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Look who's back...back again

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    Look who's back...back again

    As I said to someone today I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I thought I had managed to moderate, but the part of me craving a drink has again been released and I back to square one. I was sick on Saturday but put it down to that it was the weekend and was "entitled" to drink more. Despite feeling unwell on Sunday I still drank. Well last night the same thing happened and only waking this morning I realised that I have started drinking like before.

    I've just spoken to drinkline and they have given me a number of the community alcohol team, so I will be using that resource.

    I'm feeling absolutely sh*t right now. My stomach's aching, my head is still sore and no matter how much water I drink I am still feeling dehydrated. Why do I do this to myself!!!

    Look who's back...back again

    Ahhh..... Lotus. Glad to see you back. So many of us have tried to drink 'differently' or more 'responsibly' and ended right back to where we started. I think it can benefit us to some degree. It gets us to the point where we realize we shouldn't be drinking at all.

    Glad you are checking into local resources. Stick around here too. Hang in there. I know the feeling crummy/hangover part sucks. Drink lots of water!!


      Look who's back...back again

      Lotus, I have missed you and I am glad that you are back and starting to take care of things soon. Get back on the wagon; you have done it before, you can do it again.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        Look who's back...back again

        Welcome back. I was reading something last night about relapse being part of the process for most of us. A learning experience as we learn how to live life (what to do instead, how to think, how to handle emotions, celebrations,etc.) without alcohol. They really stressed not beating yourself up and just getting on the path again. Sounds like that's what your doing! This is my second time around after the exact same experience as you and it is much easier this time. Hope it will be for you too.


          Look who's back...back again

          Hi Lotus,
          Good to have you back and I hope you feel better soon.
          Good luck.


            Look who's back...back again

            Lotus;353273 wrote: As I said to someone today I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I thought I had managed to moderate, but the part of me craving a drink has again been released and I back to square one. I was sick on Saturday but put it down to that it was the weekend and was "entitled" to drink more. Despite feeling unwell on Sunday I still drank. Well last night the same thing happened and only waking this morning I realised that I have started drinking like before.

            I've just spoken to drinkline and they have given me a number of the community alcohol team, so I will be using that resource.

            I'm feeling absolutely sh*t right now. My stomach's aching, my head is still sore and no matter how much water I drink I am still feeling dehydrated. Why do I do this to myself!!!

            Welcome back!
            Hang in there, get over the shakes without booze and drink lots of juices and water!

