (somewhere outside the Lenair's personal accounts) then it doesn't matter. Their website does offer the possibility of lower/no fees for some not able to pay. I'm interested in anything, anyone has to say about The Lenair Method. I could find only one negative comment on the web. xxx g.

                * besides kind and wonderful people


                  sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                  Just so you all know....Lenair is tax exempt...WHY...because she DOES offer her service to many every year that can not afford it. In regards to that...I don't work for you? Why should she....I kinda like to eat myself and although I am very good at what I do...I don't plan to do it for free any time soon. Great debate.....
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                    i would have paid anything for freedom. and paying 3200 makes you think really hard before blowing it. if i had paid 20 or 1000 or something small i might have just run right over the top of it even though i didn't want it. nope 3200 keeps me really sane. i learned a long time ago in my business. people value what they pay for. and she is worth every penny. in fact as i said i'd have paid her more. i don't know how much the damage i've done in my life racks up to, i can say it cost me about 100K in my business, alot of relationships, ummm can't even put a price on what 20$ wine costs when you drink 7 to 14 bottles a week for 8 years and then there's the going out too. hummmm. all and all the damage and wreckage i did far outweighs the price of my freedom. and that's a personal choice. even in between drinking i was still affected by alcohol and thought very differently and made choices i would not make at all today. so now is about cleaning up the wreckage, making peace and having power freedom and peace of mind. i'm grateful. and i'd say it isn't about believing. as i didn't believe in rhonda. i just knew i was out of options. i had 9 years sober in aa and was miserable even working the steps millions of times, i drank for 8 years and ruined the above, and then the topa saved me so much and then i started drinking over the top of it and made it useless. so i had run out of options. just quitting drinking left me a drinker that just wasn't drinking. it left me with the same head space. i needed to be the person i was before this whole thing ever started. and that's what i got back. it isn't that i'm a non drinker even. it is simply irrelevant. and that gift is worth my life and it is worth all those i can make a difference with now. i can't change the damage i've done but i can start new. and i am. so great debate and as i said i don't think anyone should believe in aa, lenair, mwo or anything else. i think you should decide what you want to do and make a plan and take action or not... but if you aren't going to do that then admit that to yourself and drink until you can't take it anymore. lovelove boots


                      sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                      You know what really makes me happy?

                      Irrespective of views/attitudes/perceptions/beliefs ... we've managed to discuss a subject without anyone flying off the handle and turning it into a negative.

                      Thank you all - for being so adult.


                        sorry a different view with the lenair thing

                        Thanks to everyone here as this has been the BEST discussion on something that I am passionately interested in learning more about. Every post has made strong and valuable points to ponder. About the $$$$, maybe there is a sliding scale. It's a hefty fee, but it's right on the mark to say that you value something more if you had to stretch to get it! Yes, thinking back over the years of the $ wasted because of Al, then the fee is nothing.
                        I know Amma, the hugging Saint. She comes to No. Calif. twice a year. I missed her this June because of work. I never asked her to "cure" me. I think I was afraid that she would tell me that it was up to me, myself, to get cured. Maybe, maybe not. But, I do think of her as an example of a person with special gifts that gives every penny above operating costs to people and projects all over the world. I don't even think any of her staff is salaried.
                        I don't want this thread to die as I hope there is much more to be said. Especially from those who have seen Lenair. I totally believe, and then, I also have creeping doubts that my beliefs are only my desire for something "magic" to come into my life... an easy fix??? I guess that's where the 3 grand comes in... not easy for me and many others. I feel like my brain is riding a seesaw, or that I'm chasing my tail around a tree.
                        To you, that have seen Lenair, I am most grateful for your time in helping us
                        Thomases" get a clearer concept of what you have experienced. For me, these past 2 days have been an "experience" . We're still under evacuation warnings from the No. Ca fires, so all the valuables are still stashed in the car and the rest is stilling piles to get wheelbarrowed into an open area in the middle of the vegetable garden. So, I should be starting on a super, late Spring housecleaning (even the pictures are off the walls) but procrastination and boredom allowed me to pull the computer out of the car and see what's going on in the rest of the world!
                        Hey! what's wrong with a liitle magic?

