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    Hi all,
    I think this site is my new addiction. I was ready for bed about two hours ago but still here!
    I read in a couple of posts lately about a suggested connection between alcoholism and sensitivity. I have been thinking about that a lot today. I would consider myself to be very sensitive - not in the sense of taking insults easily (as I can get quite feisty believe it or not!) or letting someone walk all over me (except for AL) but being very sensitive to the needs of other people and to animals and sometimes even inanimate objects - apparently when I was small I used to go around saying hello and sorry to the table, door etc! I feel like I have put everyone else before myself, including animals and that now I am desperately needing to look after myself. My mother used to say 'I used to be a nice person but now I need people to be nice to me'
    In some ways this is helping me - I am thinking that I am sick, I need looking after etc.
    I have not been very long on this site and have gone for ages without logging in or posting but the one thing I have picked up on is how nice people seem, very caring, a lot very animal orientated, very quick to under value themselves etc.
    Anyway, just thinking aloud
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.



    Hey Bandit - You sound like mom has been telling me for the longest time, "you really needed to marry somebody who would wrap their arms around you at the end of the day and just take care of you.." - I too am completely over the wall about animals, children and anyone that needs taking care of... I have trouble driving in to work in the morning for fear of seeing a dead animal (or worse, an injured one) on the road...I have a terrible time with death, sadness, and suffering... I also love life... music, funky dancing around on the deck to the radio, playing with my kids in a super silly way and just acting like a nutcase - so there is a Ying and Yang totally going on - but the sensitive part takes over - I too can kick ass when needed but the basic sensitivity is there and has been a struggle my whole life - I'm the oldest of 5 and the other 4 discuss me as "the Sensitive one and the One that needs looking after"... I can totally see the link between the sensitive personalities and alcoholism - because life seems more difficult to cope with?? Maybe?? Who knows? I just understand where you are coming from... it's quite an interesting thought!!!



      Wow Bandit, you are very perceptive, and sensitive! I have told my therapist how much animals have helped me. I once told her I like animals more than people but when she shot me an alarmed look I told her it wasn't really quite that bad, LOL! I have never been hurt by an animal, atleast not intentionally. However, in my life I have been surrounded by people who seem to enjoy inflicting pain on me. This started with my Mother and then the pattern became my life. The masochists are attracted to us sensitive types and that is not OK! I too can totally defend myself, but why can't people just be nice? Anyway, I could really relate to what you wrote and I am also interested in this "sensitive people" phenomenon. Take Care, Myheart
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson



        i've been reading a book you all might be interested in picking up at the library..

        The Highly Sensitive Person
        by Elaine N. Aron

        It is helping me to understand that I need to give myself a break. Being sensitive is okay.
        Nite all! Joy



          One of the things I like about red wine, was that, for me it enhanced some sensitivites, but, I could not keep it at a rational amount. I would go into coma's, can't really feel the love there.

          I am most rested, when around animals. Use to live and work on a Ranch where I had a cabin right next to the "petting zoo" and the wild burro's and peacocks and other would just stick there head in to inquire.
          Loved it.

          Find some very tender souls here on this site. It keeps me , today, and has kept me many a lonely hour.

          At peace,


          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

