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My hubby is leaving to work

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    My hubby is leaving to work

    Hi Keeta,

    Well that sucks.

    Do you have little ones? I don't recall.

    I do remember when my husband first went away to work and what a nightmare it was for me~ being left with alone three children and being responsible for everything, morning til night. I had no family to help..there was just me.

    I think you have gotten a lot of good suggestions and perhaps after a period of adjustment a new routine will appear for your family. Change is good, often. Hopefully this will just make you stronger, more independent and wiser. I know it did me. :l

    magic xxx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      My hubby is leaving to work

      morning all,

      Gabby, I don't know how long he will be gone. Maybe that is part of the problem for me?

      You have some really good ideas, and I think you hit it, saying I need to find a way to function outside my comfort zone. We have been joined at the hip for as long as we have been together, and we are good that way. It will be hard to not have him here. I haven't slept alone in probably 7 years.

      louise....I know how I am feeling is likely not "normal", and should try to figure out what it is stemming from. And I don't really have any friends here (very small place), other that a few I meet and chit chat with @ work. Maybe as you and my favorite beaner(love you girlie) have said...I will find a way to grow through all of this.

      tlrgs....a good book is always a fabulous way to enjoy free time...and cleaning...well that could keep me busy FOREVER 'round here! LOL aren't prying...and I thank you and everyone for caring enough to respond.I do need to figure a way to fill my time while he is away, because normally, if I am not working or sleeping, we are doing things togther...or if doing nothing...the same! I will miss that. :upset: really hit the nail on the anxiety is going through the roof (which I have issues with panic attacks any how...blahck)

      karbihere...sorry, I am not sure what codependancy means. There are many things I could likely use couselling for, but sadly, we live in the middle of no where, so that is not an option for me. And while I don't think I will not survive without my husband, I do feel scared at being left alone, with six kids, to try and function as before, without him here for support, to hold me...or heck...just to have a safe place to vent, or argue! :H above, yes we have 6 kids...and I know you are right, that once the period of adjustment passes, we will come into our new routine, and I will be ok...I guess I just need to get past the fear, and worry and not let it eat me up.

      Thanks you all are awesome..I love this place for all the wonderful support and caring, and advise!

      Time to get ready for work! Hope you all have a great day,
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        My hubby is leaving to work

        Yikes Keeta, alone with 6 kids! I did not know you had 6 kids. I can understand better how having him have to leave is upsetting. Everyone needs adults to talk to, no matter how much they love their kids. I do hope the people in your community that you chit chat with can become better friends. I have found that people respond to vulnerability. I hope there is one of them you can open up to a bit about feeling "a bit" scared about being all on your own. You said it is a logging community. Are their other women in your position? Can you all ban together to help each other out? I hope so. And of course we will be here for you.


          My hubby is leaving to work

          Well Keeta, now I know why you have anxiety about him leaving! You have six kids!! Six kids is a lot for two people. I know it easy for me to say, but try and keep a positive attitude and have some fun with your kids. At least you will have some company. Thinking of you. Gabby.
          Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


            My hubby is leaving to work

            keeta i here you my wife and are goin thro the same thing been with her for 32 years he seems to be your best freind have you REALLY talked to him maybe he feels the same maybe you just have to sit with him b4 you leave and just sit and be honest with him gyco


              My hubby is leaving to work

              Keets' husbands are expendable look after yourself .... six kids wow are an amazing person..... keep yelling at me LOL always new you are a very special person/
              Love cap.... PS hubby will be back hey at least you don't have to argue for a couple of weeks ( what are husbands for except to disagree with and the occasional hug actually more than that the female is the other side of a bright sky we (men) just don't open our eyes to you..... the ignorant pricks we are

