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Day 31 - 60 AF. Who's In?

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    Day 31 - 60 AF. Who's In?

    Hey, Peanut,

    So sorry to hear you're under the weather! Boy, can I relate to being too loaded on wine...

    I'm on 300 of topa now, and I finally experienced a little tingling in my feet like everybody else, yay! I was feeling very left out. I've only had it 3 or 4 times, but I feel included now. I'm a little less sleepy now, but it's still there a bit. I tend to be pretty tolerant of meds, so I guess I lucked out there. Actually, it was working well at 200; I just wanted to see what would happen at 300. Are there other things happening to you at 150, or is it "just" the sleepy thing?


      Day 31 - 60 AF. Who's In?

      Morning all! Hot here in western PA. Everything is going well! Yes, I have noticed how quiet the boards are too! Everyone must be on vacation. Except me, GRRRRRRRRRRR! Have a great day!

      Big hugs, Best
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        Day 31 - 60 AF. Who's In?

        Hey gang!

        This thread is getting lost!!! Not much activity!!! I've been busy too - at work mostly. Took one day off this week, but worked the others.

        Feeling a bit better after my experiment with the Topa. I think I may have a slight allergic-type reaction to it, as I got so itchy when I went up to 150mg too, still am having some hives and itchiness, plus my teeth ache so much (upper teeth, as if I gind them really hard) and bad headache, which has eased up some, and I feel really disoriented with funny vision, and one more strange thing - I am not getting my period!!! I should have got it 5 days ago. And no - I'm not pregnant!!! I'll be 47 next week on my birthday, and have had some changes starting to happen, but not too much, so that is not it, and have read that Topa does have some affect on menstral cycles, so I wonder if that is what it is. Very strange..... I shall maybe post these symptoms on the Topamax threads and see if anybody else has experienced them. Still rather tired - haven't been to the pool since monday, so I must go tonight!!! Also, have been reading the Caroline Knapp book "Drinking: A love story" - very interesting, am enjoying it.

        Have been enjoying my daugher's company, and my 18yo arrives tomorrow, so I shall have all 3 of my kids together under my roof once again. So nice! I do miss having them all around me, and I think they miss each other too. I think the girls "flew the coop" rather young!

        Back to work with me. Hope you are all reaching your goals. I've been able to skim through the threads a little bit here and there lately, when my daughter lets me on the computer at home (I have to share it even more now!!!) and there are some good successes!!!! Worry about some though! My thoughts are with you all!!

        xoxoxoxoxo Peanut


          Day 31 - 60 AF. Who's In?

          Wow, I really had to go searching for this thread. It is "home" to me for now anyway. And the odat thread.
          A friend of ours was killed in a car "accident" last night. Is it an accident when one goes out and drinks, and then drives home, misses a curve and crashes into a tree without their seatbelt on? It's hard not to be angry. Someone had called her husband and told him she was all over the road--so he and his son went to check on her. They got there right AFTER it happened. Their son is 13. The scene was awful! I cannot imagine what they are going through right now. They also have a daughter that just graduated from high school. Not that I've never driven drunk--I have. It scares the hell out of me to think about how many times I was stupid enough to do that. It just goes to show how powerful AL is that it takes all of our good judgment away. Ugh--it makes me sick to think about it all!

          As for me, I took the boys to the neighbor's for a bbq last night. I drank gin and tonic WITHOUT the gin!:H It was good. I don't want or need the buzz. The boys helped me up a hill and made some comment about how much alcohol did I have? I said none!! They said they were proud of me. I don't think they get the alcohol thing--maybe after her accident they will a little more. This is the 3rd friend with kids my kid's age that has died in an AL related "accident".

          Anyway, had to vent. Dread this funeral--going to be a sad one!:upset:
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Day 31 - 60 AF. Who's In?

            holy moly, this thread's still alive !!!
            LVT - my heart's with you! Be strong honey!
            I've got girls girl girls!!! Man!! Are They Slobs!!
            xoxoxo peanut

