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You know you're an alcoholic when...

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    You know you're an alcoholic when...

    When you keep smelling smoke for hours, thinking it was that great candle you bought, but in fact it was the cig you knocked out of the ashtray onto the throw rug that was smoldering. Thank goodness, I had the presence of mind to get up and douse it with water (hours later after the room was filled with smoke). Now, the throw rug is ruined, the carpet is ruined, the padding underneath is ruined, and the subfloor is scorched. Quite a few expensive 700 thread count sheets have burn holes, a really expensive mattress cover ruined, a hole in a down comforter, a quilt, etc. Cigs and AL--dangerous bedfellows.

    And, then there is the night somehow I managed to dislocate and break my shoulder and laid on the floor all night. Still don't quite know exactly how that happened. Couldn't get up to go to the bathroom, so just laid there and peed when I had to.

    Last week, I kept hearing my neighbor's dog crying. Went over there with my flashlight, fed the poor beast, gave him water and left a nasty note under his wiper blade on his truck, telling him he should be ashamed, all the while my sprinkler system was going off, so I was soaked. But, even when I'm drunk, I can't stand animal abuse. The guy doesn't even live there. He just chains the poor dog there every day and occasionally comes by to check on him. When he came by to tell me what great care he takes of his dog, I was boo-hooing by that time. The dog's eyes are all crusty and infected. Pathetic. Kay


      You know you're an alcoholic when...

      there is a place in Hell for him.


        You know you're an alcoholic when...

        Right I have a name for our book...
        what about Adventures of Anonymous Alcoholics AAA....
        or we could just stick with "you know you are an alcoholic when...." and market it as a book that helps drinkers appreciate the fact that no matter how bad they think they are there are people (like moi) out there who have done way way worse things...
        Or "So you think your an alcoholic".....


          You know you're an alcoholic when...

          Not sure I've posted this but...

 come home from work drunk hoping hubby won't notice. You bustle in through the front door and hubby says casually, 'You've traped mud all through the hallway...' At that point you decide to try and stand on one leg to look at the bottom of one of your shoes. Instantly due to lack of ability to do so, hubby instantly knows you are drunk and says, 'OK, how much have you had to drink.' You know you need to say something smart...

          You open your mouth and reply, 'I don't know.'


          I better not have but this one on already.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            You know you're an alcoholic when...

            Gonna check...
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              You know you're an alcoholic when...

              That's when the dog "mysteriously" disappears.....I've done that before...found it a better home


                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                KTB;435395 wrote:

                Last week, I kept hearing my neighbor's dog crying. Went over there with my flashlight, fed the poor beast, gave him water and left a nasty note under his wiper blade on his truck, telling him he should be ashamed, all the while my sprinkler system was going off, so I was soaked. But, even when I'm drunk, I can't stand animal abuse. The guy doesn't even live there. He just chains the poor dog there every day and occasionally comes by to check on him. When he came by to tell me what great care he takes of his dog, I was boo-hooing by that time. The dog's eyes are all crusty and infected. Pathetic. Kay

                Don't leave it at that please. Go to the authorities- even here in Spain where the animal laws are a joke- I have managed to get conditions for many poor innocent animals to be improved because I don't give up. I will go to the town hall everyday if I have to until something is done.

                And if it really looks completely hopeless- I steal them.

                Please don't let that dog suffer- they are innocent and need people like you to save them.


                  You know you're an alcoholic when...

                  You know your an alcaholic when your shakeing and sweating BEFORE sex...
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    You know you're an alcoholic when...

                    you know you are an alkie when...
                    you go home to your boyfriends house after a big night out in the pub and you get up in the middle to go to the toilet and you forget that the boyfried has recently moved room as he has a new flatmate so you go into his old bedroom and get into bed and go back to sleep. Next thing you know its morning and the boyfriend is shouting at you and trying to drag you out of the bed with his new flatmate standing there with a disgusted look on his face. And wait for it - you didnt have any clothes on..... oh the shame the shame....


                      You know you're an alcoholic when...

                      Yep...don't let that bastard get away with torturing that poor creature one more night!


                        You know you're an alcoholic when...

                        Sorry BH, I was talking about the poor dogm not the boyfriend!!


                          You know you're an alcoholic when...

                          it depends... is the new flatmate David Bowie?


                            You know you're an alcoholic when...

                            a complete tosser - he was actually blow drying his hair with a blow heater whilst I was dragged from the bed... He was also an assistant trainee manager at Dunnes stores (think target or Wal mart or something) who wore white socks with black shoes......I was afraid to go to that shop again in case he recognised my rear end!


                              You know you're an alcoholic when...

                              Hey One2, Did you like the title suggestion to my book? pg 47? SS....


                                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                                One of my best babies ever was rescued like that. They took him in and would have destroyed him except that our Lady got loose and picked up.

                                The girls at the shelter put Augie next to Lady and when we picked her up they said that Augie was gong to be destroyed the next day.

                                Lady was an all white Great Pyrennes. Augie was an orange/white mix. Perhaps St Bernard/Pyre mix. Who knows.

                                All we had to do was look into those beautiful brown eyes and hubby and I were both lost. Augie came home with us.

                                He was not house broken and the crate for his size was big $$$. But it worked. Within a couple weeks he was house trained, Lady had shown Augie who was boss and we had two really large dogs to take care of. But, like hubby and I know, they take care of us, too.

                                Kay, steal the dog if you need to. No one should ever put a dog in that kind of hurtful situation.

                                Augie had hips dysplasia from the malnorishment of early years. He was our sweet baby but sometimes it hurt to watch him try to stand up and move around. We did whatever we could to make his life better.

                                He did so much to make our lives better.

                                AF April 9, 2016

