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Needing Some Inspiration

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    Needing Some Inspiration

    Okay, I had 24 sober days. Just couldn't make it to that 30 day mark. I am back AF as of today and I loved how I felt for those three weeks! I was more focused on MWO and tried to contribute as much as I could. You all have helped me so much.

    Now for another favor. My husband leaves on Tuesday for a week. I am going to be all alone without anyone to be accountable to. I don't want to drink. Can anyone help me formulate a plan? I talked to DH about it and he says just to stay focused but I know I need more than that! Thanks, Gabby
    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

    Needing Some Inspiration

    If you take Antabuse everyday the Alcohol can not take you.Better to have a safe guard when you're left alone...Stay NEAR,stay STRONG...We can BEAT the BEAST together!!!!!
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Needing Some Inspiration

      Needing some inspiration - we can help

      I hear ya - I am alone alot and have been astounded that I have been able to stay away from the bottle for the most part - I am modding but I am even stunned that I have been able to go from 1-2 bottles a night to two drinks a night - YOU CAN DO THIS - when you feel the urge, log on.... I have been doing that - or I'll walk outside - I'll walk around the house, look at the birds in the backyard, stretch in the driveway, anything to get me out of the house for a few minutes to distract me - something about being outside.... I also get mad at myself, I think, "Ok, tomorrow morning, you are going to be SO PISSED at yourself for giving in" - sometimes I do give in and yes, I'm pissed but each time, it seems to mean more... we are here for you... maybe you need to have a plan in place as far as those times when you want to drink so bad..i.e., do you have a favorite Non AL drink? If so, have it premade in the fridge ready for you...put it in a pretty glass with lots of ice - go bye a pretty glass just for you and make it special - I know it sounds corny but sometimes these rituals work... all in all, just come here and everyone will help you through, you all have helped me so much in such a short time!!!! BEST....... ASH


        Needing Some Inspiration

        just do your best thats all you can do . and remember you have within yourself to do the right thing ..
        if you feel the need to drink do something else take a walk ,,go to the movies ,come her to the site and write how you feel and how you want to change yourself just to keep yourself busy a good book .. ANYTHING BUT AL ..stay strong and think positive.. you are not alone and we are here for you and you can do this ..
        peace , love and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Needing Some Inspiration

          Hi Gabby

          Hi Gabby,
          My husband can be away a lot too but for now it is generally just one night a week, usually a Wednesday. This is a night I feel hard anyway possibly because it is mid week and I am struggling and also because I usually work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and my 'reward' was always to sit down with a bottle of wine (or 2) on Wednesday night. Now I try to plan a different type of reward for myself after the kids have gone to bed and enjoy the 'own time'- cook something nice that I would not cook if my husband was there as he would not like it, have a nice bath, pick up a girly movie that again my husband would not really watch etc,, I am also using some of the AF wines at present and putting it into my usual glass... may stop that soon though as it is just as costly as wine and on a tight budget!...I also get him to phone me more regularly when he is away and to ask if I have bought wine - I have lied to him in the past but it made be feel so bad it made me more determined.
          Wishing you the best
          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


            Needing Some Inspiration

            Can you try to call some friends and schedule non drinking activities, like a movie (or go by yourself)? Do you post on one of the daily threads where there is a core group of people that posts most days? If so, post on it everyday (even bad ones). I have found it helps me.


              Needing Some Inspiration

              Get on these threads, and in the livechat! In my short 5 days, I've found it amazing. Just a tiny suggestion, everyone here is with you.


                Needing Some Inspiration

                Thanks for all of the great advice. I do have a lot of activities planned for the week (golf, lunch with friends, dinner w/ friends) and I have a lot to do around the house. I also just thought if the mood strikes me to drink (unfortunately it is usually in the back of my mind) I will just leave the house and not come back until it passes. I'll just stay on MWO and post all day if I have to! Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. I feel a little stronger already. Gabby
                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

