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Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

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    Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

    Sorry to be so depressing but I have felt the worst today than I think I have ever felt.
    I have been AF (yet again) since July 2nd and though happy I still am I am struggling to see any light at the end of the tunnel. I think I have lost my mind somewhere along the way in this struggle and I am barely keeping it together for the sake of my two small children. I am struggling to keep my career going - working from home two days a week so that I can also look after them. Problem is that I cannot get the work done at the same time as looking after them and I am just too tired to really concentrate by the time they go to bed. I feel like I have not had a clear thought in years. Logical thing to do would be to get childcare but it costs so much and the money I earn has to go back to clear debts that badly need to be cleared off so I feel like I work for nothing. My husband is trying his best but works full-time and has to commute so he is barely here. I think it is all getting in on me especially now as the kids are on holidays so they have nothing on during the day and the weather in Ireland has been terrible so they cannot even get out into the garden to play and no money this year for any type of holiday. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to, just grinding away like a mouse on a wheel. I am not sure I can cope with trying to be AF and managing kids, career, house etc. without some time out on my own.
    For the first time in my life today I thought about going to the doctor about feeling depressed and panic attacks and I have never felt like that before so I am worried that this is a sign of something that might get worse. Is it just the absence of booze, has anyone felt worse after giving up for awhile?. Has anyone experienced a nervous breakdown - I know people often say without meaning that they on are the verge of one. I have always thought it happens to people without them knowing - they suddenly find themselves in bed with others picking up the pieces but is it like that or can you actually tell that it is happening to you??
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

    Bandit...I wish I could so I could prevent it ! LOL! IAD!
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

      You have a lot on your plate. Maybe it is time to see the doctor. You really do need some time to yourself. I'm not sure how u can make that happen. I hope you feel better soon.:l
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

        Hey Bandit...I think a nervous breakdown is a gradual thing - it doesn't just hit you one day (but one day you may feel like you can't cope anymore) My Mum had one when I was quite young & it's a very serious thing...bedridden, not wanting to see or talk to anyone.
        It sounds like you may have a mild case of depression - I had this after each of my 2 babies were born - the first time I didn't do anything about it & my drinking got a bit out of control. The 2nd time I went to the doctor & was put on anti-depressants and they made the world of difference - I felt (probably like most people) that I was weak because I needed help but afterwards I wished I'd gone on them sooner. Really, they were a great help. I think you should make an appointment - you don't need to fill the prescription if you don't feel like you need to but maybe just talking to the doctor, and feeling like you are taking back some control & doing something about your emotional state will help.
        One thing I know WON'T help and that's drinking - I'm no doctor but I will guarantee that for sure.
        Just take it one day at a time - just get through today.
        Feeling down can be a side effect of giving up drinking (a cruel one!)but it's short term. You have a whole life of feeling good ahead of you! And think of all the $$ that aren't going on booze - that's gotta help!!


          Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

          i know its hard but really.. try to just take some time for yourself ..and just think of the money you will save by stopping drinki and yes go to your doc and tell him how you are feeling ..take care of yourself ..
          peace , love and god bless
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

            I did about 10 AF days in May and 21 days in June and felt awful for much of it. I knew I was dealing w/depression; started therapy in April and started ADs in June. Did Topa, supps, CDs, was hoping for....something...! But it never really came, and I'm still wondering if I did something wrong. Got off Topa cause can't afford it. I have a 2 yr old son and a 17 yr old stepson, and I am working part time, so its difficult finance-wise. I felt that my AF days were the right path but I still felt depressed and crappy; not sleeping, moody, agitated, etc. I DO suggest calling your dr, if for nothing else to just talk. I ended up calling my ob/gyn, because she was the only dr I had recently seen and felt I could relate to. Cried in her office and she referred me to therapists. How old are your children? Did you have any post partum depression? You are not being depressing, it just sounds like you are depressed. Stay in touch, and we will get thru this.


              Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

              Sorry you are feeling so low.

              Alcohol is bad for your central nervous system, making you feel depressed. IT could be that you need to get some anti-depressants for a while for a serotonin boost. Maybe even a low dose could help.

              The right therapist can work wonders. Are you covered for that with public insurance? If not, look into sliding scale rates, most providers offer them. And don't think that you can't afford it. Mental health is a necessity. If you can even go every two weeks that could help a lot.

              I suppose the other possibility is that you have been numbing yourself with alcohol and are now feeling things that you have been covering up.

              It's well worth the work to learn how to deal with emotional problems while sober.

              I think what you should do is, instead of looking at the whole awful big picture... think of the few things you can control at the moment. Your mountain of debt is not within your control right now. Your husband's fulltime job isn't either.

              Do you or your husband have any relatives who could look after the kids now and then?

