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A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

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    A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

    Here's a web site that has helped me make sense of things when nothing else has made sense of things. Being almost completely deaf makes me more aware of things *around* me than most people. More sensitive. Hence I drank to block the feelings of a lot of it. A couple of weeks ago a read a book that just broke something loose inside of me - Courageous Souls by Robert Schwartz. It brought me to a place of forgiveness that I had not been able to achieve for many many years.

    And this other website What's Up on Planet Earth? - Life in the Higher Realms with Karen Bishop explains *why* (to me anyway) things feel so darned wacky from time to time. When my husband's son died last year - he was supposedly sober for a year - but he died crashing his car into a tree...drunk. When we got back home from the funeral - this website (I subscribe to the Energy Alerts) had posted this:

    "We have reached a higher dimension, a new platform, a new reality, the higher realms?.and this arrival is causing much turmoil, as mismatches in vibration create great chaos, harshness, overwhelm, and basically, nothing seems to fit or to work.

    We were going a hundred miles an hour in the lower dimensional hierarchy, as we had released and purified much, which enabled us to feel lighter, emptier, and so forth, and then bam!....we hit the wall of the next hierarchy. And did we hit it hard! In essence, we had graduated from an old dimensional hierarchy. So then, it was graduation time."

    Made perfect sense to me. And that's kind of what happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I just decided enough. I'm going to do better for myself.

    So anyway. I thought I'd pass along the What's Up On Planet Earth website and the Courageous Souls book just in case anyone else could use them.

    Something about when I read beatle's post touched my heart. I think most people that are diagnosed with a *disorder* of some sort are sensitive.

    So. no need to reply to this. This will probably be too woo-woo for most of you out there That's ok.

    "If you would bring light and healing to humanity
    but believe your impact constricted by role,
    your power weakened by circumstance,
    your reach limited by injury from physical accident,
    rest assured that all the world knows that you are here.
    You are heard. You are seen.
    And where your voice does not carry
    and your feet cannot tread,
    even so does every soul feel your presence
    on levels beyond conscious, human perception.
    And your impact radiates farther still,
    throughout the dimensions,
    dimensions that appear to be
    but are not
    far removed from you.
    The light you live,
    the forgiveness you extend,
    the healing you create,
    and the love you remember yourself to be
    are deeply felt by all in body
    and all in spirit.

    From the book Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth? (Copyright ? 2008) by Robert Schwartz"

    A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

    thanks for the info...I will order the book,sounds great..
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

      thank you. He does have a chapter in there about an alcoholism and drug addiction.

      he is offering the book free to public libraries and prison libraries. You can contact him through his website.


        A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

        well - at first I thought I wouldn't like it or accept it - but by the time I finished the book I realized I would never look at people the same way again or even THINK at or about people the same way again. Yes - *thoughts* are things.


          A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....


          Thank you so much for sharing! I just ordered the book and will check out the website when I get home from work tonight. Not Woo Woo at all! LOL

          Hugs, Best
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

            THANKS AGAIN !!!!!Love Karens Web site .I had known of her work but not visited her site.GREAT STUFF.I am leaving for Glastonbury Symposium in a few days to study with Hamish Miller and Jay Goldner.Hamish has done alot of research in AVEBURY AREA on Stone and Crop circles.He has some stuff on U TUBE if your interestes.I just finished MESSAGES FROM SPACE by Jay Golder...Started it a few years ago but wanted to reread before I met up with him.I am doing research for a class that I am teaching in the fall on Scared Geometry so plan on revisiting Stone circles and as many Crop circles as I can.There have been about a DZ. reported already this year in the AVEBURY AREA is hope to see can PM me anytime if you want to talk.....
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

              Allowingtoo....thank you. I really like it..... (it's 'the others' that are woo woo, not us!!!!!)(Of course not really, that would be 'old thinking'!)

              I shall look at the web site and book..... Yes, these are new times....amazing times....and FAST ones! I think we have graduated to about 1,000 miles an hour now haven't we?! (16 hours a day instead of 24 I gather - sure feels that way!)

              Hang on to your hat!

              Evie - have a great time at Avebury - special!

              Love FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

                Just arose, as I was tossing and turning , in angst, images from all over my life
                as I was unable to sleep, restless, felt like pins and needles going through my body and my heart with a mind of its own as this is , as privately as private is, a Day 2 for me.
                The sounds of peace came from the Sleep Learning Hypno Cd, helping as it does on a subliminal level.
                Felt drawn to enter in here and heard your words, as I read your posts.

                Exactly what the Universe orderd for this keeper of the light. Right up my little alley.
                Will certainly, with thanks to you, look into this book more and delve into each word because I was overwhelmed. It was a "boo~who" moment for me.

                I am in a prison, in ways.
                I am in a prism of silence, in my own definition. I live for silence and solitude. I close off the world, even in the noisiest of spaces.
                This site is Sacred Geometry to me, each word forming that perfect balance that unites and heals.
                I have followed this, even when you put sand in a pan and put it on a speaker when the music plays , it will bring "form" to the music in a pattern.
                There is a site I go to and I have learned much, although not been in contact for a time as my drinking helped me make no sense when I would communicate. I would have been better off huming my words and their intent, instead of scrambling them in retoric.

                I thank you for this lovely page you have composed.
                It mattered and steered me away from , who knows what. Time spent "away" from the stalker, esp, while spent here, is a paradise of moments and mysteries that can clarify what needs to make sense to my troubled soul.

                Your words, loud and clear ushered in some peace in these sacred moments.


                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                  A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

                  Thank you for this post! I hope I can Kindle this book!

                  I am overly sensitive and intuitive, my therapists probably never told me what "I have" because I am too overly sensitive to handle it, LOL! For some odd reason nobody believes I have a drinking problem........go figure
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    A website that has helped me - ok - it's a little woo woo but....

                    hi allow sorry for your loss,many of us who drink,drug or abuse over the countr meds ,hav a will to end, what we deem as misery,i waas sent to a sanitarium this winter, and lerned a lot about life,we are responsible for what we do, even tho sometimes it hurts,as you sound , i am also confused,i hope things get better for you , your very deserving of goodness in your life gyco

