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Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

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    Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

    Ok guys, I need help quick! I hope some councelors, or someone on here can tell me what to do, besides relax, because I'm really having a hard time with that one. I've poste my story before, but for anyone new, here it is in a nutshell...never drank much, got drunk til nearly 40, so for about 10 yrs., daughter was 12, son 15....I never missed work when I was working, never left them, forgot them, missed an activity, didn't abuse them, except for the abuse seeing me drunk was, this wasn't that often, and I didn't drink daily. I was so just darn near perfect, that everytime I got drunk and was not behaving well, or scared them with my personality change, it was naturally scary for them. My daughter is my best friend, she's 22 now....there was one pretty bad episode, all my fault, when she was here at the house one night, she's in college and just lives a few miles away, stepson was in town, and was here also...his Mom has been a hard and heavy drinker, but functional most times, and successful too....(sound familiar about many of us?!)....anyway, I was very upset, and hubby and I were arguing and I'd held alot in, and it spewed out. Daughter went nuts, left, changed her cell number, I couldn't get her, I couldn't explain, went nearly a month without contact. I kept e-mailing her and kept in contact that way, this after she yelled and screamed, cussed me out, went as ballistic sober, as I was drunk. I promised her it'd never happen again, and it hasn't, a few times we both had a couple, once I did have too much on vacation, not ever again was it "ugly", just a tad tooted. She really thought and I'd told her, I had this under control, the bad incident, was 3 Christmases past. I've had 2 times with her knowing I overindulged, since. One was this Sat. night. I have been on the anabuse all week, done fine, and have mod'd well, except with a few slips after Bear died. I had no idea you lost your "resistence" so quick! I was going to keep the anabuse up over the weekend, then a big gathering came up to celebrate our horses win, and so I was going to take the anabuse again on Monday, so I could have a few celebration toasts, which has worked well. I decided to drank not my fav., which is wine, and so had margarita's with the others, had 2 and OMG, they must have had lots more liquor in them than I knew!!! Plus, I never drink hard liquor! I was toasted by the time we got home, and made the big mistake answering the phone, it was my daughter, and she went nuts, drove down here to see my "condition", it wasn't the greatest....I just went to bed, didn't say much, except I didn't mean for it to happen, and apologized. She stayed around and then left while I was still asleep. She won't answer her phone, has called our mutual councelor,
    that I'm really not very happy with, she knows I am on this site, she knows I have worked on this, she knows how very far I've come, but her hubby went to Hazelton, quit a high powered job to become a Phd in intervention, ditto she has a cert. for counceling, and when my daughter called her upset, to tell her what had happened, appartently the counselor, that I've known for 20 yrs., that also went to the Meadows for alcohol and Rx addiction, and has been ok for 27yrs., tells my daughter the last time she saw me....that I had a puffy face, lack of luster of my hair and skin, and was concerned about my health!!!! I had confided in her about my membership here, asked her to not discuss it with my daughter, and why she'd say that, knowing my daughter was overly, and a bit overzealous about the situation, I have no idea! She tells my daughter that I should enter the Meadows treatment center, that it was the best thing I could do. First off, and this is no denial or excuse, I'd been sick the night before I saw her last, and said so, and I guess she thought it was bunk...I was there on a separate issue concerning my son! Now, my daughter has written me awful e-mails, and she's a very sweet girl, but has told me she will not talk to be again unless I go to this Meadows place, period, no exceptions! She has told me I look like shit, which I do not, in fact, like many others have mentioned, I've had folks ask me what I've done my hair and skin look so much prettier. This has really, really hurt me. I know its my fault, my problem, my mistake, but it still hurts. I go to Johns Hopkins, they've checked me out totally, I told my Dr. there that I'd overindulged at times over the years, and could he check me out, I was working on cutting down and quitting, he did, I was fine. I don't need hospitalization and a 35 dy stint in some Meadows place. My daughter, whom is my best pal, we do tons together, travel, have a blast, do yoga together, I've supported her every dream, goal and always been here. She says she will cut me out of her life, I'll never know a thing about her, I'll never see her wedding when it happens, ditto any grandkids, if I don't go to this Meadows. I have told her I'd go to an AA meeting/s, if it'd help, that this is like AA and I have tons of friends and support here, and its very well respected, and the councelor told her "its worthless"...I told her I was taking anabuse, so drinking was off the table, and I'd stay on it, and never drink again, she insists on the Meadows. I can't even go there to appease her, I have cancer on my ins. now, and can't have anything else, or I won't have coverage in case of a relaspe, and can't afford this place. She's being very mean, and not bending. I called the councelor, told her I would do AA, and anabuse, and would she tell Alex that was a concession, and there was always time for something else. I think she will. She still thinks the only solutions to this, is inpatient treatment, I guess cuz that's how she and her hubby did it. My daughter is also threatening to come get "her" dog...."her" dog has lived here 2 yrs., and is like my child, I bought him, I pay his vet bills, he hates to have his routine interrupted, and gets sick everytime he has to stay elsewhere....I think thats another scare tactic, but to involve a poor innocent animal, and make its life miserable, away from his pals, and home, is just about as bad as what she feels I've done. I can't let that happen to him. I told her that this isn't something that is something I did on purpose, and that I thought families loved each other thru anything, I would her...that's its something inherited most likely, since my whole Dad's side of the family had it, and it should be looked at like diabetes, or arthritis. I know I've scared her, and not been perfect, I've admitted it, apologized, told her I love her....and still NADA.... Also, we've been planning a trip to Costa Rica forever, she goes almost everywhere with us, and its paid for in full, and in 2.5 weeks, she says she's not going now. I'm really freaking out.....please anyone that has any experiences, advice, I need it, and you guys, thanks!:upset:
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

    Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

    Oh, Tough in Texas,
    I do not have any real advice for you, other than young adults can be awfully self-righteous. They think they know better. She needs to understand that there are many "ways out" and the Meadows is not the choice or answer for you right now. I don't know her of course, but will she calm down in a day or 2? You are still the parent, and you have the right to make your own decisons about your health. It sounds like you are being fair, and she is blackmailing you (sorry if that sounds harsh). Just because her hubby has a PhD in intervention (whatever that means) doesn't mean it's the answer for everyone.

    I have been thiniking of you since we chatted last week (?) and sorry that you are in crisis. Please stay in touch and feel free to PM me. You might try Beth/Lucy Van Pelt, as she has a psych background. We are supporting you!


      Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

      TIT, I'm not a professional so I don't know how much help I can be but I'm sorry you are having this problem. I do know that what your counselor has done violates patient confidentiality and is unethical, as is telling someone they "have" to do a certain program. I personally would be so pissed I would probably report her and I would never see her again. As for your daughter, her reaction seems extreme as you were doing no harm to her in any way on Sat. I have no idea why she reacting this way but i do NOT think it is all your fault. There is clearly more going on here with her as she is being very controlling and punitive. Has she always been this overreactive?


        Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

        Hi Tough in Texas

        I am feeling uncharacteristically speechless, not sure what to advise.

        I hope you resolve this and am rooting for you.

        Personally, I don't think the approach she is taking is fair. I don't like it when family members put forward those ultimatims. But no doubt she thinks she is doing what is best for you.

        Take care and I hope you get some good advice from the others.


          Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

          Dear dear Tough
          My daughter, who is much younger, is also my best friend. Please, dearie, calm down. I think she just cares and loves you. You don't have to go to Meadows, you just have to get better. I believe that is what she is saying.
          Beyond your sad story, I was actually inspired, because I love my daughter so much, and I know they love us so much.
          She loves you and wants you back.
          Take care!


            Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!


            can you calm down so you can think? I am not in your shoes but being in a panic does not allow you to think rationally.

            I don't know what to tell you but I am sure that a lot of people here will know.

            It will be fine. Just take deep breaths.
            __________________________________________________ _

            Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


              Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

              I'm with you Louise. I would be so pissed with the doctor!!!! And as far as your daughter, I think she has been watching too much TV. You need to do this for yourself and no one else. Easier said than done because this is your daughter, but you have to do it your way and not be bullied.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                Oh , god TIT, I really feel for you right now. And I know exactly how you feel. My daughter and I are best friends, we always have been. I did not drink out of control ever, in fact I rarely drank at all when my kids were young. I started drinking while traveling on business at about the time my daughter was 15. The first time she saw me drunk she was 16. At that I wanted out of my marriage and had for years, and rather than just do that, I started drinking to stuff my feelings...etc. I will not go on about me, but I wanted you to know why I understand. We can share more anytime, if you think it might help!

                As you know, I have been AF for six months. It has been over ayear since my daughter has talked to me during a time that I had been drinking. Just recently we went out to lunch and a movie, afterwards we were sitting at Starbucks and she suddenly burst into tears. She told me that she is so happy that I no longer drink, she apologized for being mean to me in the past in regards to my drinking, then here is the clincher, she said that she would get upset because she thought I might die. After my cancer diagnosis in 2000, I began to drink more, she would call and she could tell if I had one glass of wine. She could always hear even the slightest change in my voice. It would make her furious!

                This is what I am trying to say. Your daughter loves you so much. She is very afraid of loosing you. Only recently did I come to realize that when I drank, I was completely lost to myself. I was not the real me. So, I could not be me to those I love and they were deeply hurt by this. I think your daughter thinks the Meadows is "The Answer". I think this counselor handled this whole situation badly!! Unprofessionally!

                Do you think it might help if your daughter read RJ's book? You two will mend this and it will be good again. You have so much love for each other. It may just take some time. Perhaps in a day or so, you could write her a letter and tell her the truth. Not promises, but the truth about how you honestly feel about everything? These are just some thoughts. Please know how much I love and care about you. I am always here for you.

                XXX Kate
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                  Hi Tex,

                  Big breath.

                  Wow. First...don't let her threaten you. That's just too much. Daughters don't do that to mothers. EVER.

                  Let her know that blackmail doesn't cut it either. Stand up straight and tall and take the ball back into your court. Tell her that YOU will not tolerate this sort of behavior from her as it is inexcusable. Don't be beaten down. Don't let her play mind games with you.

