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This has been a great place

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    This has been a great place

    She had logged in at 12:26am my time and again at 3:24pm my time. (Western Pacific Time)

    She is still alive and kicking!

    Beatle - please do not feel embarrassed or anything about your post. We totally care for you, and hope you feel cared about.

    We just want you to be well. Please let us know how you are.

    Much Love,


      This has been a great place

      I've been working late hours the past couple of days. I just saw this and want you to know Beatle that you are very loved, that you are going to see brighter days ahead if you just hang on to us here. Don't give up. Your life has meaning in ways that you have not experienced yet. This will all make sense when you get past what you are currently going through. Right now - you don't have to "understand" your feelings - just DO NOT ACT on them. Set them aside.

      I am praying for you
      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

      (from the Movie "Once")


        This has been a great place

        Beetle, Please talk with someone. The people around you and the people on MWO really do care about you. rust me, I speak from experience. A few weeks ago, my nephew committed suicide. It has heartbroken everyone. He is so missed and was such a wonderful young man. We only wish we knew what he had been thinking and feeling so we could have helped. And we are all devastated and blame ourselves too. PLEASE talk to someone close to you........they don't want this..........they want you.
        Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


          This has been a great place

          Beatle, like so many others here I hope that you are OK. I'm so glad to know that you have logged in - hopefully you are reading all the messages and hanging on. I'm hoping that you maybe called your doc today.

          I'm rooting for you Beatle. You deserve to enjoy the wonderful life that is there for you and for all of us. It may not be easy, but if we keep on trying we will get there.

          Hang on and keep choosing life for your kids even if you can't do it for yourself right now.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            This has been a great place

            Beatle: you are so loved. Many of us have been where you are. We are worried sick .. oh please let us know at least that you are OK ...
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              This has been a great place

              This too shall pass. And it will pass. You know this. Hang strong and the cycle WILL pass. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                This has been a great place


                I've known you and loved you for a very long time now. Please read the beautiful words again that katesm wrote to you. I can't say anything better. There is always a future, even when you can't believe there is one - I'm a perfect example of that. Hang with us for a while. We all love you.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  This has been a great place

                  Thought about you all last night and am hoping things are better today. Please let us know how you are doing. We are worried about you.
                  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                    This has been a great place

                    Beatle you have helped so many with your wisdom and knowledge. I personally have learned so much and have finally found the perfect supps that worked for me purely by reading your posts. If we have gotten so much from you I can only imagine what your family can learn. Hope you are feeling better and know we are thinking of you.

                    Theme2be please don't feel you have to try to fit in. Just by being here and contributing you already do


                      This has been a great place


                      I hope you have been reading all the wonderful posts here, full of support, caring, and love. Though I don't know you, I can relate to feeling utterly hopeless. Like fighting the fight every day isn't worth it any more....that it is simply too much to take, and I am tired, beaten.....done.

                      I keep telling myself, my kids need me...atleast a little longer, striving, and praying to make tomorrow better for myself. I fall, and fail often....but I can't give up...not yet....and I sure hope you won't.

                      Then along comes a day....and something in it, makes me happy, utterly, obliviously happy, and I am glad to be a part of this crazy thing called life.

                      Lets try to focus on those days.

                      I sure hope you will check in soon, Beatle, we all care about you.

                      Sorry if my post is maudlin...I just wanted you to know you aren't alone.:l:h

                      much love,
                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                        This has been a great place

                        Beatlel scandinavia sucks how the fuck did you end up there. Anyway you just say something to us any thing I promise i will take you sailing on a sun lit after noon I will pick you up and take you away.....l.. Please Please Please my dear beats we are begging here tell us you are ok .
                        Love cap I will not sail until you tell us you are ok
                        Love Cap


                          This has been a great place

                          Hey Beatle,
                          Another 'hello' from me. Still thinking about you. Glad to see you have been back to the site. I hope you are beginning to feel a little bit better.


                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            This has been a great place


                            Wow, how much love there is here for you.

                            I, too, hope you are feeling better. I have awakened the last two mornings and jumped onto MWO just to see if you posted anything.

                            Know, we all hope you are feeling better. If the drink is taking you back down, just try to go a couple of days without it. Okay? Just a couple. ODAT. That should help with your depression.

                            Love and strength to you,
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              This has been a great place

                              Me too Cindi. Hope you are doing better Beatle.
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                This has been a great place

                                Hey Beatle

                                Hope you are feeling better - please pop on and let us know you are ok - many people love you and are concerned about have inspired so many!!!!

