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A note about Lenair

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    A note about Lenair

    It's ok my neighbor just saw me in mine when I had to catch my bad dog!


      A note about Lenair


      I have mixed feelings as am also from Australia like the Capt, and am very jealous of those able to go to Lenair. However, I agree that whatever works is great. Someone elses good fortune is not going to alter mine or lack of it. Glad it is available and its a good sign of a greater mind-shift going on in the world for the better I hope.

      When I first started with MWO (2 yrs ago?) there was absolutely nothing available in Aus except for AA and hospital style detox centres. It's not much better now, with very little knowledge or imagination in treatments available. Nowdays there is a place called 'fountainhead' which is a ritzy resort style health spa in Queensland (I called them 2 years ago and they would not even speak to me regarding alcohol) which has a programme, although they are not guaranteeing anything. And the price they are charging (5-6k) is pretty steep. However I am glad that some people do seem to be taking an interest - there is definitely a market out there.

      The other place which is good and free is in our capital city and is called 'Directions' and is a drug & alcohol information & referral centre - they are more enlightened than most and the people there are non-judgemental and really easy to talk to. Only trouble is the shortage of resources they have to actually refer people to.

      So you guys, if you are in touch with Lenair and they are interested in travelling, maybe you could put them in touch with these Aussie contacts.. if they did the trip once a year they would most likely be booked out and save a few lives. Might not be mine, but somebody at least. Everybody who has an issue with alcohol has a family, children, friends, husbands, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers.. healing one person can impact generations.

      For those of us who have no other options, thank goodness for MWO. It is truly a magnificent resource.

      Love & gratitude!


        A note about Lenair

        I am in NY so very near Lenair but I'm a single mother who simply cannot afford to go. I do not begrudge those who have gone their happiness at all. I am thrilled for them. I truly thought this was a support website.


          A note about Lenair

          Cindi I spose Im sick of Americans shoving this shite down our throats You US people live on a different plane Im sorry but you do!!!!!! at the moment I am trying to teach my daughter to ignore TV when I can prevent her from watching it because its nothing but American brain washing every chanell!!!!!. This Lenair thing is the same. You are probably right I am angry I'm silly and "Not right" who am I to argue with the US/
          Love always cap


            A note about Lenair

            Dolly you are always right shame on me !!!!!!
            love cap


              A note about Lenair

              Dearest Cap,I am pretty sure that I saw a thread that you posted...a few days ago..when Greenie got home from RHONDAS?Am I RIGHT???Could be right??? said something like TELL US PLEASE...I HAVE A OPEN MIND...Why are you angry with the US???We are just a bunch of drunks,doing the best we can.Speaking of WOO WOO...I am the WOO WOOEYEST...I do know that people tend to be afaid of what they don't understand,and NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME...FOR SURE...IF WE MEET,I BET THAT WE WOULD BE GREAT MATES...I LIKE YOUR STYLE....EVIE WOO WOO
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                A note about Lenair

                Evie had a bad day sorry guys I will delet my posts if you want sorry I am so tired of this lenair thing yea whatever works so be it.
                Love danny


                  A note about Lenair

                  We all have bad days...You are LOVED and accepted,atleast by me.There are a very few choosen healers that heal in a way beyond our understanding...Edgar Cayce was ONE...RHONDA is ANOTHER....
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    A note about Lenair

                    I didn't think Edgar Cayce charged for his healing???? Not sure if I know this or not though.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      A note about Lenair

                      Dearest Luk,Edgar spent most of his life in poverty(thinking that it was unchristian like to charge for a GOD given gift)I have been to the Atlantic University that he founded in VA. beach many times...Amazing place,Amazing people.I can not help but to think of the school of knowledge that he could have left behind if he would have had the funds.I am often ashamed of how many fraudulant people who work in the metaphysical field,on the other hand I can not see any difference between artists,musicians,writers or any other of the abstract world of using (GOD GIVEN GIFTS)charging for their labors..I wish it wasn't true but I too am aliitle suprized at the price that Rhonda is asking for her place.She certianly deserves to be well payed for her work but if she doesn't come as part of the deal...I don't think I would go...
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        A note about Lenair

                        Captn! I hope your day is better! We are most friends here, even when we are crankey! My hub would tell you that the "Evil Best" rears her ugly self, more frequently that he wishes. I do hope those of you who are in other countries will search the internet for "Intuitive Healer" if you wish... See my post of page 2. I edited it after it was originally posted. Big Hug - Jack

                        :h Best
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          A note about Lenair

                          Evie you are so together and intelligent and on the mark why did you let alcohol take you over ???
                          love cap


                            A note about Lenair

                            THANKS best you are a lovely person thank you the sweetest of hearts.
                            love cap


                              A note about Lenair

                              from her website.....

                              MEDICAL INTUITIVE CONSULTATION
                              All sessions are integrated with medical intuitive feedback. Rhonda is world-renowned for her knowledge and expertise as a medical intuitive (she also serves clients from around the world via telephone consultations when only health-related feedback and insight is sought).
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                                A note about Lenair

                                I do understand bad days and no hard feelings on my part. Maybe if something is titled Lenair you just shouldn't click on it.

