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Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

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    Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

    Hello Bandit.

    I had the same experience right around day 6 and it carried through for about 2 weeks if I recall. Before I quit drinking I researched all I could about the effects of withdrawal and I remember reading how many would experience at times serious issues with thinking and cognitive function of the brain. I was a bit worried knowing I need my wits about me at work and looking back I am glad I was expecting something of an issue in that respect. But I will say this, it was hairy for a few days where I had to write down everything I needed to remember or that I needed to do. It was like someone stole my brain and I was constantly trying to find it. Scrambled brains to say the least. I'm a pretty smart guy and I was really worried I was going to do something obviously stupid at work and draw attention to my problem but I got through it!

    I would like to suggest you don't worry as much about these days like this as they will settle down and get better, just don't give in or give up! It just take a little bit more effort to get through your tasks right now but like I said it will get better and easier. Stay strong!!
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      Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

      One sorry delted the post thought it too nasty lol


        Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

        Hi 4theboyz,
        Thank you for your words of support and advice.
        I kept putting off my commitment to the 'I'm giving up AL for good' statement that I kept saying to myself every morning mainly because of work. Felt I would not be able to deal with the stress of it and that I would be in too much of a mess to get the work done. I now only have to do two days a week so not so bad but because it is from home I also have to reach certain targets that have been set for me so in some ways I feel it is harder than actually going into work for the day plus of course added stress in terms of no childcare, housework etc. Things really got on top of me yesterday as since my kids started their holidays, I hadn't really been doing the work and had to catch up on about 6 days work in one day. I think the idea of writing things down is a really good one and I am going to set small work goals for myself everyday so that I do not let it build up into something overwhelming. I find it frustrating as I used to be so good at my job, had a great reputation and I feel like it has all disappeared. I left my last job for medical reasons, partly true as I did have to have an operation, but they also had copped that there was a problem so left before they asked me to. It was only a short-term contract but not good for references etc.. I have now been offered work by an old friend who has no clue that there is any problem. It is a good opportunity and if I mess this up I don't think there will be many other offers coming my way. So I have to keep going with this and hope that I will feel better in awhile. I have to change. Somebody on this site has a quote about how insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. This is so true for me.
        Best Wishes,
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

          One Im not littlle Im six foot four played basket ball all my life completley in denial.......... I was meant to be a brain surgeon or a bass player I failed at both now well I leave that story for another day
          Love cap


            Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

            Sorry bandit you are not having a nervous anything you got the little bugger syndrome BLOODY KIDS Dont worry ( I know there is no such thing as tell them to piss off while mummy does Jane Fondas work out ) sit out the back have a cup of tea and say to your self IM not gonna give a shit for 5 minutes thats all it takes and then get to the front line until hubby comes home and grumply asks WHATS FOR DINNER then break out the gun and shoot him hope that makes you feel better love Cap in no way trying to make light of your situation but we gotta laugh at the situations we get our selves into.


              Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

              Hi there!

              Hi Captnjack,
              I really did feel like I was going mad yesterday but feel much better today.
              My husband usually phones me before he arrives at the house (usually when I have just got into the loo on my own for the first time all day without two kids following me) just to let me know of his estimated time of arrival, to ask what's for dinner, to put the kettle on and of course his contribution to raising the kids, 'how have the sprogs been' ,. My answer is the same every day - that I have been sitting around the house all day picking the fluff out of my arse (apologies for that mental image) and that the kids are the same as every other day - driving me mad!. And he wonders why I don't have the pipe and slippers out!
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bandit you just made my day "picking the fluff out of my arse" that is so funny you are far from mad you are the sanest person i have come acrossin the last year ....... he calls them " sprogs " if i was a kid I would sue him for being offensive to the word kid. Bandit you are cool if you are mad Im sprogs spring steen and we are dancing in the dark
                Take care love Cap


                  Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                  Ah he is a good man really - he has just phoned with his ETA but has promised to stop at the shops to buy some Doritos - the extra hot chilli ones - can't get enough of them at the minute. I think I remember sex, it was accompanied by something called fun, happened before the kids and seemed like a great idea at the time!
                  Just kidding, need the fun back bigtime- speaking of sex, saw a news article on the internet last night about a woman who gave her husband a birthday present of sex every night for a year. She wanted to give him something unique, hard to wrap though I would have thought. Socks are way better.
                  Anyway, logging off now as I do actually have to start getting dinner etc. done. Hope all have a good Friday night/day whatever time it is everywhere.
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Can you spot the start of a nervous breakdown?

                    Oh my hat Bandit, I thought I'd check in to see how your weekend was and I haven't stoppend laughing... crap you are funny!! So pleased you are sounding better.

                    Wishing you sunny skies this week

                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

