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This time I've really done it.

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    This time I've really done it.

    Thanks for the story River, on the pain. I was hoping there was someone here who had the same thing and could relate a bit and get me over the hypochondriac hump. My big issue is between the IBS which is painful enough in and of itself and this Ive been a mess and sometimes used AL to knock the pain down - which it did temporarily, but then it always comes back coupled with the hangover.

    Anyway talked with my Pastor this AM at church - I play on the worship team (Christians have been known to tip the glass too, especially wine) - it was the first time I'd mentioned it to him about the entire situation - we didn't get time for a long chat but he was really supportive, which I needed. I was pretty embarrassed but I felt the nudge to consult with him so I did and it helps.

    As far as returning to the grape, I've told enough people I"m close to now, that if it did happen someone would say something to me or deck me or something. Besides I have a wife to take care of and music to play and write - and persue my other neglected hobbies which are much healthier than sucking down a bottle of wine everyday. Hopefully all this is - is the fatty deposit thing and the liver gets healed and I continue on. As I said I ordered the thistle from the store here and already take fish oil - and CoQ10 with my daily vitamins - I also take Nexium for another condition, which doesn't do much here cause the pain isn't in the stomach. Maybe that one will go away too.

    I'm confident this was the good Lord firing a shot across my bow - I do believe that he put me here in your midst to help with the transition to ALFree. BTW today is day 3 alfree and all systems go for day 4. Thanks folks. Bless you for caring.


      This time I've really done it.

      river0123;358405 wrote: Hey, just to clear something up...I'm not trying to say "do this and you can drink to your little heart's content". I'm just saying that for people who do choose to still drink, there are things you can do to at least help minimize the damage. We'd all love to quit so easily, but there are many people who aren't "quite there yet". Myself included back in October. I mentally was not prepared to quit, no matter how much I knew I was messing with my health. But I'm glad I took all those supplements at the time and was able to halt or reverse some of the damage. I sincerely was justing trying to say "been there", I know how scary it is, but hopefully it can be reversed or fixed. Day 12 today and feeling fab
      Good for you 12 days is awesome! For the record though I really don't think it "so easy" for anyone to quit especially not those of us who ended up here. It sucks and it's hard I'm fairly sure none of us had it easy.


        This time I've really done it.

        I just found out that I have so many Alcohol related health issues to deal with,from internal issues to dental,not to mention DEPRESSION(for the first time in my life).ALL I CAN SAY IS DEALING WITH ANYTHING SOBER IS EASIER !!!!!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          This time I've really done it.

          My struggle is sometimes voiced here as I still seek out a way to make sense for I feel more that I can articulate.

          I am a musician as well , cant recall the last time I sang or picked up my instruments.

          My thoughts wish you the best.
          My spirit sends you a reflection of you being the best.

          This is a difficult stuggle and I care that you discover what is instrumental for YOU, as YOU are unique.

          Just a note,


          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


            This time I've really done it.

            Hi Quitin! Congratulations on your honest observation of your situation and the fact that you have taken action! That puts you way ahead of things regarding your health! You seem to be doing all the right things. Good for you, you are to be commended.

            I just went to an internist/surgeon yesterday and begin testing on sat. Had this pain years ago and they treated me for IBS from 1979 until 2003. It was discovered that I never had IBS, but that I had a mal-functioning gall bladder. No stones, so this was missed during the years earlier when they did ultra-sounds of the gall bladder. Finally! They took it out in 2003. Was good for about a year and then the pain came back. Not quite as bad as before, but I have always attributed it to drinking. Now, more than 3 mos. after I quit, it is still there and we are trying to figure it out. My surgeon seems to think it may be a stone in the bile duct the leads from the liver to the stomach or a mal-functioning muscle or spasm in that duct. Or, who knows? Even though my liver tests all come back normal, which is unbelievable to me, maybe something will show up there.

            My point is, that for 5 years, I have passed this off as being just due to alcohol consumption. I see how we ignore our health when drinking. I have a friend who's father just died after having had his gall bladder removed because there was a stone in the bile duct. He didn't tell anyone of his pain because he thought it was post op recovery, and it became gangrenous. The further into sobriety we go, the clearer things become. At 3 mos. I am just starting to feel that my mental accuity is improving. All in all I feel wonderful and am soooooooo grateful to be alcohol free!

            Keep it up! I look forward to reading your posts and hearing about your progress. Hugs, Best
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              This time I've really done it.

              I have had these pains....and I need to get going with AF days...I need to MOD first so withdraw will not be so bad...I have had success with the following:

              Go to the following link for liver health...

