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This time I've really done it.

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    This time I've really done it.

    This time I really quit. I had some inspiration though and frankly I'm still afraid so I suspect I'll stay sober for quite a while, if not permanently. I tried to quit back in April and made it a few days - all this time I was having "the pain" underneath the right rib. Since I have a history of IBS - I chalked it off to that. In fact a couple of times I tried to drink the pain away since that used to sometimes work on IBS - cept it didn't this time. THe pain kept on and on which gets maddening after a time. I talked with ex-drinking friends and even got the kudsu. But ya know my heart wasn't in it - I still thought I could deal with it - sometimes I could, but most of the time not. My wife is disabled and wheel chair bound, and she likes her wine and smokes and so we'd spend our evenings doing that - then I'd feel like crap the next day and she was fine. SO the incentive to quit wasn't there and smoking? If the 2nd hand smoke thing is true I'm doomed so might as well, right?

    A month or so ago I had had a physical by my GP and Gastro guy. Both said I had one liver panel that was pretty high but all the other ones were fine. I did tell both of them I'd been drinking pretty hard this year due to family issues and cause I like it. They sort of both blew it off and told me to cut back, they still thought the pain was IBS. However, after a couple of weeks I got tired of it and called the Gastro guy back and said this is got to stop. So in I went for an ultrasound. Came back showing a slightly enlarged pancreas. ANother panc and liver panel were done and same results on the liver (of course) cause quitintime hadn't quit. A CT scan was ordered and while waiting for that I stayed sober from Sunday of last week until the evening after the CT Scan on THursday - I had 3 large glasses of wine. Dumb and dumber. Friday AM I got the call - there is a lesion on my liver, pacreas is fine. Now the GS guy and the radiologist think its nothing and we'll check it again in 3 months. Yeah whoopee. I'm still in a fair amount of pain here and the worst thing they can find is a lesion that they are not concerned about.

    So anyway, I'm sober again since that Thursday. I enjoy being sober but when is this cotton picking sore liver going to heal up ? I'm pretty sure its not the IBS - its too high up - just under the rib and sometimes beneath it not lower than the bottom rib and it does go back around the side. IBS pills don't work on it. (but then they never had anyway).

    So I'm scared - even though no one else is - I'm not smoking either (I really only smoke about 3 packs a week at the most anyway and never before 3PM) so thats a blessing and I really have NO desire for alcohol. If this is whats gonna happen with that stuff you can have it.

    So anyone had this happen to them? I could sure use a pep talk and some vicodin.

    This time I've really done it.

    Hello & :welcome: I didn't have that but it would sure as hell scare me sober. I understand that death from liver issues is very painful (agonizing may be a better word). Same with the pancreas. Your body has a way of telling you things. Good thing you listened! Keep listening and change your habits. I'm suprised you didn't mention withdrawal. There is a lot of support on this site. If you need more than that, you should consider purchasing the book, supplements and CDs. Good luck. I hope everything works out OK.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      This time I've really done it.

      Hi Quit

      I know all to well what it's like to have scary symptoms. I too had to undergo tests, and they found elevated liver enzymes. I was in constant pain in the middle of my ribcage. The docs thought it was gallstones, but it turns out it was all caused by me abusing alcohol.

      very hard to do, but abstain. or at least mod. Listen, learn, post, read. Take the supps. There is loads of support here. Be honest. I have my fingers crossed for you. PM me anytime if you need to.

      we're all be behind you. don't give up.

      one, x


        This time I've really done it.

        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          This time I've really done it.

          Quitin....good for you to stop now!!!! Any type of liver disease is a horribly painful. I hope you find peace and stick around!
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            This time I've really done it.

            Greeneyes, already downloaded and read the book - read Easy Way to Quit Drinking by Alan Carr - and another book by a Christian Psychologist - I did quit first go around for two weeks after reading EasyWay but then got cocky - tried reading it at least a half dozen times after that and Alice Cooper and Eric Clapton's bios which involve alcohol abuse. I'm a part-time musician... that stuff speaks to me.

