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Ideas for unusual presents?

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    Ideas for unusual presents?

    I just started this message a minute ago but appears to have got lost so apologies if it shows up again.
    I am still awake , now nearly 2am and up for ages.
    Anyway, I ramble on.
    I posted on this site earlier about a woman in the UK who decided her husband's birthday present would be sex every day for a year. It certainly is unique but also hard to wrap and how the hell do you top that next year, do you stop at day 365, plus my husband would wonder what the hell is going on?
    I am looking for ideas for a pressie for my upcoming husband's birthday. Has to be cheap as no money left (not lurid, kinky etc.), he is currently asleep on the sofa in the living room with drool running down his chin so finding it hard to feel the LOVE!!!
    I do love him dearly but please no bathset ideas - I don't like to diss any present but god I hate bath sets - we have loads of buy two get the third free thing going on here and I often wonder was I the free! - what is wrong with socks - small, easy to wrap and always useful, they get too much bad press!
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    Ideas for unusual presents?

    i love tools anything and everything .. and if you need anything done around the house buy him a tool and give him some ideal on what you need done good luck
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Ideas for unusual presents?

      Hi tlrgs,
      Tools are a good idea but my husband already has quite a few and is very particular about the ones he wants. I have to ask him for makes and models etc and for me it takes the fun out of it a bit - I love suprising him. I have asked his friends for advice. From speaking to them, I know he is really interested in an old WW2 motorbike but it is a bit pricey and do I really need anymore stuff in the backyard?? Maybe a tool chest or cabinet might be good?
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        Ideas for unusual presents?

        Hi bandit hope this ain't too lurid definatley not kinky... Unusual though... well my dear one bought me a bottle opener made from the ball sack of a male Kangaroo they still sell them at the market here I think. Don't know if you can buy them on line... She is always giving me the sweetest things however I didn't quite know what to make of this one?????? I would have preferred some new boxer shorts or socks lol.


          Ideas for unusual presents?

          Captn, I just love that!!!! Can you please help me find one so I can purchase? I know it may not be politically correct here in the states, but I would really love to give someone a sack for a present.
          On a more serious note, (even though I am VERY serious about my future purchase), although I have not done it in years, I used to like to purchase small gifts and then attach a card with the meaning of the gift. When my sister reached a certain age--I think 40, which makes me laugh now---I gave her a bunch of gag gifts with cards....To help you in the times of need, suppositories.....To help you remember...herbs....And in the end, to help you through the rough terrain you will be faced with as you age....I bought her a pair of boots she wanted.
          It is really the thought that counts.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Ideas for unusual presents?

            Oh, and I really, really, really want a ball sack.
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              Ideas for unusual presents?

              No worries luck next time Im at vic market Ill make enquiries with the guy that sells them see if he has some sort of online trading thing. However I think there may be a quarantine issue though with a pair of Kangaroos family jewels arriving on US shores its like a Taxidermi type thing they are the real mcoy. Unfortunately one of our most iconic native species is considered a pest by some. If i hve got my story right they recently had to cull some because they were starving no food left and too many of them. They believe it was more humane to put them down quickly rather than let them starve to death created quite a controversy I may be wrong but I think it was given the go ahead by the RSPCA which did upset alot of people.


                Ideas for unusual presents?

                I really do understand the controversy behind it all, but I also understand that I am very selfish and would like a sack, even if it was a fake one. God I love it. And if I am helping because there is an over-population, better yet. The less ball sacks in the world, the better. I am joking of course.
                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  Ideas for unusual presents?

                  "The less ball sacks in the world, the better". HAAAAAAAAAAAA...... I'm gonna make sure you get one Luk otherwise I think you are gonna go on a "hunt" and I don't want to see you in jail LMAO. I tried to google but the guy doesn't really have a business name he is basically a stall at a market. Any way mines in storage at the mo as we are doing renos to this shitty house........... However in order to prevent the "ball sack serial killer" cutting loose I am prepared to give you mine o shit not mine but the kangaroos..... I better stop now this is so funny LOL
                  love cap


                    Ideas for unusual presents?

                    I buy all of my gardening tools for Lee Valley Tools ( They also sell woodworking tools, no power tools. Lots of unique things for not too much money, very high quality and they really stand behind what they sell. If you want to go with a gift certificate, this would be a place to consider.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Ideas for unusual presents?

                      "I always think its quite nice to...give him,and do anything he wants for the day,within reason!!D.
                      now please explain that comment to us not newly fall"in in love type people dolphin lol.
                      Love you YA BASS cap


                        Ideas for unusual presents?

                        A Picnic in the Park...Fly a kite,and be child like...
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Ideas for unusual presents?

                          Just a little note... no matter whose birthday in our family they received breakfast in bed.
                          We always do a "treasure hunt" for the birthday gift that is cleverly done with clues hidden to find the next clue to finally find the gift.
                          Do something homemade is always easy.
                          But, what about ironing his clothes, washing his car... cleaning his jewelry, polish his shoes...
                          Is there something he's been dreading to do that seems to be hanging over his head... get it done for him.
                          Gas up his car, air in the tires... oil change... get the car washed and detailed...
                          You can make a list of all the things he does that you forget to thank him for... and give him a gold star for being so terrific.
                          I went on Hallmark Smilebox and made up a greeting for him of several pictures for him and made a great greeting for him. I also went to Hallmark and had a musical card made. Some of these items are as inexpensive as you can imagine.
                          These are just thoughts...
                          Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                            Ideas for unusual presents?

                            no takers for the kangaroo ball sack except luk


                              Ideas for unusual presents?

                              Captn. Surely if you just giftwrapped the 'ball sack' in a padded envelope and sent it airmail to the USA then customs are never gonna get wind of it anyway. Or maybe dem damn pesky sniffer dogs at the airport will end up going nuts at the slightest whiff!! Dare you risk gett'n pulled up by the scrote over it?

                              Love and Happiness
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009