              Dr Sandra Cabot's Liver Doctor - Love your Liver and Live Longer

              Also here is a supplement that protects and heals the liver from alcohol abuse:

              Control the Mind


                This time I've really done it.

                bestlifeldms;360252 wrote: Hi Quitin! Congratulations on your honest observation of your situation and the fact that you have taken action! That puts you way ahead of things regarding your health! You seem to be doing all the right things. Good for you, you are to be commended.

                I just went to an internist/surgeon yesterday and begin testing on sat. Had this pain years ago and they treated me for IBS from 1979 until 2003. It was discovered that I never had IBS, but that I had a mal-functioning gall bladder. No stones, so this was missed during the years earlier when they did ultra-sounds of the gall bladder. Finally! They took it out in 2003. Was good for about a year and then the pain came back. Not quite as bad as before, but I have always attributed it to drinking. Now, more than 3 mos. after I quit, it is still there and we are trying to figure it out. My surgeon seems to think it may be a stone in the bile duct the leads from the liver to the stomach or a mal-functioning muscle or spasm in that duct. Or, who knows? Even though my liver tests all come back normal, which is unbelievable to me, maybe something will show up there.

                My point is, that for 5 years, I have passed this off as being just due to alcohol consumption. I see how we ignore our health when drinking. I have a friend who's father just died after having had his gall bladder removed because there was a stone in the bile duct. He didn't tell anyone of his pain because he thought it was post op recovery, and it became gangrenous. The further into sobriety we go, the clearer things become. At 3 mos. I am just starting to feel that my mental accuity is improving. All in all I feel wonderful and am soooooooo grateful to be alcohol free!

                Keep it up! I look forward to reading your posts and hearing about your progress. Hugs, Best
                Day 6 AF - no problems, no way I want a drink. Pain is slightly better but I think I'm going to call the Gastro Dr tomorrow and my GP today. No fever, no other symptoms just the pain in under the right rib cage and sometimes in the back and side. I see all the stuff on Dr Cabot - I'm going to look into the cleansing stuff after I try the milk thistle. I had both the ultra sound and cat scan and no sign of stones I hope thats enough. Again my liver tests were normal except the alcohol sensitive one - that was up there. I'll bet in a couple of weeks it'll be better too.

                I'm still concerned with this pain - I did stop taking my Pravachol which is a cholesterol statin drug I don't think its a great idea to do that while things are still kinda funky.

                Thanks again folks for your help and comments - it means alot. As I said fear is a great cure for AL.


                  This time I've really done it.

                  Thanks Rocky! I'm checking it out! Good luck on your mods to AF plan!

                  Hugs, Best
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    This time I've really done it.

                    A small status report. Day 9 AF and felling better.

                    Re: the pain underneath the rib - Thursday I had to play a concert. I was hauling equipment and was backing a star so I was pretty nervous. I had considerable pain during the show and after - almost was going to drive to the ER afterwards but I forced myself to calm down and managed to get to sleep. Next morning, I went to work with some pain and decided to call the gastro doc to get into see him - they were booked so he called me and we talked. After another description of the symptoms and we reviewed the CT scan and ultra sound with me, he said the lesion was 1 cent and non-descript meaning it wasn't something to worry about and wasnt the cause of the pain. I thought for sure my liver was swollen - he said nothing was swollen and no blockage of bile ducts or anything going on it all looked normal to him. His conclusion was that I may have strained muscles in the abdominal wall + IBS. I thought to myself yeah right. However hes the doc so might as well trust him. He was right - later in the day the pain subsided except for when I moved the wrong way had a crampy feeling much like a ..... drum roll .... muscle spasm. Its like that today - not bad at all - and I'm eating whatever I want and it makes no difference to it. Let me add there are no other symptoms like nausea or fever.

                    So IBS can get really bad and when you worry about stuff - it gets worse. Tack that onto muscle spasms and you get a whole lot of pain - under and around the right rib going to the back.

                    Still - I'm 9 days out now and DO NOT want to go back to feeling like crap - goodbye AL I won't say its been nice. NOw I can enjoy life a little better with a clear head. Just wanted to pass this on to those with the pain thing - it may be the liver / bladder / panc or it just may be the old bow wow wels.

                    In any event he said check back in 3 weeks, and I will one way or the other - but at least I'm not that worried about it now. Its a good thing.


                      This time I've really done it.

                      Good to hear!


                        This time I've really done it.

                        Do you gently massage your Liver???I do.It hurt bad at first but now is waking up.I posted about Green Supps. that are working for me under Holistic.On line E Bay you can buy LIV52...Cheap and works wonders in liver repair.Choryphll (liquid or chewable)is similiar to Hema in our blood and as ALKIES we often have liver bleeding.PM me if I can help....Blessings to you..
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