                  I wonder how much of what your daughter is saying is actually true and how much is "I'm so pissed off at mom right now.........." this will get a reaction out of her. It's hard to believe that your therapist would talk to her about you with out your consent but it happens.
                  I'd call the therapist and find out what really did happen.

                  You have told her the truth and that's all you can do. She will choose to believe you or not.

                  Stand firm Tex, you know what's best for you.

                  I have three older teenagers. It's hard.

                  I'd give myself a day or two before doing anything just to get it all straight in my head.
                  And then I'd have a witness with me as it will likely be an emotional meeting.

                  I hope daughter has calmed down by then too.

                  Nancy xxxxx
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                    I know I just got back, but so far so good....
                    Isn't Rhonda gonna be in Texas??? Is that something you're daughter would approve of? o
                    I think Barry said they only need a couple more to sign up and it's a go.
                    I'm sure it would be alot cheaper and only 4 days.


                      Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                      You are doing the best you can with what you know and who you are at the time. Please don't change what you know for what someone thinks they know.

                      So sorry that this happened to you.
                      Deep cleansing breaths.

                      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                        Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                        Sorry hear that TEX as we speak my son ranaway a week ago today, drew all his money out of the bank and headed back to san diego for his LOSER friends to get high. I have called every police department out there and they have there eyes open, calls me on tuesday tells me he loves me and If i continue to have the cops on his back he will go to another state. Its been a week I have called all his loser friends and they lie for him, the cops have been to one of his friends house and searched the place down ( looks like he wore out his welcome as all his Loser friends are paranoid because they all smoke and are afraid to get caught with pot. Today I hear from one of his friends he has gone to another state arizona> he knows no one there, I just dont believe his friends as san diego is where we are from ( moved to utah a year ago) I have 11 months sober and he just cant not take my rules.. he has no respect for me drunk or sober and I am at witts end ... All I can do is try and stay calm AND SOBER and it is very hard. so if anyone has any suggestions please send them to me. thanks for everyone being here I love this website


                          Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                          More2, I love you too, and you know that's why I told you first, I just feel kinda like you did over the weekend, sorta out of control with emotions. Kate, thanks so much for sharing that about your daughter, gives me hope, thanks very much! Magic you give me some guts back, thanks for that. I think her being my friend, has had a tad of role reversal, the things she wrote and said, after saying she could say it, cuz she had no respect for me, seemed really disrepectful, I am still her Mom. She wasn't with us Sat., she just knew I wasn't in good shape. Yes, she has usually over-reacted, and yes, I think she's scared, and me having the cancer issue, and things escalated with my over-indulgence, scared her more. Since then, I have really, really done better. I do feel blackmailed, and I do feel betrayed by my councelor friend, why she'd tell my daughter, knowing her reactions, this isn't the first time, why would she tell her she thought and I quote...."her face was puffy, her hair lacked lusture, and her skin looked bad", classic alcoholic "look"....she knew I'd been sick! And, she brought up the Meadows, it was where she was trained, my daughter doesn't know anything about that place...she also told me, because I did call her to find out what daughter said, to tell her the cussing and ultimatium I got, and that she'd told me I looked like "shit"...well, just the Friday before, she'd complimented me on an outfit and my hair, so that is bunk that she is now saying that, she's parrotting the councelor! I'm sure she's been told to "tough love this", but at 22, picking a place and making it what has to be done, is nuts to me, and wanting to kidnap, the dog that she's not home enough to take care of, like I can't take care of a dog? I've sure taken care of her, I'm not perfect, and 3 slips in 3 yrs. overall, doesn't seem like something she should ditch our relationship over. I'm sure she is upset, but she sure seems overly mean. I'm so glad I posted this, I do feel better, I think I've felt guilty, and coddled her too much maybe, and she likes to jerk my chain, and yes, threaten. She really doesn't understand. I'm going to try to get some sleep, I'm just heartbroken, sad, and upset at what she wrote, and at the councelor, esp. since I pay for daughter to see her, and I'd asked everything to be kept each to their own. I guess when daughter told her I'd gotten out of control, the councelor let loose with her "intervention" venegence. And its her hubby that has the Phd and does outpatient and interventions, daughter is single. I hope she will calm down, and go with us, and realize she's blackmailing, ya'll are right! Kate, again, I'm so happy for you and your daughter. Thanks to EACH OF YOU that replied, I'll feel better after a nights sleep I'm sure. Love you all! Tons!
                          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                            Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                            MWO2, thanks so much, seriously! Karb, OMG, I can't imagine, your ordeal makes mine pale. I just can't have her go awol on me again, its tooooo much, I do know where she is tho, and if push comes to shove, I can sit outside in a week or so, or walk in with my yoga mat to her class! Love you all, would not know how to cope without this site, its the best thing that has happened to me!
                            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                              Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                              Hi there,
                              Everyone has pretty much what I was thinking--much better than I could have said it.
                              I don't have any advice--just wanted you to know I care and I'll be praying things get better between the two of you. Remember, you ARE still the mom!:l:h

                              P.S. Your counselor was WAY out of line!!
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