            I havent had withdrawl - I had a scrip for Neurontin for something else and I was taking those for a few days - slept like a baby - however tommorrow I have to play and cannot be foogy and it does that to me for a little while. SInce the issue (nerve pain) requiring it has cleared up too for now, I doubt I'll take any more.

            I did order some milk thistle today and really don't need topamax or the kudsu (which I have from here) right now - fear works wonders at least with me. My wife thinks I'm a hypochondriac and I'll admit to a certain amount of that - but this is the real deal. Hopefully Ive just pissed off my liver a bit and it'll be on the mend if I abstain and take the thistle stuff. I am thinking about asking for an upper body CT scan just in case this lesion is from somewhere else, and thats a scary thought too - but they saw no other nasties in my abdomen.

            I did stop this foolishness years ago cold turkey and was sober for 6 or 7 years - lost weight looked good - got lots of excersize and eventually got cocky - it took me 10 to get into the shape I'm in now which is 1 to 1 1/2 bottles of wine a day. Well I shouldn't say now - cause now I'm one scared sober dude.

            If you can mod - God bless you - I'm one who can't. I come from a long line of drinkers and for this old boy its better that I just say no. I do have a fondness for O'Douls which I carried over from my sober bout years ago so I can always have a beer that way.

            Just keep me in you thoughts and prayers over the next week or so - hopefully this pain will clear up and I'll stay sober - one forgets things - but I think I'm ready now to really live up to this moniker I'm using .

            Hey thanks for the kind words and help - keep em coming I'll be reading and writing during the weekend - and staying sober with the grace of God and my friends here.



              This time I've really done it.

              please take care. i have stopped AL for 8 days (miracle) and made it through a party tonight. if i can do it, it is possible for anyone i'd say. but, i will say one thing i've not said to myself "i'll never drink again." or "i quit" for me that is the kiss of death. if i say it... i won't do it. let's just say i am "testing myself" to see what it's like to be clear headed for awhile.
              i am easily overwhelmed, it is part of my chemical make-up and i know this. but if i break a project down then i am usually successful. cold turkey may work better for you as it does for me. after reading so many posts i am aware how easy it is fall back into old habits. i LOVE wine, so i am right there with you. beer, i can have one and that is the end of the story. wine; not. good luck and be strong.... (honest to god it's getting a tiny bit easier. at least i can feel proud for being good to myself this evening. and, BONUS, i won't wake up wondering if i did anything stupid!)


                This time I've really done it.

                Quitin, I think you've gotten a warning. When there is major organ damage it is difficult to reverse - an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure.

                Good Luck, and this is a very supportive site. Have a non-alcoholic drink game plan.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  This time I've really done it.

                  Quitin', No I'm not a modder. I'm just on 3 weeks AF as of tomorrow. I tried lots of approaches, but I'm sort of an all or nothing person. Eventually I fall into the pattern of overdrinking. I'm like that with cigarettes too. Haven't smoked in 12 years but wouldn't dare have a puff. And, I really like being sober. I haven't been out very much though - around my drinking friends and all. I will in due time.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    This time I've really done it.

                    greeneyes;358259 wrote: Quitin', No I'm not a modder. I'm just on 3 weeks AF as of tomorrow. I tried lots of approaches, but I'm sort of an all or nothing person. Eventually I fall into the pattern of overdrinking. I'm like that with cigarettes too. Haven't smoked in 12 years but wouldn't dare have a puff. And, I really like being sober. I haven't been out very much though - around my drinking friends and all. I will in due time.
                    Yeah I am too - when I drink I drink and when I smoke I'll do 1/2 pack in a few hours. Anyway happy Sunday all.


                      This time I've really done it.

