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Has anyone had this???

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    Has anyone had this???

    Hello All......I am doing okay with modding at the moment having changed from wine to beer/cider BUT.....lately I have had very strong uges to drink in the morning, afternoon, anytime infact and I have never felt like this before, ever....NEVER in the morning! When i drink wine i always over-do it and am 'hanging' the next morning, so consequentially could think of nothing worse than another glass but with beer i could so easily drink it at any time. I am going to be really open with you now..(ow!!!!) but i have found myself thinking about cracking open a beer or cider at home first thing....i have not done it and i have told myself not to be so stupid....but just when things are and feel like they are under control..i am wondering, is this addiction really becoming out of control...God, i'm probably not making any sense am i? Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks for listening to me. Bella xxxxxx

    Has anyone had this???

    Yeah, I've had this problem - cravings for beer in the morning and a desire to drink vodka straight in the morning too - I've learnt to ignore them and drink some pure orange juice instead (works for me). You're not alone, don't worry.
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Has anyone had this???

      My very favorite time to drink is in the morning. Second favorite is in the afternoon. It is a very slippery slope because it is so easy to be shit-faced by noon. I have not been able to moderate so it may be different for you. I don't think your addiction is any more out of control because of your daytime cravings, but it may be searching for a new way to get a fix.


        Has anyone had this???

        My favourite time was to drink in the mornings; when I could. I don't know why, it just was. I knew then it was high time to get help. It was apparent that my nightly drinking after work had escalated to a bigger problem.

        I think if you are even tempting the idea, (thinking about it) then maybe it is a red flag that your addiction is getting more out of control?


          Has anyone had this???

          Good point, I knew that if I did answer the cravings, my problem would just get worse and I would be on my way down an even more slippery slope. I only recognised and accepted I had a problem once I began taking risks just to have a drink, e.g. drinking and driving.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Has anyone had this???

            It does not matter what AL we change to they are all addiction.

            Take Care

            p.s that includes the strength of it as well.
            family is everything to me


              Has anyone had this???

              Ive never drank in the mornings but I quite often think about wheather or not I will drink that night in the bloody mornings.....the will I / wont I starts almost as soon as I get up. Its not really the amount of drink I consume that worries me (except on saturdays!!) its the way I think about it that is obsessive!


                Has anyone had this???

                Hi Bella, no you are defo not alone. On days I am not at work I consciously try to think of reasons/excuses for me to sit on the couch and drink.... why oh why eh.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

