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You know you're an alcoholic when...

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    You know you're an alcoholic when...


    Oh my God! How did you get to the hospital? I've only ever just bruised myself or gotten scrapped up. You poor thing.
    I think my worst injury was once my Sophmore year in college we got WASTED and decided to jump a fence to go skinny dipping in a pond. I toally fell right on my face and had scabbed up scraps on my chin, nose and forehead for two weeks. I told everyone I had a bike wreck...
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


      You know you're an alcoholic when...

      Oh Becoming,

      Can relate to falling down the stairs but I was lucky not to break anything, just a massive bruised arse (Rachelita, there are those bruises again!)- couldn't sit down for weeks without extreme pain, had to take anti-inflamms just to function. Kids saw me too, had a bit too much to drink of an evening, I also put a massive dent in the wall of the hallway and the plaster fell off, kids kept pointing it out to everyone that came to the house, I was mortified but I could have killed myself. I kept telling them that the dog tripped me up as I was carrying stuff down, kids kept saying, 'no she didn't' and even the dog wouldn't talk to me for weeks out of pure disgust for blaming her

      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        You know you're an alcoholic when...

        I fell down the stairs once while plastered,cracked my head open on a chair at the bottom(which i broke..solid wood!), but was so fubar i just went back to bed. Woke 4 hours later with blood EVERYWHERE. Phoned my then girlfriend who took me to the hospital for 8 stitches in my head. I still have a nice big scar on the back of my head.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          You know you're an alcoholic when...

          We call those mysterious injuries "stoner bruises."


            You know you're an alcoholic when...

            When u are yelling at your daughter because her damn cat broke one of your favorite candle holders, and she says Mom u did that last night when u were drunk. Eek!
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              You know you're an alcoholic when...

              one2many;360314 wrote: Some of my "mistakes" on Ebay.

              In my do take into account it was late at night and i had had a few and i thought it was a great idea at the time thru vodka eyes.

              The entire Bagpuss collection on DVD..(coz I liked it as a kid)

              Personalised Cat collar...only was so drunk I got the name wrong, my cat's name is Ziggy but when the collar came, it said WIGGY.

              A 2007 Nov 2007....go figure???

              A pack of Dora the Explorer transfers for my little girls T know the ones that you iron on...nothing so strange about that...except, tried to iron them on while daughter woke up to a t shirt with a beheaded Dora...another one with just a head and no body and another that I had managed to get all of Dora on properly on but unfortunately said "Ora the Plorer" in big pink letters....Daughter was not impressed.

              The best of Marty Robbins CD (Coz my Dad used to play it pissed when I was a kid and I was feeling sentimental)

              Set of 150 pencils...(well you never know when you will run out of pencils)

              I don't buy on Ebay much anymore lol.......
              Just read this for the first time and am in stitches!!!:H:H:H
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                LookingToGrow;360574 wrote: What about the drunkin' emails? Anyone else? I once quit my job and forgot and went to work...LOL!!
                I know i shouldnt laugh..but that is a classic LTG!
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  You know you're an alcoholic when...

                  when you are at an awards function which has a charity auction and you think it is hilarous to keep putting the nice little flag on the table in the air even though everyone at the table tries to stop you..... you fall to the ground but you still manage keep the flag (and your glass) upright so you keep bidding even when the auctioneer says "madam you are bidding against yourself". Waking up next day to the realisation that you have to pay $3,750 for a go in a flight simulator.......


                    You know you're an alcoholic when...

                    when you arrive home at 4am and look in your bag for your keys to get in - cant locate the keys - so empty entire contents of bag on step whilst trying to keep balance and whilst telling yourself to shhh shhh loudly - go through every pocket of bag - definitely no keys. Eventually have to wake husband up to get in. Not a good look - divorce imminent....(lucky you are Irish so its acceptable cultural practice). Next morning you remember that you have lost your keys (including car key) and you look in bag and there they are righ in the bag where they should be..... What is with that...


                      You know you're an alcoholic when...

                      when you cant say "Black Rock Yacht Club" fast six times try it sober let alone drunk


                        You know you're an alcoholic when...

                        When you are on business on a company audit. You get taken out for dinner and dont remember how on earth you got back just wake up somehow in your room lying face up in bed fortunately still wearing all your clothes.................mortifying
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          You know you're an alcoholic when...

                          When on your way home from work, you stop at tesco and buy a bottle a bottle of wine and then pull over in your street and down it in 5 mins, before you go home. Every night without fail. I would also keep a bottle in the back of my car sometimes that i would drink towards the end of my shift to stop the cravings.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            You know you're an alcoholic when...

                            When you go to the deepest part of the woods to walk your dogs and look at all the beer cans lying along the path and wonder who on earth would go all the way out there to have a big party- then you realise they are all yours.


                              You know you're an alcoholic when...

                              You get caught nicking cutlery from an indian restaurant so that you can eat your takeaway
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                                When you go AF for a week and then Jacob's Creek goes out of business
                                ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

