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You know you're an alcoholic when...

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    You know you're an alcoholic when...

    Wow spent a half hour reading these posts and can relate to most of them. Sick to my stomach thinking about driving down the road with one eye closed so I could tell which of the cars heading straight for me was the double (at times with my kids in the car). Sneaking the recycling or trash out. The many many chubby holes. Topping off a bottle of vodka at a party with water. The list goes on....
    Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

    William Butler Yeats


      You know you're an alcoholic when...

      Stash what was a stash, not a drop of alcohol in my house, if it was there it was gone. I still have a wine bottle under my bed and in my bedside drawers, I will get rid of them soon. God how could I?

      All of the comments have such meaning.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        You know you're an alcoholic when...

        :bump: for Tom...this should keep you busy reading for a while!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          You know you're an alcoholic when...

          nicely bumped, K9. I found this thread really useful at the start and I still do. It shows me I am not alone, and reinforces my determination never to get into some of these awful situations again!
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            You know you're an alcoholic when...

            When you wake up with a cut on your head that leaves a scar. No idea how it got there.
            Waking up with bruises all the time can't remember getting home.
            So dangerous.
            Blackouts just the Pitts.
            Waking up in Italy on the side of a street by a house
            Waking up in Spain outside a hotel room vague memory of going back somewhere no idea what I did...
            Going missing on new years eve in Sydney luckily nice bouncers took pity on me and minded me well offered me drugs which in my drunken state I had sense to refuse
            Waking up in vomit in a toilet in a nightclub after it had closed
            Losing bags losing coats losing phones
            Bad choices re men drunk dialling texting
            Being carried out by bouncers from a toilet after collapsing when I was 21 years and years ago but god pattern was always there from the start.
            I should have stopped the first time that happened
            Worst time was waking up in hospital after being brought in after collapsing. They don't pump my stomach tg. Just let me sleep it off. I woke up alone disorientated no phone nothing. My fruemds left me there to go off to a party.
            Various drunken emotional embarrassing conversations at family events no wonder my aunts uncles think I'm odd.
            There are so many times I can write about.
            Each time I feel tempted to drink I'll write another one down.
            Drink free since 18 August 2013:h


              You know you're an alcoholic when...

              When you can't go a day without alcohol and can't remember when you last did.
              When you panic on the way home after a concert because it's nearly midnight, you have no alcohol in the house, and the liquor store shuts at 12.
              When it's more important to drink regardless of the weight you stack on around the middle.
              When you don't invite certain friends to dinner because they drink as much as you do and you'll end up having to share your wine with them and you're scared you won't have enough (whatever 'enough' is?)
              When you get up in the middle of the night because you're too hazy about whether you switched off the heater in the other room.
              When you NEVER offer to be the designated driver for friends because you just can't go out and not drink.
              When you keep a good supply of eyedrops, paracetamol and chewing gum in your handbag.
              When you need to ex-foliate your lips each morning to remove the red wine stains.
              When you go to a different bottle shop each evening so that no one store owner can judge how much you drink...


                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                When you have wait for your partner to get into the shower so you can check all the usual hiding places and dispose of the empties .
                Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                  You know you're an alcoholic when...

                  This Is a Great thread , I've spent half of today reading back and relating to so much of it .
                  Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                  Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                    You know you're an alcoholic when...

                    Ah bran new, that's my trick!! The games we play with al, pathetic isn,t it ?


                      You know you're an alcoholic when...

                      Pissing yourself in the ladies room because you couldn't get your pants down fast enough. THEN, drying them in the hand dryer and going back to the bar. This is a new low, even for me.
                      10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                        You know you're an alcoholic when...

                        when you buy a bottle of vodka on your way to pick the kids up from school and chug half of it in the girls bathroom.
                        when you've already had so much to drink that you can't manage to pick the kids up from school.


                          You know you're an alcoholic when...

                          when you get the great idea to pour vodka in the O.J. at 6am to deal with a hangover and after carrying on, have to leave work at 930 because you can barely stand up.

                          my latest and last was a bike accident where I was left unconscious and very beat up and very lucky that I didn't cause any more damage.


                            You know you're an alcoholic when...

                            When you plan ahead by throwing your car keys onto the top of your SUV thinking there's no way you'll go through all the "trouble" of getting them when you're 8 beers in. Then, 8 beers in, you find yourself stacking up very unstable boxes and whatever you can find to climb up to the roof of the SUV so you can (drunkenly) drive to get more beer.
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              You know you're an alcoholic when...

                              K9Lover;1555001 wrote: When you plan ahead by throwing your car keys onto the top of your SUV thinking there's no way you'll go through all the "trouble" of getting them when you're 8 beers in. Then, 8 beers in, you find yourself stacking up very unstable boxes and whatever you can find to climb up to the roof of the SUV so you can (drunkenly) drive to get more beer.
                              I used to phone a taxi to visit the 24hr supermarket.

                              Been 'shopping' at 2am, 3am, something o'clock.
                              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                              AF date 22/07/13


                                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                                When you're only 7 days sober and already trying to justify drinking on your vacation 2 months away!!! GRRRR!!!!

