I think this site is my new addiction. I was ready for bed about two hours ago but still here!
I read in a couple of posts lately about a suggested connection between alcoholism and sensitivity. I have been thinking about that a lot today. I would consider myself to be very sensitive - not in the sense of taking insults easily (as I can get quite feisty believe it or not!) or letting someone walk all over me (except for AL) but being very sensitive to the needs of other people and to animals and sometimes even inanimate objects - apparently when I was small I used to go around saying hello and sorry to the table, door etc! I feel like I have put everyone else before myself, including animals and that now I am desperately needing to look after myself. My mother used to say 'I used to be a nice person but now I need people to be nice to me'
In some ways this is helping me - I am thinking that I am sick, I need looking after etc.
I have not been very long on this site and have gone for ages without logging in or posting but the one thing I have picked up on is how nice people seem, very caring, a lot very animal orientated, very quick to under value themselves etc.
Anyway, just thinking aloud