                      Oh, wow, do I hear you! I just went through the exact thing last October. I had the same pain you are describing for about six months - constant - but too afraid to get it checked out. To make a long story short an ultrasound showed two spots on my liver. A CT scan was scheduled for three days later (of course I stayed sober for that, was scared sober!). That confirmed the lesions were fatty liver spots. Now there are fatty liver spots and then alcoholic fatty liver spots, he didn't seem to care which and quite frankly I was too embarrassed to admit I did this to myself. He put me on Prilosec for the stomach pain. It took about one week to kick in, suddenly one day the pain vanished. You can buy that OTC. We scheduled a followup scan for 3 months later. In the meantime, I googled a million sites on how to improve liver health (without quitting drinking, of course). I followed what I found and three months later, one lesion was completely gone and blood levels improved drastically. Here's what I did: Go to the health food store and buy a bottle of liver cleanse pills (Enzymatic is the brand I used). They are loaded with milk thistle. Take 4 - 8 fish oil and flaxseed pills a day, drink water with fresh lemon, V-8 and cranberry juice throughout the day. I'd be willing to bet you would see results. Even if you continue to drink, all of the above with give your liver some of the help it needs.
                      Sorry, didn't want to write a book here but wanted to help ease your mind Luckily for all of us, the liver is usually capable of repair, you just need to help it along a bit.
                      Best of luck to you!
                      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                        This time I've really done it.


                        I was once told "You can't scare an alcoholic". I hope you are the exception. I am a nurse and have watched people suffer horribly from alcohol related illnesses, but did it stop me, NO. I just had to be sick and tired of feeling like crap, losing jobs, my children at one point, and even my freedom, and I still went back to it after close to two years. I am now 48 hours AF, and more determined than ever to hold on to my sobriety. I am going to use this program in conjunction with AA. I am alone most of the time and I know that is not good, so I really need the meetings. I wish u all the best and hope to see u around here.:l
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          This time I've really done it.

                          quitin i here u i had the pains b4 not enuff to see a doctor just got drunk again been sober for 8 months now it was my out bursts tht halted me the last one sent me to a samitarium found out a lot not to go back there dont no if all stay stopped never no tht i can just go one day at a time i also use two sites this one 4 moderators or aa on line they both seem to help good luck to u gyco


                            This time I've really done it.

                            river0123;358332 wrote: Quitin,
                            Oh, wow, do I hear you! I just went through the exact thing last October. I had the same pain you are describing for about six months - constant - but too afraid to get it checked out. To make a long story short an ultrasound showed two spots on my liver. A CT scan was scheduled for three days later (of course I stayed sober for that, was scared sober!). That confirmed the lesions were fatty liver spots. Now there are fatty liver spots and then alcoholic fatty liver spots, he didn't seem to care which and quite frankly I was too embarrassed to admit I did this to myself. He put me on Prilosec for the stomach pain. It took about one week to kick in, suddenly one day the pain vanished. You can buy that OTC. We scheduled a followup scan for 3 months later. In the meantime, I googled a million sites on how to improve liver health (without quitting drinking, of course). I followed what I found and three months later, one lesion was completely gone and blood levels improved drastically. Here's what I did: Go to the health food store and buy a bottle of liver cleanse pills (Enzymatic is the brand I used). They are loaded with milk thistle. Take 4 - 8 fish oil and flaxseed pills a day, drink water with fresh lemon, V-8 and cranberry juice throughout the day. I'd be willing to bet you would see results. Even if you continue to drink, all of the above with give your liver some of the help it needs.
                            Sorry, didn't want to write a book here but wanted to help ease your mind Luckily for all of us, the liver is usually capable of repair, you just need to help it along a bit.
                            Best of luck to you!
                            Or try to quit drinking. Frankly all of the above are ways around what you are doing to your body and it will catch up.


                              This time I've really done it.

                              Hey, just to clear something up...I'm not trying to say "do this and you can drink to your little heart's content". I'm just saying that for people who do choose to still drink, there are things you can do to at least help minimize the damage. We'd all love to quit so easily, but there are many people who aren't "quite there yet". Myself included back in October. I mentally was not prepared to quit, no matter how much I knew I was messing with my health. But I'm glad I took all those supplements at the time and was able to halt or reverse some of the damage. I sincerely was justing trying to say "been there", I know how scary it is, but hopefully it can be reversed or fixed. Day 12 today and feeling fab
                              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha

