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What works

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    What works

    What parts of the MWO are working for you?
    Control the Mind

    What works

    Making sure I take the All One, checking in daily on a regular thread with a group of people that has a goal to be 30 days AF, posting on the drink tracker. I think the cd's help some.


      What works

      I took the started pack supps and Topa and was AF for 8 months.....
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        What works

        I know you were away for a while, but have you had the chance to check out the Antabuse thread?

        Many here are now taking Antabuse, and you can order it online if you dont want to go to your doctor. I am sure you probably know what it is, but what I love about it, is that is just takes that mental struggle off the table. I take it, and then I just know I cannot drink for days. One pill stays in your system for up to four to five days. If you take it every day, it will accumulate and last longer. Sometimes at my normal drinking time I really want my glass (or four) of wine, but I realize it is not an option, the mental battle fizzles out much easier. I know I have to make a choice to either be miserable and whine about what I cannot have, or find something else to occupy my mind. I've personally been getting outside around 7:00 p.m. and taking long walks with intermittent jogging... come home, shower or swim for a bit, and for the most part, any desire to drink has vanished. But Lemonade.... that sounds perfect afterwards!

        I really encourage anyone who is struggling with not having control over their willpower to consider Antabuse. The biggest thing you need is the willpower to swallow that first pill. Its kinda scary, but so liberating!
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          What works

          The part where I am not alone. The part where I can get a grip on this and have help almost 24/7. The part where if I post how I feel and put it to print I can see if its worth it or not.



            What works

            For me I think different things at different times. The book with the knowledge of the program to start. I DO use the sleep learning and subliminal cds almost every night. I started out with a lot of the supps including the Allone (which I need to start again). I still take GABA because it does help my mood and sense of well-being. The site has helped me to keep busy and focused and provides accountability. The combination of all these things--something is working---that's the main thing!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              What works

              good stuff and agreed. For me I find that a shotgun approach is best...I just try everything I can possibly think of.
              My struggles lessened immensely when I tried antabuse as Prest described it. I don't take it all the time now but have it handy in case I'm in a trouble spot.
              It's ok to be what you are Rocky. it is ok to have cravings and it's ok to fall down. that's the part that's hard for me and so many to "get". we are mired in self guilt and think we are somehow a corrupt person which is so untrue. We are regular people with a huge challenge. Learning to be honest with myself and also ditch the guilt were two really difficult but worthwhile hurdles for me and I still wrestle with them.
              let us know what's on your mind bro. We are here.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                What works

                I came late to MWO and was already about 2 months sober; so for me it was purely about being able to meet like-minded folk and discuss things openly and honestly on the forum. That being said though I totally agree with RJ's philosophy that you cannot just look at this from one angle. It has to be a multi-faceted approach and we need to use whatever tools are at our disposal. I now attend a few AA meetings to keep me in touch, face to face, with fellow alcoholics as I was starting to feel a bit isolated in my sobriety a month or two back. I can't say I care too much for the philosophy of AA but I get what I need and leave the rest. Good health and diet is also important to me too as I have alcoholic hepatitis so I know I can't afford to return to my old ways as things would progress even worse for me if I started binging again.

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  What works

                  Great to see you back Rocky. This place works for me where other places haven't really, don't know why, must be all you folks. I don't say much for weeks and weeks and then I seem to not be able to get it all out fast enough..... but I do read and get so much from the posts and have been missing yours. Please take care of you, you are so special.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

