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    Alcohol or Topamax? I am pissed how some people crank like babys about a maintence pill!! What the hell, you don't think twice about slugging shots down? People die from alcohol posioning and don't even know they died!! Hello, Topamax is made just like any other prescription drug to HELP drinkers!!! Imagine if there was no pill to stop pregnancy, BP, etc.., etc.., etc..??? Not everyone is capable of admitting they can do it without a pill!!! Lets be real and use what is out there. Never mind i am afraid of losing my mind. You will lose your mind with BOOZE! ( Slowly.. i noticed the only friend i had was the package store, said the drunk! ) :upset:


    Ripple, I am with you on this one. People take 'pills' for many different things like you said; but are apprehensive or not willing to for alcohol abuse?

    This has puzzled me for a long time. I know many people want to do the 'natural thing', but I think in many cases other tools need to be utilized.

    Alcohol does kill or destroy lives, bottom line. To each their own I guess. Good post, tho!


      AFRAID of WHICH?

      I'm with you guys! WHAT EVER WORKS! No one gives a second thought to taking insulin when diabetic. I think of getting sober, like going on a trip. I use my feet and walk to my car. I drive my car to the airport. I take a plane to the city where the warf is. I get in another car to get to the warf. I get on the cruise ship to take my trip! When I return, everything is reversed. I used "Many Tools" to get to my destination. Combinations of all things that came together and created a success by arriving at my desired end. The trip toward sobriety has been the same for me. A combination of many tools, Topomax, being one of those tools at one point. Who the heck cares, as long as we get to where we want to be in the end!
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        AFRAID of WHICH?

        Dear Ripple,

        I am with you. I take topamax and am proud to say it is working! I have toyed with it in the past but never went above 100 mg. This time I am at 50mg in the am and 100 mg in the evening and working my way up to 100 mg in the am and 100 mg in the evening and planning on staying that way for quite some time in the future. I have read past posts and found that a few long term abers have done it this way and it worked great for them. I have forgotten there names...sorry, lol. Anyway, so far so good and I am not ashamed! For me what ever works.

        Best of luck to you too!
        hugs, Bambi
        "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


          AFRAID of WHICH?

          I will use whatever it takes to stay sober. Great post.


            AFRAID of WHICH?

            I LOVES my topa!!! Where has it been all my life?


              AFRAID of WHICH?

              Am right with you on this, Ripple.

              It doesn`t matter a damn how we achieve sobriety, just as long as we achieve it. There is no shame in any tool we employ to beat alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction kills and leaves all sorts of destruction in its wake.

              Darling x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                AFRAID of WHICH?

                I am one that has expressed disappointment at my experience with the TOPA.
                I regret if I am one that sounded like what you are expressing. After reading the book and hearing RJ's experience that after one dose , she was FREE of her CRAVING from Alcohol I expanded my vision to the idea that there is a chemical aid that has brought freedom from the suffering.
                As I am fighting for my life , if there is a recommended shoulder to lean on until I can walk on my own, then I will reach out.
                I have also, as recommended, dropped to my knee's upon rising, begging for help.
                I still drank, and, yes I was disappointed that as the person that started AA experienced, I did not have the big SPIRITUAL awakening and suddenly the compulsion to drink was dispelled.
                I have a brother who is bi~polar and he was once after working hard, a respected business man with a wonderful life. He is now, practically an invalid who has been through a slew of medicines, as recommended so he could experience some freedom from his suffering from his disorder, as many others do and then go on to have productive lives.
                When he call's us crying about his misery, as the medicine did not bring some relief, so he could then function better to be able to take more action himself, we , his family, cry with him for we empathize.

                I really appreciate your words, because, I feel stupid for having faith in what I thought would let me experience just a little relief, so I then could pick up my own blanket and walk. I have made numerous attempts from all angles to fight this battle.
                I don't akin putting alcohol in my body as a comparison to putting a medicine in my body.
                I don't think of alcohol as medicine when I dump it in. I am in the grips of Insanity and when I am in that moment crying out because , possible the efforts of the day did not have me in the miraculous moment of sobriety as I had hoped, I am forever grateful that as I am learning from all the dear souls such as you, that I have a place to come to and receive hugs of encouragement and eternal welcome.

                I LOVE your posts, Ripple. You have made me laugh and cry and thankful that you are here with your bright words and even brighter spirit.



                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                  AFRAID of WHICH?

                  Yeah I'm right with you on this one too Rip!

                  Love and Happiness
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    AFRAID of WHICH?

                    Dear Theme2be,

                    It didn't just happen over night for me and I believe it didn't happen over night for RJ either to be craving free. It has taken me a good long time and I am still not completely craving free but I am at a point where I am saying no. But I slowly titrated up like in the book and now take 150mgs plus some of the supps...hard to get them all in. I am only 6 days AF but for me that is a milestone and a great start! I don't plan on being AF forever, would like to be very moderate on topa when out with hubby and friends....If I find that is getting out of hand then I will go AF for myself, family and kids. I will stay on topa as long as needed. The extra strength which I never went up this far before is the push that I needed. Not the miracle pill, but the push, only I can decide if I will drink today or not. The topa can't help me with that.

                    So you may want to give the topa and supps another chance. Alot of meds and supps take a few weeks and or months to get into your system to begin helping....

                    Best of luck to you and all. Hope this helps!
                    Hugs, Bambi
                    "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                      AFRAID of WHICH?

                      Dear Theme2be,

                      From my own experience meds (mine were homeopathic store bought garden variety) went a long way in staving off the cravings that hit like tidal waves most days early on and I'm not sure I could have gotten through without out that kind of "help". That was the easy part.

                      What really mattered was identifying and confronting the triggers. Getting all the booze out of the house was first and foremost but then I was faced with modifying my behavior and reaction to those moments where I would normally drink. So that took changing my schedule of where I went and what I did always making sure I had a path free and clear of alcohol or it's triggers. This also enabled to know in advance when I may be facing a more stressful encounter/moment where I would be prepared to say no or avoid it altogether. It's relatively easy get through all the "firsts" the first time around...first time to dinner not drinking, first time to a party not drinking, first weekend not drinking etc., but to do it consistently where it builds up meaning in your life to be AF each time and *all the time* takes practice and hard work.

                      Meds can help you feel like not needing a drink, but they can't make you not want to drink, only you can do that!

                      It takes strength, courage and determination!!

                      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                      Watch this and find out....


                        AFRAID of WHICH?

                        I am with ya too....whatever works for YOU, do it! If it doesn't work...find something that will!!!!!
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          AFRAID of WHICH?

                          I would eat dog shit if I thought it would work.


                            AFRAID of WHICH?

                            boozehag;353012 wrote: I would eat dog shit if I thought it would work.
                            do you know BH more people have eaten animal poo drunk than sober? i was at a party where someone served another for a laugh a hamburger with horse poop on it...result: the person messed up ate it! :H


                              AFRAID of WHICH?

                              Horse shit is probably much tastier than dog shit as horses only eat grass dont they! Its so funny the way people say oh I dont want to take this drug or that drug - when AL and nicotine (in my case) are just about the worst drugs you can get. I was lucky to find the champix which helped me on my way and I didnt give a toss about possible side effects seeing as I was in the process of killing myself anyway.

