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Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

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    Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

    BBC in the UK tonight, Lana, a one year sober alcoholic goes to live with the Afur tribe in Ethiopia for a month..... I have just watched it and it was so lovely.... (well, to me anyway!)

    She is crying with gratitude at her life compared to the lives of the frequently beaten, circumcised women who have no choice in their husbands, 1 in 12 dies in childbirth through being circumcised so young and cut for the births, wprk their socks off - and yet are so, so happy! My DH and son are asking just why she is always snivelling.... duh?! I guess some folk don't have to ever 'get' what it is like to grow and change and feel better.... Sometimes I am glad to have taken this journey!

    After suffering bad flu and working physically really hard, she talks about (as well as looking absolutely fantastic!) feeling wonderful despite having a spotty face, being filthy dirty, a shadow of her former self in her weight..... because,

    "Despite being sober for a year, I still wasn't giving myself a chance, I still didn't like myself, I still couldn't forgive myself for the life I had led....but here, the past does not matter, I feel loved for who I am and my love for them is good enough too....and now I feel like I will never go back to that dark place ever again because I know I am an ok person...."

    And, "I have slowed right down, become much more laid back and stopped trying to impress everyone - I have discovered I don't have to; I am ok as I am..."

    And finished with, "I have emerged as someone who can't wait for tomorrow..."

    It was lovely and so reminded me of MWO - just the power of a loving, accepting community - worked for me! I hope some others saw it...? and might be able to watch it on BBC iplayer....?? Here are a couple of links.....I don't know if they are of any help but if they lead to a chance to watch any of it - go for it!!

    Tribal Wives • View forum - Tribal Wives forum
    Tribal Wives • View topic - Ethiopia, Wednesday 2 July 9.00-10.00pm, BBC TWO

    Love FMS xx Happily of the MWO tribe!!
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...


    I would be crying......I cry at Hallmark commercials! Thanx for sharing


      Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

      Thanks for the late reminder!!!

      Sounds really interesting though. Has this been on over the past few weeks as well? I think I may of seen it advertised but have been otherwise engaged most evenings around that time. Will have to look it up on the iplayer as I know they're only on there for 7 days unless you have the option of downloading it where you have a 30 day option for watching it.

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

        Yes! Sorry Hippie! I only came in after it had started and didn't realise her 'history' anyway until I was watching it... Hope you can get to see it on iplayer, or I am sure it will be repeated very soon on Sky....? It was part of a series...

        Hart - too but, you know, it was so 'smiley' too as she looked and felt so good! Hope you do too.

        Love FMS x
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

          Female castration is barbaric! They perform this act purly for Male Pleasure and Dominance! They do this without anesthetic, it is brutally painful and destroys all sexual pleasure for the womans entire life!No one nor any culture would dream of cutting off a mans penis, for female dominance!

          I am sure this woman appreciates her freedoms and choices more. I am certain this makes people cry, but quite honestly, this is something the world needs to work to stop!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

            Hi, I had to turn that off - other person in the house was in a very bad mood - sh*t that he was being! - thought it looked good though - have woken up this morning in a real grump with him! Did anybody see the series where a group of men toured tribal villages - that was good too! Didn't have to turn that over though!!
            Short term goal 7 days AF


              Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

              Wow, Patricia....did you have to turn it off because of the programme or 'just' (!) his mood......?

              It strikes me how often quite a lot of people can't 'take' openess, honesty, caring, loving, change, progress stuff..... Have to poo-poo it and are all embarrassed..... I feel sad about that, about their discomfort.

              Female circumcision sure is barbaric - thing to think about though is just how, because of acceptance, these folk are far happier than us with our non-acceptance, our never-having-enough, our having, perhaps, too much choice....

              I once heard a story about a man who had a dog with a squeaky toy it absolutely loved..... So the man, loving his dog, thought he would buy the dog another squeaky toy.....and ruined the dog's life as it then sat there, looking from one toy to the other, not being able to make up its mind which to play with and looking thoroughly miserable! Sometimes choice isn't happiness making! (I know I am like that dog in so many ways - just too much 'freedom' and choice!)

              So, who are we judge in a way......?! But I am happy for the girl who visited.....

              Hope you can get to see a repeat, Patricia!
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

                Bruce Parry's series 'Tribe' was the best thing on TV when it was on. Pat I think you're referring to 'Last Man Standing' where a group of men partook in different tribal sports with the natives to see who came out on top. There was also a program on Channel 4 not long ago where 2 twin brothers, both doctors, lived with different tribes to experience their healing, spiritual, shamanic processes. Their intervention was called upon a few times if I remember rightly and not sure I quite agreed with some of it.
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

                  Hi - yes it was last man standing - I thought it was really good but I also laughed a lot at the macho bits - findingmyself, no I didn't have to turn it off - but some comment was made from other room about alcohol and so I made a point of turning it off (son had come home really drunk this week and I didn't know if he was having a go at him) - I knew he would feel bad if I did this - kind of cut off my nose to spite my face type of thing - he's okay really - hasn't had a drink in over three decades and is really good for me - non-judgemental and open-minded but also has a child's 'terrible 2s side' - does any of this make sense!! Anyhow, I'm going to let him and me off now . . . . . life's too short don't you think? Everybody have a good day - I aim to . . . . .
                  Short term goal 7 days AF


                    Tribal Wives - what a wonderful story...

                    FMS, I do not appreciate being called closed minded and all those other barbs, it was totally out of line. We do not know how these women really think and feel about their situation, perhaps they are accepting because for so long they have had no choice. Regardless, I will never believe that human mutilation and forced castration is progress, nor OK.

                    I do not believe that the way that we live is the only way, and have never stated anything of the kind. I do appreciate many different cultures, and some of the most simple cultures are truly the most beautiful.
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007