              I really urge you to look through all these problems and pick out the few you can change. Stopping drinking is one thing you could and did change. Please allow yourself to feel happy about that success. Your kids will be back in school in what a month and a half? Can you hold on for that long? I am sure you can.

              Images like a mouse on a treadmill are not really that helpful to you. Most of us have debt and it is depressing but you have to try to stay positive. Can you get a low-cost loan, available in the UK, and transfer some debts to that?

              Longer term, you could use a job that pays better or a job that has onsite childcare.

              Good luck


                Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                I don't think I've ever had a nervous breakdown but I've been depressed and anxious. If you've never tried meds, I would give them a go but be careful because some people crave alcohol while on antidepressants. I would call the Dr.

                I'll be thinking of you
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?


                  Hi All,
                  Thanks for your words of support. I just felt very down yesterday and I needed to share it with someone. I especially felt it yesterday as I was under pressure to get a piece of work done and with the kids (they are 5 and 3) it was impossible to do it during the day. However, I stayed up and got it done after they went to bed. My husband helped me with it but I know he was tired too. Childcare is a problem for us as we just cannot afford it. My local creche charges over 330 euro a week for two kids and my husband only earns about 500 a week. It is even more expenisve on a daily basis and plus I would have to pay for a bus for my daughter to be taken to school in the mornings and brought to the creche in the afternoon. If I went back to work full-time I would spend most of my wages on it, plus we would be hit for more income tax and ironically we cannot claim childcare costs in tax relief. We don't really have anyone like family etc. nearby that can help and very few companies here have on site creches.

                  However, on the bright side it will ease when they get back to school/playschool in September as 4/5 mornings during the week is enough to fill my two day work commitment so I just need to get by for the next few weeks. My husband can take a week off in August too which will help. On the financial side we will also have made a good dent in our debts by Christmas.

                  The weather too is meant to improve over the weekend so fingers crossed. It has been raining constantly here lately which is depressing me even more and kids are cooped up in the house getting cranky etc. so a bit of sun would be nice!

                  As time goes on hopefully the thoughts of wanting to resort to AL will wear off.
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                    you are living my me
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                      Thinking of you

                      Bandit I can only imagine what that weather can do to ones soul. Here I sit and complain about being cold and it's a beautiful sunny winters day in South Africa (temp 24 degree C) and I have a scarf, two jerseys and i'm literally sitting ON the heater... what an ass am I!!! You have just given me a wake up call!!

                      I am now getting off my butt and heading down to the beach to soak up the sun and I am sending you sunny thoughts and wishes of clear skies.

                      Wishing you a great AF weekend!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                        Wish I was there!

                        Hi Dee Bee,
                        I am so jealous!!!
                        My sister is moving back to Ireland after over 25 years living in Southern Africa. She is here now and her husband and 4 boys are coming over August. I don't know how they are going to cope with the weather here. I am seriously considering making a beach scene with heat lamps for the house at this stage!
                        On the positive side it is not raining here at the minute and the sun is even peeping out now and again!
                        Best Wishes,
                        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                          Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                          Hi There!

                          Hi One2Many,
                          Yeah - long holidays are great but for who exactly??
                          5 little 'uns - OMG! - but maybe they keep each other entertained. I have a big gang up tomorrow so that will help on the entertainment front especially if the weather picks up like it is supposed to - wouldn't want to hold your breath though would you? - somebody joked the other day about not having seasons here anymore just Dark Winter and Bright Winter. I laughed at the time but then the funny bit seemed to wear off.
                          Anyway, feeling a lot better today - yesterday was bad, bad, bad.
                          Isn't housework great! - I have a lovely manky oven to look forward to cleaning in a minute and one of my kids must have messed with the plug on the freezer yesterday. Only copped it a few minutes ago so there is a nice half defrosted mess in there to sort out in case the oven gets too exciting for me! THE FUN KEEPS ON COMING!
                          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                            Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                            To rain or not to rain that is the question

                            Hi One2Many,
                            I wish it would just make up its bloody mind once and for all and just rain for awhile, get it over with and then bring on the summer, instead of this shite will it won't it lark that went on last sumer too. It was nice here a few minutes ago, went into the living room for two seconds, came back into the kitchen and now its lashing again - big gloomy dark sky, like watching the spaceship fill the sky in Independence Day.
                            God, you'd swear we were a nation of complainers or something?
                            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                              Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                              Makes me wonder why do we have children ??? are we masochists at heart..... is it just us men seeing love on Tv and jumping our wifes LOL and then pissing off to work every day to leave you with the mess lol. UM that sounds depressing maybe kids were invented to get rid of husbands. Maybe sent to try us...... a constantly whinging four year old has to be one of those things god sent to try us. Instant forty days in the desert fasting stuff. Any way Ill be a barstard its ok with me Im AT WORK and a have a late meeting.

